Cold Canada and the Global Warmers
As parts of Canada are today reported to be colder than the North Pole, and as Minnesota and Mount Washington report record lows of minus 36 degrees centigrade, as the UK suffers under ice, snow and freezing rain we are still assailed from all sides by the cries of Anthropogenic or Man made Global Warming.
Why, Prince Harry is at it interviewing his own father, Prince Charles, and he throws in ex President Obama to boot. All of these are worshippers of Almighty Al Gore. On top of this perhaps the most popular and celebrated scientist on the Planet produces Blue Planet watched by millions, in which he avers that the oceans are warming, the corals are bleaching, and he consults another scientist who declares that all this warming is caused by atmospheric Carbon Dioxide – all of which is swallowed wholesale by millions of the uncritical multitude.
So here is a question for you all. Do the oceans warm the atmosphere or does the atmosphere warm the oceans? It is a pretty simple question. If you get this wrong then everything that follows will be wrong.
Here is another question: Does hot air always rise? Tell me have you ever known heat to go downwards? Have you ever seen a candle flame go downwards? Or the flames from a bonfire? Answer: You know as well as I do that flames always go upwards, sometimes with terrifying speed, as witness the recent fires in high rise buildings.
Why then do normal intelligent men and women accept the gobbledegook that the the atmosphere warms the Earth and the oceans? Even a simpleton knows that it it is the oceans primarily that warm the atmosphere and that all the gases in the atmosphere carry the heat upwards and away.
The Warmists have a cosy theory that some way up heat is trapped. This idea is even put forward solemnly by so – called eminent Physicists. Gee! I am no Physicist, but I know that heat can never be trapped. If that were possible it would have been done long ago.But just say they were right and some heat got trapped 500 feet up, would that affect the oceans? Tell me, have you ever known heat to flow downwards? It simply does not happen.
So some men may have a lot of knowledge but are deficient in their reasoning powers. Sometimes,alas, this deficiency is aided by the great god, Money, sometimes called the force of material things.
The idea that mankind can control the temperature of the Planet is so ludicrous that it defies belief, yet millions have accepted this nonsense. Prelates and Prime Ministers alike join together solemnly to fight against the weather, declaring war on climate change. Can anything be more absurd?
Some science…..
What reaches you is not heat but radiation. When radiation encounters mass heat is produced. When the Sun’s radiation passes through the vacuum of space, no heat is produced. Why? In a vacuum there is nothing- it is by definition empty, so there is nothing to get hot.
So when the sun shines the Earth warms up, because it has mass. The Earth and the Oceans then warm the atmosphere from the bottom up. The atmosphere is like a great escalator which carries the heat of the Earth upwards and away.
Of course everyone is against pollution. Every single half awake person is in favour of preserving the Planet. But it has got mixed up with a lot of nonsense about Carbon and Carbon Dioxide.
Carbon is an element of the periodic table. We are Carbon, the food we eat is Carbon, so those who cry for a Carbon free planet are just ignorant. They rail against a Carbon footprint. They distinguish not between Carbon the element, and Carbon Dioxide a trace but important gas.
Every single one of us, every single member of the Subud Brotherhood, is inhaling oxygen and exhaling Carbon Dioxide at the rate of 40,000 parts per million Carbon Dioxide. It is the same with all animals and bacteria. Do you imagine that the Good Lord who created us all was against emissions of Carbon Dioxide? No, because Carbon Dioxide is a food for grass, for leaves, for plankton, for everything that is Green. And plant life says ‘thank you’ and returns the compliment by producing the oxygen by which all of us live.
Without Carbon Dioxide the world would turn brown and die, and every single living creature on the surface of this Planet would die also. Happily for us the Good Lord has so arranged it that the vast proportion of Carbon Dioxide is produced by Great Nature. Even then this highly beneficial gas only constitutes but 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the gases of the atmosphere.
In the big scheme of things the amount produced by burning fossil fuels is negligible. But it is still beneficial. Carbon Dioxide is a clear colourless gas, not to be confused with smoke. In no way is it a pollutant.
On the other hand smoke contains particulates, which are harmful, and consequently great care is taken in some quarters to scrub smoke.More needs to be done in this area, since coal is still by far the cheapest source for producing electricity. The wealth of the third world depends upon coal, gas and oil.
Luckily great strides are being made in Africa, in most unlikely places like, Niger, Nigeria and Ethiopia. The world is evolving in spite of all that is hideous, constantly reported on the news. Not just in Africa – I forgot Kenya – but also across mighty Russia, across China, everywhere in fact. I am sure that if we were able to see the overall picture of our Planet, we would concede, we humans are on the march.
In spite of ourselves I believe that the whole human race is evolving. Can I explain why? No Siree! It is just a hunch. Naturally we think of ourselves as individuals – it is difficult even to conceive of ourselves as part of a larger body.
So I wish you all a Happy New Year where we can all engage with Reality.
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