Coke Whistleblower Exposes Big Food
In this video Russell Brand speaks to Calley Means, the Founder of TrueMed as a whistleblower on big food and big pharma. The discussion centres around the new obesity drug Ozempic which theoretically is going to be given to every overweight and obese person over the age of 12.
However, this drug needs to be taken for life as there are severe side effects if you stop taking it. The American Associate of Paediatrics is making obese teens into lifelong patients rather than dealing with the core problem which is poisonous processed foods. This is a huge distraction tactic by big pharma as this new drug will cost trillions making it the most expensive drug in American history.
Pharma is controlling the narrative and many companies like Coca Cola rig the system so we aren’t getting the real picture of what we should be eating in order to be healthy. We have to remember that processed food companies pay 11 times the amount into food research which is another method to cause confusion among the people.
They have funded several studies and the medical system remains silent on these issues as they are the ones profiting. The rate of disease is rising and the medical system is gaslighting people into becoming sick and becoming lifelong patients while ignoring the fact that all these issues can be traced back to diet. A leading Harvard Doctor even claimed that obesity is genetic and not linked to food or diet at all and this means we are being poisoned by a rigged food system.
Agriculture models alongside industrialisation means the food we are being feed is the most profitable not the most healthy and coupled with the fact that nutrition classes aren’t taught in medical school instead choosing to focus on treatment through drugs means that 25% of children have pre-diabetes. We need to focus more on the interconnectivity of what happens inside our bodies and how diet impacts this.
Source: YouTube
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They will always tell you that you need to take a drug for life and therefore you never heal or reverse the damage. It’s a big fat big pharma lie. How good can it be if you suffer severe withdrawal symptoms by stopping it?
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Ahhh … government health care … just what the doctor … and the voter wanted.
Circle jerk
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Well they plan to GMO all the food and serve us cancer burgers so you’ll need lots of shots just to exist. every fix will now come from the end of a needle.
T. C. Clark
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The breakfast food aisle in the grocery store is full of bright red and yellow boxes of sugar coated stuff to attract the kiddies and adults. The soft drink aisle id full of sugar and sweeteners which are as bad as the sugar. Reduce the sugar and salt…less carbs….more green veggies….sweet potatoes and carrots…an egg per day….probably the greatest improvement to the population at no cost.