‘Climate Change’, ‘Net Zero’ and The Corruption of Real Science
Doug Brodie schools his new MP on the political dogma of ‘climate change’
To: Mr Graham Leadbitter, MP for Moray West and Nairn
Cc: The five Reform UK MPs
Bcc: Various, no elected politicians
Climate change and the corruption of science
Dear Mr Leadbitter,
This email, my first and I hope last to you as my new MP, is to protest against your support for the anti-science self-harming ‘Net Zero’ ‘climate change’ hoax.
I was prompted to write by learning that you are one of the 192 MPs who supports the even more horrendously self-flagellating Climate and Nature Bill currently working its way through parliament.
I have been writing to politicians of the Con/Lab/Lib/SNP Uniparty for decades to protest against their support for the pointless and unworkable 2008 Climate Change Act which in 2019 morphed into draconian “Net Zero”.
For all of that time, Uniparty politicians have conspired to disenfranchise the electorate by their united determination to pursue the establishment-backed but never justified “climate change” agenda which no electorate has ever voted for, aka alleged dangerous man-made global warming due to CO2 emissions from the burning of ‘fossil fuels’.
This email explains why the only rational interpretation of the Uniparty’s ruinously expensive, destructive and pointless ‘Net Zero’ agenda is that it is a malign attempt to cripple the UK economy and impoverish the nation and its people.
My hope is that this email causes the scales to fall from your eyes as to the evil futility of ‘Net Zero’. If not, I hope that you will respond positively to give your justification of your stance.
Debunking the false science of alleged man-made global warming
Over recent millennia the world has experienced dramatic changes in its climate, e.g. the Roman Warm Period, the cold Dark Ages, the Medieval Warm Period followed by the Little Ice Age and now today’s mild global warming.
Thirty or more years ago, before the start of the barrage of false propaganda about alleged man-made global warming, if anyone had been asked what was the main driver of these historic climatic changes, they would most probably have answered correctly “It’s the sun” (directly or indirectly).
Sadly, over the last 30 years the general public been subjected to a constant blizzard of false climate brainwashing on the fearmongering, anti-science pretence that the level of atmospheric CO2 supposedly caused by the combustion of ‘fossil fuels’ is the main “control knob” of the global climate.
This is a lie, a fiction invented by devious environmentalists for ulterior anti-humanity motives. It is also very insulting to the intelligence of the general public as it asks that we should dismiss the dramatic natural climatic variations of the last two millennia as being somehow no longer relevant.
The “official” climate narrative is so full of holes and contradictions that it can be easily debunked by anyone with a modicum of aptitude in science and engineering, and time to spare.
I like to think that the paper I had published last May drove a coach and horses through it. That paper provides easy-to-understand evidence from many independent scientists that the main driver of the global climate is the sun, not atmospheric CO2 as the establishment shamelessly asserts without any acceptable evidence.
I urge you to study it at your leisure: Debunking the climate change hoax.
The climate science being pushed by the global establishment is blatantly false.
There is no credible scientific or observational evidence that rising CO2 emissions cause dangerous global warming. If there was, we would have heard all about it ad nauseum.
Honest, unpoliticised science shows that rising levels of atmospheric CO2, falsely blamed by the establishment on the burning of ‘fossil fuels’, will have a minimal impact on the global climate.
This is because the global warming effect of CO2 is already “saturated” (explained in my above paper). Conversely, rising CO2 levels are very beneficial for plant growth, forestry and agricultural productivity.
The ‘climate change’ hoax is only sustained by the coordinated promulgation of multiple falsehoods by multiple agencies of the global and national establishment for their own selfish financial, virtue-signalling or ulterior political motives.
The conspiring bodies entrenched throughout our suicidally-deranged society are all-pervasive, e.g. the United Nations and their COP circuses, the EU, the World Bank, the Bank of England, Big Business, Big Tech and the WEF, billionaire philanthropaths (Bloomberg, Soros, Gates), the King, the Met Office, the Climate Change Committee and the DESNZ, local government, the school system, the captured mainstream media, especially the biased BBC with their fearmongering fake attributions on the fake climate emergency.
The reality that atmospheric CO2 poses negligible problem for the climate means that all our manic efforts to reduce CO2 emissions have been pointless.
