Climate Change: Myth Vs. Reality, Part 9

“The best-laid plans of mice and men, often go awry” ~ Robert Burns, 1876

And so it goes, when the mice of congress lay plans under the guise of health and safety, the enforcement is delegated to an ever expanding bureaucracy of mice with limited science knowledge and doubtful integrity.

Most of the links in this video are at the EPA site, >

Not to be upstaged, the United Nations opened their branch of environmental fascism and embraced the fake Freon caused Ozone hysteria and the Sept 15, 1987 passed the Montreal Protocol.

Never mind that Fluorine compounds are produced in natural processes in greater volumes than humans produce, see “Volcanic Halocarbons” by Timothy Casey at > here’s UN site

This faux science virtue signaling was the Beta test for the Carbon Forcing scam that followed.

Much like the CDC/FDA scams, the EPA is a captured rogue agency using fake cost/benefit analysis and constant rogue overreach to the detriment of society.

While genuine threats like GMO crops, pesticides and bioengineering chem-trails are ignored, tiny PPM increases of life giving Carbon Dioxide are demonized.

Add the EPA to the long list of feral government rogue three letter agencies.

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