Climate, Green Plants and Oxygen

By using the energy of sunlight, plants can convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen in a process called photosynthesis. As photosynthesis requires sunlight, this process only happens during the day.

The ocean produces oxygen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton) that live in it. These plants produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy.

Once we understand the two simple paragraphs above, we can also understand that the trace gas Carbon Dioxide is absolutely essential for the life of mankind. Green plants, both on land and in water feed on Carbon Dioxide and produce for us Oxygen as a by-product.  For scientists this is the wonder of Great Nature. For those who believe in an Almighty Creator it is simply another example of the wonders of His Creation.

There are those dire scientists who would suck the Carbon Dioxide out of the atmosphere, – I heard it on TV only a day ago – since they propose that atmospheric Carbon Dioxide traps heat and leads to man-made Global warming. The arrogance of these so-called scientists is only matched by their ignorance. They propose to limit Global Warming to under 2º Centigrade. How are they going to do that?  Answer: By limiting emissions of Carbon Dioxide.

Such is the vanity of man. First of all there is no such entity as a Global Temperature. What is supposedly being measured? A near surface temperature at 5ft above the ground? But why not 1 foot above? Or 10 feet above? Or 100 feet above?

Answer: Because in every single case the temperature would be different. This is enshrined in the Adiabatic Lapse Rate, where temperature drops 2ºC for every thousand feet of altitude. As Earth is revolving on its own axis, temperature everywhere is changing all the time.

So we see that these claims are not about science at all, but about politics. The Biology of photosynthesis is clear and ‘settled’.

Now, here is a question? Is Climate Change happening? You bet. Oh yes, climates everywhere are changing, just as technology is advancing at an amazing pace, just as man’s understanding of different races of different colours has changed in the last fifty years.

There are those scientists and politicians who make a virtue of opposing climate change, filling the masses with fears of floods, sea-level rise, violent storms etcetera. However changes in climate are inevitable as the whole Biosphere is evolving.

We need not fear changes of climate, for mankind always adapts. But what we should fear is the ignorance of some so called scientists, who would inadvertently deprive not only the plant world, but also the animal kingdom and mankind itself of the Oxygen of Life.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. 

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Comments (2)

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    I think you’re being a little silly.

    “A near surface temperature at 5ft above the ground? But why not 1 foot above? Or 10 feet above? Or 100 feet above?”

    Because the surface temperature at 5 foot above ground level was chosen as convenient, has a reasonable basis in science and is easily reproducible across various sites. No sites are likely to be the same height above sea level.

    Further, provided there is consistency in techniques then statistically relevant series of measurements provide a dataset. This dataset can be statistically analysed – to claim it can’t be analysed is plain ludicrous. Everyone knows it isn’t comprehensive but your arguments are just wrong.

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    “By using the energy of sunlight, plants can convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen in a process called photosynthesis. As photosynthesis requires sunlight, this process only happens during the day.”

    Yep, it’s nature continuously sequestering sunlight.
    Hiding the sun’s energy away, converting it from electromagnet radiation to the energy needed for its organic chemical bonds. Our natural biosphere seeks out and acquires low levels and intermittent amounts of energy, converting it into the more concentrated form it needs via processes like photosynthesis and chemistry. Meager amounts of energy in any one place and time, but continuous being naturally processed over vast areas and volumes every day.
    For how long is all that energy stored? Some for days, some for months, years, decades, centuries, some like coal, ancient peat and the ocean-floor detritus for thousands or millions of years. Coal and peat is chemically changed sunlight energy from ages past.

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