The deployment of intermittent, expensively-subsidised so-called ‘renewables’ like wind turbines and solar panels which end up as toxic non-recyclable junk when they reach the end of their short service lives should never have been embarked upon in the first place.
The claims that these things are “clean” and “sustainable” are an insult to our intelligence.
In case you think I am some sort of lone-voice conspiracy theorist, the following is a short compilation of statements from various renowned independent scientists which support my stance:
Emeritus Professor Hal Lewis years ago described the global warming scam (his words) as “the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.”
Professors Richard Lindzen and William Happer describe how ‘Net Zero’ policies will have a trivial effect on temperature but disastrous effects on people worldwide.
Nobel Physics Laureate Dr John Clauser has launched an excoriating attack on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, calling it a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people”.
The famous physicist Richard Feynman explains why belief in “settled science” [as used by climate hoax grifters like Al Gore to shut down debate] is the end of hope and progress.
Emeritus Professor Ian Plimer neatly debunks the scare that dangerous global warming is being caused by the four percent of atmospheric CO2 which is man-made while disregarding the other 96 percent as somehow not relevant.
Polymath writer Willis Eschenbach explains why the claimed “97 percent consensus” on alleged man-made global warming is meaningless, invoking the famous sayings of many great thinkers.
Debunking the ‘Net Zero’ supposed solution to the non-problem of “climate change”
Along with many other concerned citizens, for decades I have been warning politicians of all parties that their engineering solution to “tackle climate change” based mainly on the deployment of weather-dependent ‘renewables’ is infeasible and will only lead to economic disaster.
Over all those years of emails, I have never, ever had a straight answer from any politician to any of the points I raised. Will you be the first?
15 years have passed since the Climate Change Act came into force and with the passage of those years it is now obvious that:
- The majority non-Western world is never going to follow suit on the West’s self-sabotaging ‘Net Zero’ endeavour, which renders it pointless. Our non-Western competitors must be laughing at our stupidity.
- Many scientific papers have been published which prove that atmospheric CO2 poses negligible risk to the climate, e.g. here, here and here,
- All the alarmist predictions of imminent climate catastrophe have failed to come about,
- As with all the deceptions inflicted on us during the Covid scam, it is clear that the establishment has lied to us about “climate change” from the very beginning,
- Our soaring energy bills and the ongoing deindustrialisation of the UK economy are proof that ‘Net Zero’ is ruinously expensive and destructive.
Is it just a coincidence that UK industrial electricity prices are the highest in Europe, more than double the EU14 median, and four times higher than the USA, while dissembling Uniparty politicians boast that the UK is a world leader in hugely expensive, short lifespan, unreliable offshore wind power and the UK ‘Net Zero’ legally-binding “carbon budgets” are enforced by climate lawfare?
The obvious answer is NO.
So well done the Uniparty /sarc for severely degrading the competitiveness of the UK economy and ruining so many businesses for no useful purpose.
And that’s before Mad Ed Miliband spaffs countless more £billions on ‘Net Zero’ malinvestments including a quadrupling of extortionate offshore wind power and a farmland-ruining tripling of solar power which will do little more than save some globally inconsequential CO2 emissions.
He would do far less damage and waste far less money by instead employing large gangs of people, maybe all the illegal immigrants lounging in taxpayer-funded hotel accommodation, to dig big holes in the ground and then fill them in again using only shovels, or better still teaspoons.
The graph below refers to the first bullet point above and the supposed global energy transition from ‘fossil fuels’ to ‘renewables’ which, contrary to all the establishment propaganda and Ed Miliband’s COP29 protestations, simply isn’t happening:
The UK emits just 0.8% of global CO2 emissions, so even if you don’t accept that establishment climate science is false, I defy you, Mr Leadbitter or anybody else, to give a credible justification for pushing ahead unilaterally with self-harming, infeasible UK ‘Net Zero’.
And if by some miracle your ‘Net Zero’ “Nirvana” came to pass in Scotland in 2045 as supposedly “planned” by the inept SNP who have made a 10-year pig’s ear of the minor task of procuring two new “eco-ferries” (more here), and then all your short lifespan wind turbines and solar panels started falling to bits, you might care to ponder how on earth you would go about replacing them with ‘net zero’ ‘fossil fuels’ and no heavy mining, manufacturing and transportation facilities.
