‘Climate Expert’ Bill Gates And His Synthetic Beef Folly
What is it about people who are successful in one field and believe that gives them credence to serving as an expert in a totally unrelated field?
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and reportedly the fourth-richest person on the planet, now self-identifies as a climate expert, and not only an expert, but a fervent disciple of the latest religion for the non-religious, which would be “climate change.”
In a new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” Mr. Gates takes the rhetoric to a new and hysterical level when he claims the battle against changing climate is “an all-out effort, like a world war, but it’s us against greenhouse gases.”
As all statists do, he urges “regulation to force people to eat synthetic meat.”
Mr. Gates invests in a synthetic meat company called Beyond Burgers. Anyone else sees a potential conflict of interest? He’s not alone. Al Gore, the original “Chicken Little” of climate panic, has lobbied for climate policies that limit meat while his firm invests $200 million in meat substitutes.
Mr. Gates also believes cow flatulence contributes to climate change but told a CNN interviewer he doesn’t know how to control it. Since there are more humans on Earth than cows, I wonder why he doesn’t go after human gas emissions?
Like most people of a certain worldview, Mr. Gates tries to have it both ways. He says, “It’s true that my carbon footprint is absurdly high. For a long time, I have felt guilty about this.”
The message? You can continue to live like a plutocrat, as long as you feel guilty about it, and donate money to organizations and causes favored by your ideological fellow travelers.
Mr. Gates adds, “I am aware that I’m an imperfect messenger on climate change … so who am I to lecture anyone on the environment?
Who, indeed?
Even The Guardian newspaper expresses skepticism about Mr. Gates’ goal of “carbon neutrality” in a decade, calling it “a fairytale.”
Are we seeing a pattern? Government and “experts” have already robbed us of some of our liberties, using the pandemic as their excuse.
The Biden administration wants more gun laws, which will only be obeyed by people who obey laws but not by criminals who are, by definition, lawbreakers.
Now comes Bill Gates proposing restrictions on our food choices and lifestyles while he continues to fly around the world on his private jet (like President Biden’s “climate envoy” John Kerry) and presumably eats whatever he wants.
Liberty is fragile. When it is lost to the state and regulators, it is difficult to get back. Like the frog in the kettle story, the heat is being slowly turned up on us.
If we continue to willingly bow to the state, it will think it has permission to further erode liberties until they are either gone or so rare we won’t recognize the country we once loved.
In the film “The Matrix,” the character Cypher says to the agent known as “Mr. Smith: “I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know when I put it in my mouth the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious.” In a sense, Cypher is eating fake meat.
The World Economic Forum is also promoting fake meat. It says a printer can print up to six kilograms of the stuff in an hour. They expect we will get used to it, as we do over time with many lies that become accepted truth.
Wendy’s, the fast-food chain, used to run a TV ad that promoted their hamburgers. It ended with an elderly woman shouting, “Where’s the beef?”
It could be a shout by meat lovers everywhere unless we tell our “masters” we have had enough. Isn’t that at least part of the explanation for the rise of Donald Trump and why so many still support him?
Read more at Washington Times
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Peter F Gill
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I have certainly come across the belief that great expertise in one area should mean credibility in another. This of course is usually associated with arrogance on the one hand and position of power on the other. I came across it 4o years ago when an expert in one area who happened to be in the hierarchy of a multibillion corporation told me to build a plant using novel technology with a production capacity of x tpa for a cost not exceeding £y. The powerful executive did not have any experience in the novel technology. I told him that I could build a plant of capacity x tpa and estimate the cost or spend £y and estimate the capacity that could be built for that money. I was demoted.
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Why would she and her dopey husband even consider the covid economic impact, unless it was something within their control?
Is she admitting that this entire event was a scheme orchestrated by her and her mass-murdering husband to sell vaccines?
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Megalomania is a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem. Historically it was used as a name for narcissistic personality disorder.
Gates, who is unelected, and has no medical degree or expertise! Why is he even in the news? He’s a rich nitwit with grandiose “Bond Villain” fantasies.
“I’m lobbying every government on the planet to mandate my CV vaccine for all 7.8 billion people, but I don’t want to be held liable if anyone is injured or killed.”
—”Philanthropist” and BioTerrorist Bill Gates
Allan Shelton
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Bill Gates is supposed to be so smart, yet he believes the GHG Theory.
The GHE has been totally debunked, logically, experimentally, mathematically, and empirically.
Yet, “Mr. Captain America” cannot, or will not, accept the truth.
What an absolute disgrace on his part.
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Gates clearly shows his ignorance and stupidity. What he fails to realize is that there are many parts of the world where the land will not support crops. This is due to poor soil conditions and limited rainfall. In many of these areas, certain grasses do survive and provide grazing for cattle, sheep and goats. This provides vital proteins for human health and brain formation in children. Australia and many parts of Africa are good examples. Banning animal proteins would be a death knell for these people. With Gates’ limited intelligence which seem to work in only one area, he is rather like his chum Obama who sounded for years like a one string banjo promoting “sea level rise.” He like Gates demonstrated his inability to grasp self-evident imperatives by going out and buying a million dollar mansion close to the sea! He like Gates is either a liar or stupid – some day both.
T. C. Clark
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I think Dr. Bill has the same condition that many of the super rich tech guys have ….Zuck….Bezos….Musk…Cook….even Warren of Buffett. Warren Buffett for years used to annually invite some “lucky” person to a free steak dinner with him at an Omaha steak house. Warren and Dr. Bill are big pals but please….no publicity if Warren and Dr. Bill visit a steak house. The condition apparently develops when billionaire precedes their name…..and causes God imitations.