Climate Hysteria In The Mainstream Media – And What To Do About It
Climate hysteria in the media means two things:
First, the publishers, editors, and reporters are very worried about the future of the planet. Or claim to be so.
And secondly, they are completely wrong.
The Washington Post’s latest hysterical article about Greenland last week was an attempt to stoke its ever-favorite theme that the Arctic is melting.
Ice north of the Arctic circle always melts in the summer and refreezes in the winter. The Washington Post’s latest summertime hysteria coupled with the Democrat Media Complex is well covered by two excellent articles shown below.
Ice Melting In Greenland? It’s Summer! by Paul Homewood demonstrates with impeccable documentation that after each summer, the ice refreezes in the winter.
And a second article covers how the media push articles about summer “heat waves,” which occur, of course, because it’s summer: It’s Summer! So Media Cooks Up False Scare On Heat Waves, Deaths by Craig Rucker. The article nicely debunks the statistical black magic used by the media to try and scare us witless.
Regarding the Washington Post’s Greenland article, I work north of the Arctic circle throughout the year. Some of the time I work in a place called Masoy, Norway. Masoy happens to be at the same latitude as Nuuk, the capital of Greenland.
Summers north of the Arctic circle are always warm and sunny. There is sunlight 24 hours a day. The warmth and all-day sunshine come not from CO2 but from the tilt of the Earth’s axis. In summer, the Arctic area is pointed directly at what controls the temperature of our planet, the sun.
The Washington Post’s Ministry of Climate Disinformation evidently doesn’t know how “Greenland” got its name. Thousands of years ago, Greenland was a lush continent populated by fields of ‘green.’
Analysis of ice core and clam shell data shows that between 800 and 1300 AD, “the regions around the fjords of southern Greenland experienced a relatively mild climate several degrees Celsius higher…with trees and herbaceous plants growing, and livestock being farmed. Barley was grown as a crop up to the 70th parallel.”
What is provable is that the ice cores show that “Greenland has had dramatic temperature shifts many times over the past 100,000 years.” Long before SUVs and CO2-belching power plants.
Looking at this photo of a happy polar bear having a wonderful summer picnic, we see the typical summer flowers, but the abundant foliage in the background.

A polar bear in Greenland enjoys a fish on a typical summer picnic. It’s like this every summer. Note the foliage in the background and beautiful wildflowers that come every year.
And this summer is no different; stable with the usual summer warmth. As this is being written it’s 11 degrees C in Nuuk (52 degrees F). Summers in Greenland generally range between 40 degrees F and 52 degrees F.
Flowers are blooming everywhere, foliage is everywhere, and animals and people are happy for the summer break caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis toward the sun.
What To Do About The Mainstream Media Climate Hysteria
We are doing something great already. By reading, sharing, and writing such articles as found on this site, this is fighting the good fight.
Knowing who is behind the hysteria in the Democrat Media Complex is also useful.
They are the Walking Dead. Not really writing about climate. In fact, they don’t care about the climate. The work of climate hysterics is related to money, political power, and fear.
And they just keep coming. No matter how wrong they are or proven to be, as long as the money and political power are within reach, they won’t stop. But they have a weak point.
Unlike the Hollywood version of the Walking Dead, who want to eat our brains, the mainstream media’s climate hysterics simply hope we don’t have any.
This is a big mistake.
Dr. Joel Glass works in hydropower and also in transportation, power, and water infrastructure designs that resist extremely low natural temperatures.
His new book, ICE AGE … 2025: HOW TO PREPARE AMERICA AND YOUR FAMILY FOR THE COMING ICE AGE is recommended by Dr. Jay Lehr, a senior policy analyst at the International Climate Science Coalition and long-term advance guard in the battle for climate truth.
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dave molloy
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Most everyone who lives out of the cities can judge the weather cycles as they live thru them. Unfotuately the present education systems Startt the children out with these liberal fantasies .I lived thru eighty years of changing temperatures and trust me I need real data to convince me .