Vote Uniparty (Labour, or the Conservatives, or the Lib Dems, or the SNP) to send your children and grandchildren back to living in the middle ages! The Reform UK Party is the only Westminster party committed to scrapping ‘Net Zero’.
The remainder of this section gives a simple engineering explanation, with technical images for the benefit of the technically challenged, of why ‘Net Zero’ as being rolled out in the UK is never going to work but will instead create inevitable rolling or prolonged electricity blackouts and even higher sky-high energy bills.
First, a couple of posts (images below) to show the futility of ‘Net Zero’, especially unilateral ‘Net Zero’ which is being cruelly and needlessly imposed on the UK populace by the control freaks of the UK Uniparty.
The first shows that global dependence on ‘fossil fuels’ in 2022 had barely changed from 25 years previously and is on a trajectory that would not reach ‘Net Zero’ for at least four centuries, most probably never.
The second shows the puny level of UK CO2 emissions relative to China and the world as a whole.
Next consider this graph from a recent post by energy analyst David Turver showing the UK minimum wind electricity generation per day from 2015 to the present.
David writes:
“It is apparent that the minimum wind generation in each day since 2015 has barely changed, despite wind capacity more than doubling since then.
This chart reflects the mathematical truism that 1 x 0 = 0, 10 x 0 = 0 and 100 x 0 = 0.”
The electricity supply from solar is even more intermittent on daily and seasonal timescales, falling to zero every night, reaching only nugatory levels in gloomy midwinter when power is needed most and potentially causing troublesome oversupply in cloudless, breezy (lots of wind power) summer conditions when demand is low.
The next graph shows the half-hourly peak to trough grid share of ‘fossil fuel’ electricity supply as it works hour by hour, day by day and week by week to balance fluctuating demand and the varying supply from intermittent ‘renewables’.
These controlled ‘fossil fuel’ variations are an inverse of the uncontrollable (apart from curtailment) wind and solar supply, rising as the supply from ‘renewables’ falls and vice versa.
A graph of wind and solar supply share would show an inverse fan shape, starting from 2010 at just one percent then widening over the years to reach peaks of over 60% in 2024 but with the trough level barely changing from current lows of as little as 2%.
The graph was published by the eco-fanatics of CarbonBrief who clearly thought that the brief 2.4 percent ‘fossil fuel’ trough in April 2024 showed that ‘decarbonisation’ was working, apparently without realising that the graph indirectly demonstrates how ‘decarbonisation’ of the grid using only intermittent ‘renewables’ is totally impossible without inflicting severe blackouts.
My colleague Jamie Jessop explains why in this post.
The CarbonBrief graph shows that the ‘fossil fuel’ grid share of UK electricity in 2010 was mostly above 80 percent and seldom less that about 70 percent whereas now in 2024, it varies between about 60 and three percent.
Analysis of the numbers in the corresponding NESO annual historical fuel mix data shows that UK total electricity supply including imports fell from 2010 to 2016 by 10 percent and to 20 percent in total by 2024.
This was not a benefit of the move to ‘renewables’. To the contrary, it was mainly due to deindustrialisation and the drop in electricity demand caused by sky-high energy prices caused mainly by the deployment of expensive ‘renewables’.
This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here substack.com
Header image: NBC News
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LOL@Klimate Katastrophe Kooks
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Mr. Brodie, one needn’t go to the lengths you’ve gone in order to disprove the AGW / CAGW hypothesis. We can knock the entire scam’s foundation out from under it by proving that AGW / CAGW describes a physical process which is physically impossible… it is not happening as the climate alarmists claim because it literally cannot happen that way. Energy does not and cannot spontaneously flow up an energy density gradient, thus “backradiation” does not and cannot exist, thus the “greenhouse effect (due to backradiation)” does not and cannot exist, thus “greenhouse gases (due to the greenhouse effect (due to backradiation))” do not and cannot exist. AGW / CAGW relies upon continual and rampant violations of the fundamental physical laws… and if a physical process violates the fundamental physical laws, that physical process is physically impossible.
Feel free to use any of what I’ve written at the link below however you wish. Attribution is neither required nor desired, but if you do come up with some improvement to the messaging, I’d appreciated a heads-up so I can use it, too.
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Yeah, he writes a lot of stuff on the subject at my forum that is discussed by several members with science degrees, worth a visit.
The Earth Arena has large climate topics in it to look into as well take a look at what has been posted in the science section: