Confronting The Realities Of Fraudulent Scientists
The Union of Concerned Scientists says 100% of scientists agree that droughts, heatwaves, and fires are getting worse.
Global Warming | Union of Concerned Scientists
Remarkable that 100% of scientists would be wrong on all counts.
According to NOAA, the US is having its second wettest year on record. Droughts are becoming much less common in the US.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
According to the US Forest Service, forest fires are down 80% over the past 80 years.
Indicator 3.16: Area and percent of forest affected by abiotic agents
NOAA temperature data shows that the frequency of hot days has plummeted over the past century.
UCSUSA also says 100% of scientists agree that sea level rise is accelerating.
There has been no change in sea level at Lower Manhattan for 20 years.
Sea Level Trends – State Selection
NOAA tide gauge data shows that sea level rise rates peaked 60 years ago.
Sea Level Trends – Variation of 50-year Mean Sea Level Trends
The Union of Concerned Scientists is lying on all counts. They are trying to raise money and influence government by committing blatant fraud.
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