Condescending BBC cools on global warming
If there were a webcam in Hades, I would imagine we could all tune to watch Satan shivering in the eternal lake of fire (which itself would have lost its inferno).
Hell has frozen over.
The BBC has reported [commented here] it is “more likely than not” that the Earth is entering a period of intense cooling. Why is this so remarkable? Because as much as any news outlet in the world, the British Broadcasting Corporation has been a cheerleader for global warming alarmism for the past 15 years. No, that’s the wrong analogy.

Cheerleaders are largely appealing characters. The BBC has been more like an inquisitor, cruelly enforcing the alleged global warming consensus with a sadistic glee.
The Brit equivalent of our own CBC, the Beeb has, if anything, been even more sneering, smug and condescending than Canada’s Mother Corp toward those who dared question the “settled science” about climate change.
The use of the word “deniers” to discredit global-warming skeptics — a word designed to smear doubters as the moral and intellectual equals of Holocaust deniers — appeared early and often at the BBC.
Four years ago, when e-mails leaked from the world’s top climate scientists showing them frantically trying to cover up the fact that the Earth had stopped warming in about 1998 (at exactly the same time the UN was imposing the Kyoto accord on the developed world to limit carbon emissions), the BBC jumped into full defence mode.
It lauded the scientists who had been exposed. Rather than vain careerists who were fudging the data and endeavouring to keep their critics from being published in respected scientific journals, the Beeb portrayed them as brave knights attempting to slay the evil dragons of Big Oil and Big Carbon.
They were not serial dissemblers. No, to the BBC these climate scientists were victims of a smear campaign designed to preserve profits and prevent the world’s governments from taking much needed action to preserve our planet.
They were treated with nearly as much saintly veneration as the CBC treats David Suzuki. How dare anyone doubt their veracity?
So it was gobsmacking this week to see the BBC report on the work of scientist Mike Lockwood of Reading University in the U.K.
Lockwood (and dozens of other scientists) believes the sun is about to enter a period of low activity unseen in the past 10,000 years. This could, in turn, lead to a prolonged period of global cooling the likes of which the Earth has not experienced in at least two or three centuries — long, brutal, snowy winters coupled with cool, wet, pathetic summers.
In other words, our climate might be in for a Little Ice Age, according to the BBC.
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