Climate Models: Earth’s Atmosphere is a ‘bigger back plate’

This article is part of a series by Geraint Hughes.

Frizzlers are always telling you what you need to do is cut back, have less children, drive smaller cars, use less energy and pay more tax and just die off, evil human, you know, because your presence is just such a pain for liberal elites to deal with. It’s all a con, a scam and nothing else.

Don’t ever pay money for a CO2 reduction device and don’t pay any Carbon Taxes, refuse. Go on protest, send letters to your energy company, send letters to politician, tell your school to stop teaching lies.

In this Illumination I will show:-

  1. You will see that “the system of two flat plates” can maintain temperatures exactly as with just the one two sided flat plate.

  1. Explain how the atmosphere is three dimensional, has more surface area and is essentially acting like a massive back plate.

A Single Two Sided Flat Plate In Space

Using the steady state equation we can easily determine the temperature of a two sided flat plate in space. 0 = ά E A(a) – έ A (e) σ T4. If the Solar Constant of emission of energy E = 1367 w/m2 and the flat plate is a simple 1m2 x 1m2 with an A / E Ratio of 1 then the two sided plate will have a temperature of 331.35 K. This flat plate will emit energy at a rate of 683.5 w / m2 each side.

Diagram 1 – A Two Sided Flat Plate in Space

If there is a liquid or gaseous medium, surrounding, joining or binding the objects then the heat transfer processes of conduction, convection and latent heat transfers nullify all view factor effects as they act as bridges to transfer heat energy.

Adding a Heat Transfer Medium to the Mix – Conductance

If I added a heat transfer medium such as air or water between two plates, then what happens is the “system” equalizes temperatures between the two plates. This is because as heat transfers from the front plate, it reduces the temperature of the front plate and as the heat transfer medium warms, it becomes possible for the medium to transfer its heat to the second plate. The medium, is adding an additional path of heat transfer from the first plate to the second plate, increasing the rate of heat loss from the first and acting as a heat source to the second. This has the effect of warming the second plate.

Given enough time, and enough medium this will cause equilibrium to occur.

The rate of heat transfer because of conductance is calculated as follows.

Q / t = ( k A (T1-T2) ) / d whereby :-

k = Thermal Conductivity.

d = Distance of material.

A = Area of material.

T1 = Temperature of First Barrier.

T2 = Temperature of Second Barrier.

So in two plate’s example, if I was to add air, then the rate of heat transfer would be as follows.

k air = 0.024 w / m k d = 0.001m A = 1 with T1 and T2 unknown.

Heat conduction process can be the dominant factor in heat transfer, if it transfers more energy than radiation.

This is the reason that thermos flasks work better when they utilise a vacuum instead of air. The air acts as a bridge between the two barriers and increases the rate of heat transfer between the two surfaces. Having a vacuum reduces the rate of heat transfer and enables the contents of the flask to stay warmer for longer.

The presence of air enables heat to transfer from the first plate to the second plate with ease. Because molecules of air bounce into the plate and then move across to other side and heat the second plate, transferring energy as they do so.

The above of course assumes no heat losses from the air between the plates would occur, which of course it would, reducing overall system temperatures.

We do not need to be reliant on just air conductance. Convection is an effective means of heat transfer also. If we increased the gap between the plates, then the rate of conduction would decrease but the rate of convection would increase.

Convection in the Heat Transference Medium

Convection is a highly effective mechanism for heat transfer, especially for liquids and gases. The movement of the molecules in the air allows for them to bash into each other and thus cause a transfer of energy when the molecules have temperature differences.

The convection heat transfer equation is as follows:-

Q = hc A (T1-T2) whereby:-

hc = convective heat transfer co-efficient.

A = Area.

T1 and T2 are the temperatures of the two barriers.

The heat transfer co-efficient is varies not only with the type of gas but also on the velocity of the gas. The higher the velocity the higher this heat transfer co-efficient will be.

For air this is. Hc = 10.45 – v + 10 v1/2

So in our example, if I assumed 1mm was enough space to start up a convection current, (which it would not be, the frictional forces would prevent it in such a small space) and then also assumed that the plates were still and air had no velocity to speak off, we would have a convective co-efficient of air of just 10.45.

Now a point to note is, on the Earth the rate of heat transfer as a result of convection is much higher than this, because air speeds are often not still but can be 20, 30, 50 mph or even more. This would have a massive multiplier effect on the amount of energy transferred because of convection into the atmosphere.

Latent Heat Transfer

When water evaporates, sunlight energy is converted into latent energy in the water. This causes the water to vaporise into the air and remains inside the water vapour.

When the water vapour converts back into water droplets, this latent heat energy is converted back into heat which provides a warming effect to the air around it as it does so.

This has the effect of transferring heat from the surface and to the troposphere, which is another heat transfer process which could be used in the plate to plate example to reduce the temperature difference further still.

The more methods there are for transferring heat from one side to the other, the more and more any temperature difference which exists is offset.

Atmosphere increases the Surface Area for Emission.

The atmosphere sits on top of the planet. This in effect means that the planetary atmosphere has a larger emission area than the surface of the Earth.

This means that the back plate is going to be a much more effective radiator and because not all of its radiation comes back towards the front plate, some is lost out to space.

So the back plate (or the atmosphere which it represents) becomes something which reduces the temperature of the front plate.

Now if we go back to the plate to plate example, what happens if we increase the size of the back plate to reflect this increase in emission area, which the atmosphere represents?

