CNN Hypes Junk Science on ‘Insect Apocalypse’
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CNN, among other bedwetting mainstream outlets, is again hard at work hyping how humans are destroying the planet. Here is their latest really, really scary offering:
It’s being called the unnoticed apocalypse: The number of insects is declining rapidly and 41% of bug species face extinction, scientists say.
“If these massive declines continue, the ramifications are enormous,” said Dave Goulson, a professor of biology at the University of Sussex in the UK and the author of a new report on insect decline for the UK Wildlife Trusts.
“Three quarters of our crops depend on insect pollinators. Crops will begin to fail. We won’t have things like strawberries,” he told CNN.
“We can’t feed 7.5 billion people without insects.”
However, the report says we can all act as first responders and take relatively simple steps to help reverse what the report describes as a “catastrophic decline in the abundance and diversity of insects.”
“Insects live in our parks and gardens. Gardeners can really make a difference,” he said.
“The bigger challenge is making farming more wildlife-friendly. Pesticide reduction targets. That would help enormously.”
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Andy Rowlands
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What will they think of next to blame human activity for? Anyone would think these people are advocating there being less humans on the planet, but surely no-one would make such a scurrilious suggestion 🙂
Finley Boland
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Hi, out of curiosity, why is this being labelled Junk in your opinion?
Finley Boland
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Hi, out of curiosity, why is this being labelled Junk in your opinion?