Connecting Apples, Climate Change and World War 3?

Or, ‘why we will all end up on three bowls of rice a day.’
We British used to joke about Mr Ying Tong living on one bowl of rice a day, but as we start to experience greater demand for global resources from the developing nations, we might all end up with the same on our plates.
Talking of food, I went to the supermarket today to get some apples.
Now I know. I am certain of it. I have long suspected it, but now I see clearly, why the quality of apples and other fruit has been diminishing over the years in the UK and also in Spain where I now spend a lot of time in my retirement.
Only a couple of years ago, I was still able to get hold of premium quality apples in the local supermarkets in Javea, but now the last of them has gone from their shelves. Those available today are relatively small, slightly unripe specimens, hard and with tough skins, and lacking in flavor.
It seems I have to put up with inferior quality fruit now wherever I live in Europe. Top quality fruit had long since disappeared in the UK shops but they’re gone in Spain now too.
It cannot be that the quality of fruit has suddenly and recently taken a dive amongst all the apple growers of Europe. The best fruit must be going somewhere else but where? It doesn’t take too much research on the internet to find they’ve gone East where Mr Ying Tong and Mr Singh have become rich.
They are now rich enough to pay a premium price for premium apples and so, of course, that’s where the sellers target their market, the “emerging markets” of the far East.
But why do I think there is a link between apples and things like “Climate Change” or even World War Three? Why are apples so important in the grand scheme of things? Well they’re not, but they do reflect a sinister, general trend in the global trading community that should be obvious to anyone with a free thinking mind who has not been indoctrinated by today’s, incessant propaganda on many of these current issues.

It all boils down to limited resources being divided amongst an ever growing demand from developing nations. As they get richer, their appetites for consumables encroaches into our already established needs and this includes ALL consumables, fruit, energy, fossil fuels, cars, everything. Clearly, this situation has to be “managed” if we are to avoid conflict and ultimately WWIII.
So, how to manage this situation? How to keep the Western markets satisfied, (they don’t want to lose our business after all), but at the same time, to feed the growing demands of the East in our pursuit of profit and our insatiable appetite for “growth”.
Clearly, we could never have fed the whole of China or even supplied them with all the goods and services to meet all their needs. Our capacities are limited despite our greed for profit. No, our strategy for China has been to help them develop themselves, from raw materials processing through manufacturing of basic materials such as plastics, power generation etc.
But this has come at a price and that price is energy consumption. China needed vast amounts of energy to support their growing economy and so they have been forced to increase their power generating capacity to levels we could not have imagined.
This unprecedented increase in energy demand has put enormous pressure on global fossil fuel resources and must have generated great concern in the West over energy price inflation which is disastrous for developed economies.
But we only have direct control over our own Western economies and so we have been forced to limit our own demands for fossil fuels in the attempt to avoid fuel price inflation, or at least to minimize it. Further into the future, we will remain concerned with inflation but will become more concerned about the allocation of energy resources, about rationing! So ultimately, it’s all about using less.
Now think about how you feel when you eat your next sub standard apple, knowing that Mr Ying Tong is scoffing your premium fruit while you are making much effect to continually chew the tough, tasteless peel. You’re not very happy with that are you? Now think about how you would feel about paying much more for your petrol (gas) and diesel, or even to be forced to use less of it, simply to let Mr Ying Tong use his share.

This definitely needs planning in terms of managing our expectations to get us to use less. We can manage people’s expectations and inflationary pressures, but ultimately, we need to do something about the limited supply, especially if we are to next encourage Africa to develop in the same way we have with China.
This is the true globalist “agenda”, not at all a bad thing, just, well,….. necessary. Currently we are not helping Africa, not because we are heartless, but more that we are simply not yet in a position to do so.
So the problem is this – How to change our Western attitudes towards the use of fossil fuels in order for us to accept we cannot use anywhere near as much of them. What would you do if you were a globalist leader at the annual globalist meeting in Davos, (Charterhouse rules – no minutes)? Isn’t it obvious? Collectively, you must find a way, a strategy, to “engineer” Western behaviour toward the use of fossil fuels and to get us to use less and less.
Only then will we be in a position to encourage Africa and elsewhere to develop economically. That strategy is clear to all now. It has been to demonise fossil fuels as the major contributor to the fabricated disaster of man made global warming or, climate change. To create a fictional problem so that we can apply the solution we want to suit our globalist needs.
Now I am not entirely against the ultimate goal of a developed world, but we must become more savvy if we are to prevent the whole of Africa sailing across the Mediterranean, to enjoy the trappings of Western culture, if we are to stop boat loads of economic migrants sailing across the English channel, grappling at the white cliffs of Dover.
They understandably want to grab some of our already stretched housing and infrastructure amongst other things. That is not the way forward and it will not be long now until it becomes clear we will not tolerate any more of it.
We are in a holding pattern. I am afraid we must disappoint these people for the time being until we can support more countries with their need to develop, to spread the limited resources ever more thinly among more economies and use even less ourselves. Harsh though this might sound to some of our liberal progressive citizens, it is nonetheless essential for our global well being. It is an essential part of the plan to globalize.
In the meantime, anyone offering citizenship, open borders and the like to all these pitiful displaced persons, either from war or by choice, is being rather optimistic. They have got the timings completely wrong and this is all about timing.
Anyone believing we must “Save the Planet” from the ravages of CO2, that we must help all who come knocking at our door (however wet), that we are remotely capable of saving the planet and saving humanity, are deluding themselves. They have bought the party line hook line and sinker. They have chosen to believe whatever they have been told to believe. They have stopped thinking for themselves.
The fundamental problem however, is not about resources or energy or climate. It is beyond these issues but is an intrinsic part of them. It is about population control, but that doesn’t mean culling or murdering people, it means breeding less.
If we do not courageously confront this fundamental issue, then we place ourselves at the mercy of fate. We lose control over our future as a species and we risk extinction. We simply cannot go on indefinitely growing in numbers and expect to retain our standard of living both materially and ethically.

Ultimately, it is about respect for human beings and if we do not keep one eye on this crucial aspect of society (global society), while we try to sort the rest out, we risk sleepwalking into a dystopian future where population has grown to such levels that we end up using our own dead meat to feed the living, frighteningly depicted in the film “Soylent Green” with Charlton Heston.
In the meantime, enjoy your apples (if you can)
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