‘Climate Not About Controlling The Weather, It’s About Controlling You!’

greta house climate hearing

Global warming isn’t really about climate but about leftist-control freakery, said author, lawyer, and energy expert Steve Milloy to Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Sirius XM.

Milloy said CO2 emissions are never going to go down because they are a product of human progress.

But we shouldn’t worry because this is just another sign of rising living standards.

“The bottom line is ‘climate’ is not about controlling the weather; it’s about controlling you,” Milloy told Marlow, in a broad-ranging discussion about global warming and the hypocrisy of the environmental movement.

Marlow began by expressing skepticism about some of the claims made by environmental advocates, especially the celebrities who insist that the planet is doomed while continuing to fly everywhere.

His particular obsession, he said, was the ever-worsening Los Angeles traffic: shouldn’t the environmentalists have solved this problem by now? How did it get to become so bad that celebrities – such as the Kobe Bryant – now choose to fly over it in helicopters instead?

Milloy said:

“There is not a climate bedwetter who is not a total hypocrite. They all claim they are worried about climate change but they don’t do anything to reduce their own emissions. Not that that would make any difference anyway […]

Emissions are never going to down. Our lives are entirely dependent on fossil fuels. There is no replacement. Emissions are going up. There’s nothing anybody is doing to cut them. Even when they reduce their emissions all they’re are doing them is transferring them to China.”

But none of this is a problem because standards of living are continuing to rise and rise, Milloy said.

By the end of this century, there may be another five billion people on the planet but global warming will help rather than hinder them: the extra warmth and the extra atmospheric CO2 are helping to green the planet, meaning that it is possible to feed more people.

Why then, Marlow asked, do they keep on telling children that they are doomed? Milloy said:

Climate change is completely counterfactual. There’s nothing to support the narrative. What does the left want? Control over all our lives.

And part of its strategy was to start propagandizing children, which they began 15 or 20 years ago to the point where it is second nature to them to think: “We are destroying the planet […] It’s a form of psychological warfare. They want it to be on everybody’s mind.

Milloy cited the Australian bush fires as an example of this strategy: there have been many bushfires in Australia before (including a particularly destructive outbreak in 1939) and there is strong evidence that the latest was exacerbated by arson and by improper land management.

But it suits the left not to address these issues because the disaster helps their cause, Milloy observed:

They like to see the world burning because it plays into their psychological narrative.

This, Milloy and Marlow agreed, explains why in California so little has been done to address the underlying causes of wildfires. The greenies don’t want to solve the problem because it helps their cause.

Finally, Milloy talked about Greta the Climate Puppet:

She’s fronting a movement and it’s hard to know who is behind it. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany – German intelligence told her that [Russian leader Vladimir] Putin was funding this Youth Climate Strike movement, which Greta fronts […] but you made a good point at the beginning.

It’s really pathetic that climate has now come down to this 17-year-old girl who admits that she knows nothing about climate science. When she testified in Congress and they asked her to describe why she was worried, she couldn’t […]

It’s really ridiculous. The faces of the climate movement are Greta, a 17-year-old school drop-out who knows nothing, actors like Leonardo di Caprio, and Hanoi Jane Fonda. This is supposed to be a genuine crisis – yet this is who is pushing it.

Read more at Breitbart

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Comments (15)

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    There won’t be another 5 billion people on this planet by the end of this century. Fertility rates are already plummeting worldwide and the more prosperous, industrialized and modernized a society becomes, the more the fertility rate drops. By the end of this century, we will have many new problems as world population begins to plummet.


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      Charles Higley


      Here, here! I would be surprised if we top 9 billions souls. Even the birth rate in many under developed countries has been dropping. And, yes, as the age structure of our populations change with increased longevity, there will be real challenges.


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      And if the Birthstrikers succeed, there’ll be a lot less Liberals, if it’s hereditary. :-{}


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        paul scott


        Yes the lunatics on the left will unbreed themselves out of the world with >> abortion > no families > hatred of humanity itself >and losses in the international civil wars .


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      Carbon Bigfoot


      Where 5G has been implemented in Britain there has been a 67% reduction in male sperm count—72% is considered apocalyptic —you blokes are on the way out!!


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        paul scott


        That level of infertility sounds planned to me. I am older but I am advising all my friends to seek quiet places and forgo 5G. We can spend more time looking at nature ad leading a simple rewarding life


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    Andy Rowlands


    If we take the 800-year temperature – CO2 time lag as accurate as the ice cores tell us, as long as CO2 continues to respond to the Medieval Warm Period, it ain’t going anywhere but up.


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    But Andy haven’t you heard only man can possibly change co2 levels


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      Andy Rowlands


      Oh yes of course, silly me 🙂


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    Kerry Clark


    I hate to break it you but, we’re actually heading for a Mini Ice Age again according to the low solar flare activity! Mankind survived the last one but, it definitely “culled the herd”!


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    Dr Roger Higgs


    Increasing CO2 is beneficial and does not affect climate. IPCC looks back only 150 years and ignores geologists, the very specialists most aware of constant climate change and its controls, namely orbital, solar and volcanic (and certainly not CO2), throughout Earth’s 4.5 billion-year history …





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      “…IPCC looks back only 150 years and ignores geologists…

      Dr. Higgs, the IPCC ignores more than that. The IPCC ignores the fact that CO2 is NOT a thermodynamic heat source. CO2 cannot raise the temperature of the planet. An ice cube emits a photon with more energy than the CO2 15μ photon.


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    Charles in VA


    “There is not a climate bedwetter who is not a total hypocrite.”

    HA HA HA!

    Couldn’t have said it better, and I’m a good mind to appropriate that for future use!


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      paul scott


      There is not a climate bedwetter who is not a total hypocrite.” this is a good meme to be repeated over and over and over again till they jump over a hot cliff.


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    Mark Matis


    The way of the tribe.


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