Climatologist: Human Impact On Sea Level Rise Is Fairly Small
There is a continuing debate over sea level rise, especially how much will occur in the future. The most annoying part of the news media reporting on the issue is that they imply sea level rise is all the fault of humans.
This is why the acceleration of sea level rise is what is usually debated, because sea level has been rising naturally, for at least 100 years before humans could be blamed. So, the two questions really are (1) Has sea level rise accelerated?, and (2) how much of the acceleration is due to humans?
Yesterday’s spat between Gavin Schmidt and Willis Eschenbach dealt with the question of whether sea level rise has accelerated or not. Gavin says it has. Willis says not, or at least not by a statistically significant amount.
I’m going to look at the data in a very simple and straightforward manner. I’ll use what I believe is the same data they did (Church & White, from CSIRO, updated through 2013 here), and plot a trend line for the data before 1950 (before humans could reasonably be blamed), and one for the data after 1950:
If we assume that the trend prior to 1950 was natural (we really did not emit much CO2 into the atmosphere before then) and that the following increase in the trend since 1950 was 100% due to humans, we get a human influence of only about 0.3 inches per decade, or 1 inch every 30 years.
Even though it looks like there is some evidence of even stronger acceleration more recently, sea level has varied naturally on multi-decadal time scales, and it is dangerous to extrapolate any short-term trends far into the future.
Climate models aren’t of much help in determining the human contribution because we have no idea how much of recent warming and the glacial melt was natural versus human-caused.
Models still can’t explain why glaciers started melting in the mid-1800s, just like they can’t explain why it warmed up so much from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s.
The bottom line is that, even if (1) we assume the Church & White tide gauge data are correct, and (2) 100% of the recent acceleration is due to humans, it leads to only 0.3 inches per decade that is our fault, a total of 2 inches since 1950.
As Judith Curry mentioned in her continuing series of posts on sea level rise, we should heed the words of the famous oceanographer, Carl Wunsch, who said,
“At best, the determination and attribution of global-mean sea-level change lies at the very edge of knowledge and technology. Both systematic and random errors are of concern, the former particularly, because of the changes in technology and sampling methods over the many decades, the latter from the very great spatial and temporal variability. It remains possible that the database is insufficient to compute mean sea-level trends with the accuracy necessary to discuss the impact of global warming, as disappointing as this conclusion may be.”
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Why? .. are too many people pissing in the oceans now?
Puleeezz… give me a break … “Human Impact On Sea Level Rise” .. that is just side splitting laughable. There are more than 326 million trillion gallons of water on this planet, and even more below the crust. How in the world could “humans” possibly affect sea level rise??
Freaking stupid morons. Just on the face of it, it is absolutely absurd!
James McGinn
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Yep, our planet is filled with morons that once they believe something they never stop. Never. For example, once somebody–anybody–is dumb enough to believe that H2O turns gaseous in the atmosphere they never stop believing it. Yourself included.
Stop whining about people that won’t do what you won’t do.
So get off your high horse, you frickin moron. Just like the global warming weenies you believe nonsense. The same is true for the rest of the PSI morons. You believe shit for no other reason than that somebody told you it was true.
Go ahead, moron, tell us why you believe H2O magically turns to gas in the atmosphere. Tell us why you believe convection powers storms despite the fact that this notion is nothing but an untested conjecture.
You believe meteorology’s fairy tales why not extend the same courtesy to climatology? None of the pretentious twits on this forum are dispassionately objective. You aren’t a scientist. You are an ideologue.
James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes
Martin Hertzberg
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Whether one uses the tide gauge data for the last 100 years or the satellite data for the last 30, there is no evidence of acceleration in the rate of rise of sea level: just a constant 2-3 mm per year (
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Oh yea start date 1880, humm.
Planet was cooler then?
Has the planet warmed by just under 1°C since then?
Does water expand when warmed?
And the IPCC answer is….
…………………………..? ALARMING manmade sea level rise. ?