Well, what we find is that the amount of energy coming back from the back plate, is less, this is because more of the back plate is exposed to space. See Diagram 2

In this example I have of course assumed that the back plate won’t be in receipt of any energy from the sun. In the real world, of course the rate at which the atmosphere absorbs sunlight will act to increase the absorption rate and therefore the rate at which energy is absorbed.

Table of energy exchanges with Larger Plate including air conductance transfer

Iteration No

Front Plate

Back Plate


Specific Heat Capacity of Plate

Solar In

Plate out (Space)

Temp Front Plate

Plate Out (Internal)

Energy Stored in Front Plate

Plate Out (Internal)

Temp Back Plate

Plate Out (Space)

Energy Stored in Back Plate

Temp Diff

Q Rate of Thermal Conductance

Total Space















I used a computer to perform the iterations and it calculated the steady state conditions after just 1490 iterations if I assumed no losses from the system. This is allowing for only air conductance in the 1mm spacing. (I used 1mm space to maximise radiation view factors) With large spacing the view factor reduces, as would conductance, but then convection would increase, as would system losses. Meaning, even cooler temperatures than above.

Performing a radiation exchange check using the following formulae to ensure accuracy of radiation exchange’s.

Q = e σ (Th4-Tc4)

Q = 1 x 5.67E-08 x (8,182,924,895 – 5,308,807,992)

Q = 1 x 5.67E-08 x (2,874,116,902.71)

Q = 162.96 Watt’s which exactly matches the rates on the schedules and drawings. Therefore I can know with absolute certainty that there are no errors in these calculations.

Diagram 2 Larger Back Plate with Air Conductance

Here you can see that the back plate is responsible for a greater proportion of the emissions out into space, despite holding lower temperatures.

You can see that in this example, the temperature difference is 31deg K.

What happens to the temperatures if I include a small amount of convection?

The first surface cools further still as more of its energy is transferred into the back plate. The front plate maintains a temperature of 295.71 K with the back plate being 272.17 K.

These temperature differentials are now resembling how the Earth is, with a warm surface and a cooler troposphere and Stratosphere, emitting a greater proportion of the energy into space.

Now, the surface of the Earth at any point can only emit one way, upwards and out into space. Items in the atmosphere however can emit in all directions. And that includes to the sides. A cube shaped object in the troposphere, will be emitting not 50{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of its radiation down to the surface but something more along the lines mere 16{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} to 25{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} with the remaining 83 to 75{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} going out to space. All objects in the atmosphere, including gases and clouds are all doing the same thing. This means all of the atmosphere is acting like a much bigger back plate.

Atmosphere has more volume and surface area than the Earth

Now, is the back plate of the atmosphere really bigger than the front plate? Well yes indeed it is.

If I assumed that the Earths diameter was 12,756 km then the surface area of the Earth would be 511,185,933 km2. If I assumed the troposphere was just an additional 17km, then the surface area is 513,914,606.80 km2. This represents an increase in surface area of almost 3 million square kilometres. At 2,728,674.28 km2. That’s in terms of equivalence that’s like missing out of all of India. If I go out to the stratosphere with 50km height, this difference increases to over 8 million square kilometres equivalent to Brazil and if I go right out to the Earths Karman line, which represents the boundary of the atmosphere of 100km the difference increase further still to 16 million square kilometres which is equivalent to Russia.

The Earth and its atmosphere is “3 DIMENSIONAL.” What this means is that it will not only be increasing its losses to atmosphere by missing part of the Earth by reflecting backwards, but it is also missing the Earth by reflecting sideways and up and down.

Diagram 3 View of Earth and Plan Sections to illustrate three dimensional nature of Atmospheric emissions


The instant something is in the atmosphere, when looked at from a 3 dimensional point of view more than 50{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of an object’s emissions go to space. If a cube was in the atmosphere, one side would absorb and exchange with the surface, but the other 5 sides would be emitting to space. That would be a return rate of 16{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} not 50{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} and as the cube got higher up the atmosphere then its return rate would keep reducing. If the object was an emissive object, i.e. it had an emissivity higher than the air which surrounds it, it would exert a big cooling effect on the atmosphere and the conduction, convection and latent heat transfers into it would increase that effect.

This three dimensional view of irradiance, explains why there is a temperature difference between the atmosphere and the surface, with the surface being warmer and the atmosphere being cooler, whilst simultaneously the atmosphere is responsible for a greater proportion of emission out to space than the surface meaning that increasing the emissivity of the atmosphere decreases surface temperatures.

Frizzler maths, is clearly some sort of bizarre “Flat Earth” model and is completely idiotic to try to use it to resolve 3 dimensional maths let alone base public taxation policy upon it. Yet the “Frizzlers” go around calling everyone who disagree with them “Deniers and Flat Earthers.” It is they which are the Flat Earthers and they whom are the deniers.

The Frizzlers, should be ignored and policy based upon sound facts and science.

“Radiation Greenhouse Effect” is a complete nonsense as I have demonstrated and all of climate science which basis itself upon this flawed 2 dimensional Flat Earth concept should be scrapped. All Carbon taxes should be scrapped and all CO2 control measures repealed and ignored.

It’s time to call out, the global warming “Flat Earthers” and their silly “Frizzle Frazzle”.

About the author: Geraint Hughes is an award-winning British Incorporated Mechanical Engineer, writer and experimental scientist. His book, Black Dragon: Breaking the Frizzle Frazzle of THE BIG LIE of Climate is available to buy on Amazon.

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