Climate Change Again

Oh, what a bore – I still hear the bleat ‘Tackling Climate Change’. These words climate change have become so threadbare that they are now utterly meaningless. Am I wrong? Is it clear to just about everybody except me? And have I missed something?

Well, tell me, what is Climate Change? So the climate is changing. Which climate are you referring to? After all there are 29 different climate systems. No? You are referring to World Climate then? So World Climate is changing? What’s new?

In what way is this world climate changing, that some people in the BBC, for example, seem to know all about? In general we all know that the weather changes from second to second.

That’s weather – that not climate.

Oh sorry! I stand corrected. Tell me more.

We are talking about man-made climate change.

Oh, I see. So what’s the problem? In any case, prove it. Show me exactly where man has changed the climate.

I see you are a non-believer. Climate change is happening and the world is getting too hot.

I hadn’t noticed. It’s bloody windy and cold where I am. Anyway if Man has changed the Climate as you say, prove it. Show me one cast-iron example of where Man has actually changed the climate.

You have to look at the pattern of climate over time. Any fool can see that it is changing.

I grant you that the weather is changeable, so I guess the climate is too. But if man has changed the climate, whichever climate you want, well, why doesn’t Man change it back again?

It’s the Carbon Dioxide, you freak, and it’s through burning fossil fuels. All that Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbing infrared radiation and making the whole world hotter. It’s Physics. That is why we have had this amazing hot summer.

But it followed a never-ending winter. Already it is cold, and a perilously bleak winter is forecast. It happens like that anyway. I remember wonderful summers during the war. Besides which, doesn’t most everything absorb infrared, get warm and then cool down again?

It is no good talking to you. You’re a Denier.

No, I am not. I am not denying anything. But you have not proven anything. If you can change the climate, then change it back again. The trouble is, my dear, that you haven’t the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Postscript: You will never believe it. The Secretary of the United Nations has taken upon himself to warn us of the dangers of Climate Change. We must act, since within two years, climate change will become irreversible. The man must be bonkers.

The Earth is hurtling round the Sun, spinning on its own axis, wobbling like a top, while the Sun is 3,600 times bigger than the Earth. Has this man not heard of radiation? Has he not known as a child that as the radiation from the Sun hits the mass of the Earth heat is caused? Has he not heard of giant solar storms? Yet he picks on the trace gas in our atmosphere as being the cause of Climate Change?

To cap it all we have Jeremy Corbyn promising us even more useless Wind Turbines so that we would be Green. He is clearly after the Green vote. He wants us to be Carbon free. How positively ridiculous and infantile! Carbon is an element of the Periodic table. Like all those fanatics he is unable to distinguish between an element and a gas. And to think that this ignoramus is bidding to be Prime Minister! Oh yes! Does he qualify? Sure, if the qualifications are to be scientifically illiterate and economically illiterate, he will do a fine job.

It just so happens that I know his brother, Piers Corbyn, a brilliant Physicist. And a brilliant philosopher, to boot! Piers Corbyn for Prime Minister! Piers, you have my vote. Well, perhaps. A bit too leftie for me!

In 2008 Corbyn went even further than being sceptical, and took an absolutist, certain position by stating, “CO2 has never driven, does not drive and never will drive weather or climate. Global warming is over and it never was anything to do with CO2. CO2 is still rising but the world is now cooling and will continue to do so.”

I love it. Carbon Dioxide does not drive Climate, has never driven Climate and never will drive Climate. That was Piers Corbyn. Tell that to the Secretary of the United Nations. Shout it from the housetops. The only entity that could possibly warm the Earth is the Sun. Let us no longer be fooled by the abject nonsense peddled by Al Gore and his henchmen, who have lead so many in America astray. Left and Right have all been caught up in this apocalyptic nonsense. The Doomsayers everywhere have had a ball, whether economic or scientific.

I had my oil-fired boiler serviced today. The engineer took the boiler to bits, changed a nozzle and put the whole thing back together again. There you go, what man has made, man can take apart and put together again. Can we say this of the much-vaunted ‘global warming and climate change’? Only the most gullible can swallow that crap.

I am not denying change, I am not denying warming and cooling, but I am denying that Man has anything to do with change in climates or in controlling the ever changing and numerous temperatures of the Earth.

