Citizens Awoke: CO2 Climate Theory is a Scam

The message is spreading among the Twitter community that the cornerstone of the science of man-made global warming (the greenhouse gas theory) is an utter fraud.

The above graphic is making the rounds across Twitter. The ‘Slayers’ are in the final stages of creating a new book showing the best new science that exposes the lie that carbon dioxide is our climate’s control knob.

As a world-wide online community is increasingly recognizing, there is no CO2-driven greenhouse gas effect. CO2 is innocent!

Annual atmospheric CO2 levels have risen in almost a straight line since 1960, if temperatures did the same thing, the link to CO2 would be direct and obvious. But, instead, we see cooling despite such a monotonous rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide. It isn’t difficult to expose the flaw here in what is ‘supposed’ to be happening according to the greenhouse gas theory. It really isn’t much of a ‘theory’ at all is it?

In other words, the case for global warming is non-empirical.  It relies on computer models, with garbage in — garbage out biases.  It relies on historical studies, wherein the history is written by interested parties: the researchers who rely upon their university/government grants.

And it relies on ‘secret science’ which no amount of FOIA requests will bring out into the light. The general public is simply not permitted to test for themselves the veracity of the evidence relied upon by those experts behind the academic curtain.

Nevertheless, these same ‘scientists’ ignore recent global cooling because it might reflect negatively on their models, income and prestigious positions in academe.

Of course, the UN IPCC is also not at all interested in historic records indicating a link between sun spots and climate change.

From ice core records we know that climatic changes, possibly on a quasi-1,500-year cycle, is well established for the last glacial period and there appears to be a link with solar activity.

Scientists who study the ice core records and follow the sun very closely are reporting that we have a “Bond Event Right Now.” In other words, all of the solar cycles that have been documented by observes throughout history are coming together. They include the following:

 22yr Hale

179yr barycentric

1450yr Bond

23,000yr precession

25,800yr plane

100,000yr ice age (when all solar-planetary cycles converge as they are now)

What are ‘Bond events?’

Bond events are North Atlantic climate fluctuations occurring every ≈1,470 ± 500 years throughout the Holocene. Eight such events have been identified, primarily from fluctuations in ice-rafted debris. These events are believed by some scientists to be interglacial relatives of the glacial Dansgaard–Oeschger events[ Bond, G.; et al. (2001). “Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Climate During the Holocene”. Science. 294 (5549): 2130–2136. Bibcode:2001Sci…294.2130B. doi:10.1126/science.1065680. PMID 11739949. ] and are said to be evidenced by a 15–20{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} glacial-interglacial temperature change.

Based on Greenland ice core data, the Younger Dryas began and ended very abruptly. Its start dates to 10,900 B.C., and its ending (the final warming) began circa 9700 B.C. and may have occurred within an incredible three-year period.

The world is slowly waking up to this monumental science fraud. Please help us continue to spread the word: there is NO CO2-driven radiative greenhouse gas effect!

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. 

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Comments (10)

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    Robert Graham


    Worth noting on your graphic is the incoming TSI @ 340 watts/sq meter signifies flat earth physics. The average TSI level that I have seen is 1368 watts/square meter, the 340 figure would put the Sun 2x’s farther away.
    Also, Zharkova et al’s research has identified a 350 year solar cycle that produces a Solar Grand Minimum event, which the Earth is currently transitioning into.

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      Michael D


      Robert Graham, very interesting comment! What events on earth are we to expect from a “Solar Grand Minimum event”?

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        Robert Graham


        Michael D… From a Solar Grand Minimum event expect Global Cooling and all it’s trimmings. Here is a link to Zharkova’s paper, where you can discover “other” details too.

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          Michael D


          Thanks, Robert Graham!

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    Good point, John: “And it relies on ‘secret science’ which no amount of FOIA requests will bring out into the light.”

    You know it’s fraud when they hide their “data”. Climategate showed us that.

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    Herb Rose


    The difference in gravity at the top of the troposphere (distance 6391 km) and sea level (distance 6371 km) is .4%. The difference in temperature is 72 C. The temperature of a gas is not an accurate measurement of the kinetic energy (heat) of the gas molecules. The temperature at altitude 15 km and 20 km is the same which means the thermometer is receiving the same kinetic energy. The density or number of molecules transferring energy to the thermometer at 20 km is about half the number transferring heat at 15 km. Clearly the gas molecules at 20 km have greater kinetic energy than the gas molecules at 15 km and the recorded temperature is not an accurate measurement of the kinetic energy. The same temperature of -56.5 C is recorded at even higher altitudes where the density or the atmosphere is even smaller.

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    The bottom line is that T&K cartoon as depicted above, require that at all times, solar energy entering the planet exactly balances the energy leaving the planet.
    What a load of hogwash. No it doesn’t and there is no rational reason why it should, unless someone can cough-up some verified, observed, evidence to the contrary.
    Over the eventual long term it would balance but on the short term it is nonsense propaganda broadcast by the scientifically and imaginatively challenged.

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    tom0mason: Yes. Yes.
    It is so obvious but unfortunately needs repeating, ‘balance’ is a human construct, nature is not in balance, nature changes. For any defined locality, in any time period there can be a net energy flow in or out. Energy may or not be heat, perhaps over millennia it all goes to heat. Even then, there is no one-to-one match of heat with temperature as solids liquids and gases undergo phase changes.

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    James McGinn


    The message is spreading among the Twitter community that the cornerstone of the science of man-made global warming (the greenhouse gas theory) is an utter fraud.

    It’s no more a fraud than meteorology’s storm theory:
    The ‘Missing Link’ of Meteorology’s Theory of Storms

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    William Kay


    CO2 might have some warming effect however there is no evidence of this. Whatever warming effect CO2 is having is most likely minuscule, and beneficial.
    It is not as though scientists of the late 1970s/early 1980s suddenly noticed aberrant warming spikes and then ran to their politicians ringing alarms. Rather, G-7 governments decided upon coal and oil phase outs and then recruited scientists as PR men.
    There was not then, nor is there now, evidence of alarming (above-the-margins of natural flux) warming. This whole thing is propaganda.

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