Climate Professor Quits Biased Global Warming IPCC
Dutch Professor Richard Tol has resigned from the Climate Panel of the UN. Professor Tol disagrees with the biased negative conclusions of the latest UN climate report. The consequences of climate change are being systematically over-estimated, according to him.

The UN IPCC presented its fifth climate report in Yokohama at the end of last month. The IPCC says if there are no changes in world-wide climate policies then the chance of calling a halt to further warming of the earth will be lost, says the report’s most important conclusion and warning.
But, according to Professor of Climate Economy Tol, the tone of the report is grossly “alarming and apocalyptic”. The consequences of climate change are being over-estimated. “This over-estimation is encouraged by the self-selection of authors and references within the Panel” Tol told the Belgian newspaper De Morgen.
There are top scientists in the UN IPCC, but there are nonetheless many mediocre researchers. Besides which there are a number of people who have the right political connections. The organisation is directed and controlled by people who benefit from climate policy. The UN IPCC is directed from within the environmental lobby and not from within the science.”
Consequently Professor Tol has resigned from the Panel with immediate effect. He has been dissatisfied for a long time. According to Tol two official investigations have indicated that there is systematic over-estimation of the consequences of climate change within the UN’s IPCC.
Translated from Dutch to English by Hans Schreuder. Below is the original Dutch article from:
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