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Comments (6)

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    John Turmel


    He’s Justin Trudeau, leading fight to stop our climate change,
    Calls CO2 “pollution.” Carbon tax he will arrange.
    As Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth shows record-setting heat,
    Catastrophe is looming if the change we do not beat.
    But in Two Thousand Nine, the scam’s exposed in Climategate,
    Where Michael Mann used “trick to hide decline” since ‘Ninety-Eight.
    Won’t show the Court his data to his hockey stick graph clear,
    Caught fudging numbers so the warmer times would disappear:
    Medieval Warming Period, eight hundred years ago,
    Greenland was green and Europe able even grapes to grow.
    Mann’s hockey stick omits four centuries of high-temp climes,
    Hides even recent Dust-Bowl days of Dirty Thirties times.
    Some say a trick’s just neat new scientific way to go,
    It’s not the “trick” but it’s the “hide” offending ethics so.
    They grudgingly admit there’s been a “Pause” in rise, benign,
    Yet “trick” was not to hide a “Pause” but used to hide “Decline.”
    When Global Warming stopped, alarmists had to change the name,
    To “Climate Change” so up or down, they get to win the game.
    Real temperature’s measured in “Degrees” where up’s more hot,
    But up some “Climes” of Climate Change are units never taught.
    We know their “Climate Change” means really “Warming,” not a “Freeze,”
    So why’d they change the name when both are measured in “Degrees?”
    Had they stuck with “Global Warming,” as the temp went down,
    Your own thermometer would show they’ve played you for a clown.
    Professor Keating flaunted “Thirty Thousand Dollar” bet,
    “You can’t disprove my claim: It changes.” Safe as it can get.
    Since climate always changes, it’s a bet no one can meet,
    A false bravado with but only one sure way to beat.
    So Great Canadian Gambler raised him unexpectedly:
    “A Hundred says next year is colder, measured by ‘Degree.'”
    Though flashing Thirty Gs on wager that could not be faced,
    He folded to my C-Note raise. My post he then erased.
    If said “You can’t disprove my claim: “Mars Will Invade Behold!”
    Just say “I bet they won’t next year!” to watch the scammer fold.
    Liars backing down from public bet lose “Trust-Me Cup.”
    “Cash says: Won’t happen soon!”‘s the only way to shut them up.
    With thirty thousand-scientist petition showing why,
    We, humans aren’t to blame, it’s ball of fire in the sky!
    They claim “Percent of 97 scientists agree,”
    But I, nine hundred’n seventy thousand signatures, don’t see.
    The scientific journals censored all the truth who knew,
    While William Connolley at Wikipedia did too!
    All honest research had to face corrupted peer review,
    While prostitute researchers furthering the scam got through.
    Green candidate in Twenty Twelve Toronto-Danforth race,
    Where Adriana Magnutto-Hamu said to my face,
    “I’ll make the $100 bet that temperature will rise.”
    But 6 years later, welched on paying hundred dollar prize.
    As Youtube showed David Suzuki crushed for all to see,
    He couldn’t even name the data sets on Oz TV.
    He wants to jail those he can’t beat in open fair debate,
    “I was arrested in the Soo!” kept shut up by the State.
    Sun-spots have disappeared, a mini Ice Age on the way,
    With Engineering drop-out onto whom the blame we’ll lay:
    So Trudeau’s culpable by peddling untrue warmth reports,
    For every schmuck found frozen stiff stiff in Bermuda shorts.
    With “Scientists” who hid decline, their data, won’t bet too,
    Til Greenland’s green again! I question what we thought we knew.
    Still fooled by trick to hide decline, still Justin leads the way,
    “I tried to stop climate from changing” on his resume.


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    Alan Stewart


    A Skeptic is neither a Denier nor a Disbeliever. A Skeptic is a person that examines the facts of an idea before making a decision on its’ veracity. Consensus is rule by the mob.


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      Bravo ?


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    Michael Grace


    Launching a few longboats and planting grape vines in Greenland with my carbon trade profit.Minimum forecast temperature Queen Elizabeth Isles this Sunday minus 23 deg,,,,,sorry to go on…..


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      Alan Stewart


      Thanks Michael,
      Didn’t know and looked up QE isles. Understand your witticism with that understanding. To reply send it to the NYT or WAPO as I’m sure your going to get Second Coming front page pica with your words. LOLLOL


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    Nick Schroeder,BSME, PE


    I consider the following the wooden stake that can take down CAGW.

    I’ll plow this plowed ground and beat this dead horse yet some more. Maybe somebody will step up and ‘splain scientifically how/why I’ve got it wrong – or not.

    Radiative Green House Effect theory (TFK_bams09):

    1) 288 K – 255 K = 33 C warmer with atmosphere, RGHE’s only reason to even exist – rubbish. (simple observation & Nikolov & Kramm)
    But how, exactly is that supposed to work?

    2) There is a 333 W/m^2 up/down/”back” energy loop consisting of the 0.04% GHG’s that traps/re-emits per QED simultaneously warming BOTH the atmosphere and the surface. – Good trick, too bad it’s not real, thermodynamic nonsense.
    And where does this magical GHG energy loop first get that energy?

    3) From the 16 C/289 K/396 W/m^2 S-B 1.0 ε ideal theoretical BB radiation upwelling from the surface. – which due to the non-radiative heat transfer participation of the atmospheric molecules is simply not possible.

    No BB upwelling & no GHG energy loop & no 33 C warmer means no RGHE theory & no CO2 warming & no man caused climate change.

    Got science? Bring it!!

    Nick Schroeder, BSME CU ‘78, CO PE 22774


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