Corona Vax Ingredients Are Horrific Beyond Belief

Image: Anadoulu / Getty Images

What Ingredients are in the COVID-19 Vaccine? (We just got the answer to why people end up twitching until dead, or die on the spot)

Let me guess the troll response: “There’s nothing here saying it is dangerous if you inject it! They said no skin contact, don’t inhale it, don’t eat it, but they did not say don’t inject it, so that’s OK!!!

See more here:

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Comments (6)

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    David Stone CEng


    The problem may not be the vaccine, it may be the safety data sheet regulations that make even tap water dangerous! There are so many rules of what MUST be included that everything is dangerous! The H&S men love all this, it adds importance to everything. Tap water is very dangerous if you immerse yourself in it, drink excess of it, boil it (causes burns!), expose it to electricity etc. Common sense has gone out of the window. A bottle of poison, sodium cyanide, only has a warning that it poisonous, dangerous to aquatic creatures etc. The fact you could kill very many people with it is not included.

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      Tap water is not ‘fatal in contact with skin’.
      Tap water is not ‘suspected of causing cancer’.
      Tap water is not ‘suspected of damaging fertility of the unborn child.’
      Tap water is not…etcetcetc (unless you have a particularly poor quality of tap water).

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        Actually, chlorine in tap water was ‘proven’ in the 1970s, in Miami, I believe, to cause cancer. There is a link.

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    very old white guy


    There is no vaccine. Using a word does not mean that word creates the thing it is supposed to be describing.

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      Yes, that is a good point. It’s like saying you have a vial of arsenic and since I am calling it a vaccine that makes it safe.

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    Thanks the heavens we have the venerable FDA, CDC and pharma CEO’s looking out for us, their preferred class of lab rats. Maybe drinking bleach would be safer.

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