Climate Corruption of The American Geophysical Union
I’ve been writing about a far-fetched climate fairy tale that was repackaged and repositioned – with the result that it now gets taken seriously by supposedly serious scientists (see here and here).
How did this happen? First, billionaire climate activists hired consultants to produce a brand new climate analysis. Because, you know, the world doesn’t have enough climate research, what with governments spending billions on it every year.
This custom research was conducted by a team of noticeably young people. One is still working on his doctorate. Two others were doctoral students at the time.
The lead scientist had earned his geobiology Ph.D. seven years earlier. The lead economist had earned his degree in sustainable development a mere three years earlier.
This team produced a 2014 report titled Risky Business: The Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States. It features a graphic that wildly misrepresents the scientific literature.
Six months after that report appeared, fully 11 presentations based on it were delivered at the world’s largest annual gathering of earth scientists – the American Geophysical Union’s December 2014 conference.
The first presenter was Kate Gordon. But she isn’t an earth scientist. She’s a lawyer. And a trained community activist. And the Risky Business Project’s founding director. Who’s considered “a leader in the national ‘green jobs’ movement.”
At the time she delivered her AGU presentation, she was employed by The Next Generation, which describes itself as a “political consulting and issue advocacy firm, specializing in progressive and environmental candidates and causes.”
So a professional activist was invited to give a talk to earth scientists. That talk, according to its abstract, told people the Risky Business Project had conducted “groundbreaking new analysis.” After employing “methodological innovations,” she said, it had arrived at “novel insights.”
The thing about lawyers is they can make even a dumpster of stinky trash sound sublime.
Presentations #2, #8, #9 and #10 were delivered by Risky Business lead scientist Robert Kopp. He was then associate director of Rutgers University’s Institute of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences. Which sounds eminently respectable.
So why does the abstract of his first AGU talk tell people that…
Projected sea-level rise for 2100 under RCP 8.5 would likely place $80-$160 billion of current property in New York below the high tide line…it would likely increase average annual storm damage by $2.6-$5.2 billion… [bold added]
…without mentioning the salient point that the hypothetical climate scenario known as RCP8.5 represents an implausible vision of the future?
Why does the abstract for Kopp’s second presentation mischaracterize RCP8.5 as a “moderately-high business-as-usual emissions scenario”? (italics mine)
Presentations #3, #6, and #11 were delivered by Amir Jina, an economist who earned his Ph.D. in sustainable development that same year.
Presenting at the AGU’s premiere event, his talks relied on a background document he himself had coauthored with Kopp and other members of the Risky Business squad.
The background document runs to 206 pages – and mentions RCP8.5 approximately once a page – for a total of 196 times. Outrageously, it declares:
RCP 8.5 is a reasonable representation of a world where fossil fuels continue to power relatively robust global economic growth, and is often considered closest to the most likely “business-as-usual” scenarioabsent new climate policy by major emitting countries. [bold added; see page numbered 14 (p. 18 of the PDF)]
Say, what? Remember how I’ve described RCP8.5 recently? An implausible hallucination predicated on:
- the burning of more coal than some people think even exists
- the abrupt reversal of longstanding population trends
- a slowdown in technological innovation (which has, instead, been accelerating for decades)
Yeah, that all sounds realistic.
Please observe what has happened here: Private, agenda-driven money (aka billionaire climate activists Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, and others) hired consultants who hired a handful of young researchers keen to make a name for themselves.
Those researchers produced a new, hefty, custom climate analysis. Which was privately published (rather than appearing in its entirety in a peer-reviewed scientific journal).
This research took the absurd seriously. It insisted an outlier climate scenario was reasonable. Neglecting to say by whom, it claimed RCP8.5 was often considered to be closest to the most likely scenario.
The hope was that other people would fall for this sleight of hand. The hope was that other people would join the parade and promulgate this fiction.
In the words of climate analyst Roger Pielke Jr.:
There is no hidden conspiracy, all of this is taking place in plain sight and in public…We have a well-funded effort to fundamentally change how climate science is characterized…This effort has been phenomenally successful.
The AGU helped make this happen. When it extended invitations to a professional activist, an individual employed by a consultancy being paid by climate activists, and doctoral students funded by those same climate activists, it legitimized this corruption of science.
Read more at Big Pic News
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Al Shelton
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Thanks Donna.
That is an excellent article.
I will be passing it on to others including politicians.
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Your effort here Donna documents the methodology used in “Institutionalized Pseudoscience”. One group presents nonsense that is then used as a reference for future nonsense. Clowns build their “house of cards” on one bogus “paper” after another, with many being tax-payer funded.
Then, the media gets on board to promote the nonsense. If you don’t accept and believe, you are characterized as working for “big oil”, wanting to “destroy the planet”, or not caring “about the children”.
Institutionalized Pseudoscience is one of the biggest scams in history, and the only way to stop it is to defund it, TOTALLY. When the money ends, the nonsense ends.
Tom O
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Most of your comment is spot on, but the concluding paragraph is a little off. You have not factored in the Main Scream Media. Until the bullhorn is silenced so that people have to look for information themselves, this disease called climate alarmism, will continue to worm its way into the minds of those that believe that the News matters and tells them the truth..
This world is currently controlled more by the agenda chosen by the Mains Scream Media than any other player, be that governments or professionals. Until we recognize them as propaganda outlets and take away their legal protections as “the fourth pillar of government,” they will continue to drive policy in whatever direction they choose.
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The media is a huge problem, as I mentioned. I try to keep my comments as brief as possible, sometimes maybe too brief.
Your amplifications, additions, and extensions are welcomed..
Finn McCool
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The MSM has a target audience that made the Kardashians billionaires.
Says it all really.
Joseph Olson
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“Warmist Monk Immolates at the AGU Temple” > CanadaFreePress(.)com > Dec 2010
At the Geophysical Union, hypocrisy is the only consistency
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in the end the alarmism will always fail as the no1 proxy for Climate/weather is agriculture which keeps delivering year on year-
“The Benefits Of ‘Global Warming’ – UN Reports Record-High World Grain Production For 2nd Year In A Row – Despite Al Gore’s food warnings!
With production surging by 4.4%, corn will drive world cereal grain production to record levels in 2020/2021, said the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in its first forecast of the new crops. It was the second forecast in a week of record global output as the planting season ends in the northern hemisphere. The FAO forecast cereal grain production of 2.781 billion tonnes, up 2.6% from the record set in 2019/2020”