Politicized Schools: Deep-Rooted Marxism In U.S. Education

marxism classroom

We explore the deep roots of Marxism in American education.

At the same time, there is a deep transformation taking place in American education. Parents are fighting back against critical race theory (CRT) being taught in classrooms.

But it’s worth exploring where this all started, i.e., communism in the classroom: where teachers are either tools of brainwashing or are seen as outcasts in a leftist academic environment.

Where students will be shamed if they question the woke training in class, and parents have no say as to what is taught and learned in the classroom.

This all has just one goal: to kill the fundamentals that made America, America.

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov had this to say: “Even if you start right now, here this minute, you start educating [a] new generation of Americans, it will still take you 15 to 20 years to turn the tide of ideological perception of reality back to normalcy and patriotism.”

David Zhang also speaks with Sheri Few about her organization’s lawsuit against Kershaw County School Board for hiding CRT in teachers’ training. WATCH:

h/t JOS

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    This is your wakeup call


    The entire country has fully lost it’s collective mind. In public schools that are supported by the citizens taxes, absolute tripe like CRT, gender fluidity, sexual preferences, and so called science that is often absolute lies is “taught”. No parents have been consulted. They just do it. We have an entire congress and senate that are career criminals and only represent the cabal that owns each one of them lock, stock and barrel. The so called President (puppet) is a senile old pedophile that can barely function and does exactly what his international handlers tell him to do. And it would be no different at all if Trump was in office. The entire nation fell for the lie of the covid hoax. People are now sick and dying from the toxic jabs right and left. Inflation is taking off. Food and energy planned shortages are on the horizon. There are wars and rumors of wars. I have never seen anything this messed up in the last 50 years.
    And still the sheeple shuffle along. Obese, stupid, lazy and half dead thinking everything is just fine.
    What will it take for people to wake up and overthrow this toxic totalitarian state that has completely taken over this country?
    What is life in this dump going to be like by 2025 or 2030? Perhaps like Syria, Palestine, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Somalia…..much worse?
    Too little….too late. It’s pretty much a slow motion train wreck that never stops.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Matt,

    Hope you listen to David’s 10+minute video for I have a question for you. David’s video is about what is going on in USA public education. The question is this going on in New Zealand? And if so, for how long?

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Eric the Red


      Jerry, please accept my apologies for any rude or terse responses I made earlier. It was uncalled for on my part.


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    Russ D


    Liberalism makes one STUPID……..Our educational indoctrination centers teach:

    they are taught that there is no point in faith because there is no god
    they are taught that there are more than two genders
    they are taught that they are victims
    they are taught that successful people are bad
    they are taught that people cause climate change
    they are taught that the 2nd amendment endangers lives
    they are taught that the united states is a racist, sexist, country
    and they are trained to believe that anyone who lives by any sort of moral code is evil and stupid

    Liberalism is PURE EVIL!!!!


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      Eric the Red


      I urge everyone to get their labels right. If we don’t know what to call our enemy, we will never defeat her.

      My proposal: ‘leftism’ is a process, first set in motion by the Enlightenment.
      At various historical points along the way of the leftist process, we can take a snapshot. Each snapshot was given a name, representing the evolution of leftism at that point in time.

      In the last century, certain snapshots gave us “liberalism”, “socialism”, “communism”, “trotskyism”. Lately we’ve had “progressivism”. The latest most recent version of leftism doesn’t have a good name, one that everyone agrees upon. That is a major drawback for our side, the anti-left side. For lack of anything better, I call it “woke leftism”. It has elements of progressivism mixed in with postmodernism, which itself is subjectivism, the belief that there is no objective truth.

      To conclude this little diatribe, “liberalism” is not a good name, and I would strongly suggest everyone not use it. Why not? Because I am the label police? No, because I suggest that all of us need a uniform way of thinking and defining and analyzing our enemy. Our side is so damned disorganized. We can’t even agree on what to call our enemy, let alone how to fight her. Woke leftism has taken over every organization in western civilization, and nothing appears to be slowing it down, let alone stopping it. If you’re honest with yourself, you will agree. There is no corner that our side is turning, such that victory is imminent.

      What an effing mess. Anyway, enough for now.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Eric,

        So far, as I compose this, it seems we all (David Zhang and commenters) are in general agreement. Which is unusual here at PSI. However, you began: “I urge everyone to get their labels right. If we don’t know what to call our enemy, we will never defeat her.”

        You have apologized to me for something which I have no idea. The right label (word) is not going to solve any problem. We need to unite around the right general idea and recognize that in natural science there have been wrong general ideas and that is what we must focus our attention about.
        A fact is that Richard Feynman in his book THE MEANING OF IT ALL focused upon the observed fact that there has been a war between GOOD and EVIL even before there were humans.

        If we are SCIENTISTS we must unite around the observed fact that LIFE has not yet been observed at any place except the Earth. We must unite about the unquestionable observations that Darwin’s Evolutionary Ideas of LIFE are WRONG. (https://principia-scientific.com/darwins-idea-evolution-about-the-origin-of-life-is-a-wrong-scientific-idea/).

        Humans are not like elements where each atom of the element has the same general chemical properties. We know that each human person is uniquely different just as there are no two identical snowflakes.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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    EU = habsburg=Rome= its feet were part iron and part clay.=As you watched, a stone was cut out,d but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and crushed them. Then the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold were shattered and became like chaff on the threshing floor in summer. The wind carried them away, and not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that had struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.


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