CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC 7 On 9/11’

79-year-old retired CIA agent, Malcom Howard, has made a series of astonishing claims since being released from hospital in New Jersey on Friday and told he has weeks to live. Mr. Howard claims he was involved in the “controlled demolition” of World Trade Center 7, the third building that was destroyed on 9/11.

Mr. Howard, who worked for the CIA for 36 years as an operative, claims he was tapped by senior CIA agents to work on the project due to his engineering background, and early career in the demolition business.

Trained as a civil engineer, Mr. Howard became an explosives expert after being headhunted by the CIA in early 1980s. Mr. Howard says has extensive experience in planting explosives in items as small as cigarette lighters and as large as “80 floor buildings.

The 79-year-old New Jersey native says he worked on the CIA operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001, during a time he says the CIA “was still taking orders from the top.” Mr. Howard says he was part of a cell of 4 operatives tasked with ensuring the demolition was successful.

 Mr. Howard says the World Trade Center 7 operation is unique among his demolitions, as it is the only demolition that “we had to pretend wasn’t a demolition job”. He claims he had no problem going through with the deception at the time, because “when you are a patriot, you don’t question the motivation of the CIA or the White House. You assume the bigger purpose is for a greater good. They pick good, loyal people like me, and it breaks my heart to hear the shit talk.

[John Kerry Admits WTC 7 Was Brought Down By Controlled Demolition]

But even he admits that now, looking back, “Something wasn’t right.”

 “No good has come from this. This isn’t the America we envisioned.”

Explaining how the building was bought down, Mr. Howard says, “It was a classic controlled demolition with explosives. We used super-fine military grade nanothermite composite materials as explosives. The hard part was getting thousands of pounds of explosives, fuses and ignition mechanisms into the building without causing too much concern. But almost every single office in the Building 7 was rented by the CIA, the Secret Service, or the military, which made it easier.”Mr. Howard explains that WTC 7 was “loaded with explosives in strategic places” in the month leading up to the day that changed the course of American history. On September 11th, while the North and South towers burned, fuses were ignited in World Trade Center 7, and nanothermite explosions hollowed out the building, destroying the steel structure, removing the reinforcements, and allowing the office fires to tear through the rest of the building, hollowing it out like a shell.

World Trade Center 7 collapsed into its own footprint at 5:20pm, seven hours after the destruction of WTC 1 and 2. The building shocked witnesses by coming down at the speed of freefall, indicating that it encountered zero resistance on the way down.

Mr. Howard and his colleagues had done their job.

When the building came down, it was such a rush. Everything went exactly to plan. It was so smooth. Everybody was evacuated. Nobody was hurt in WTC 7. We were celebrating. We kept watching replays of the demolition, we had the whiskey and cigars out, and then all of a sudden the strangest thing happened. We all started to worry that it looked a bit too smooth.

We watched the tape again and again and again and we started to get paranoid. It looked like a controlled demolition. We thought shit, people are going to question this. And then we heard that people from the street were reporting that they heard the explosions during the afternoon.

When we were told that the BBC botched their report and announced to the world that the building collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did… At that point we really thought the gig was up.”

According to the official 9/11 report issued by the government, WTC 7 collapsed due to “uncontrolled fires” that were caused by debris that floated over from WTC 1 and 2, which had been hit by passenger planes. If the official narrative was true, WTC 7 would be the first tall building in the world to ever collapse due to uncontrolled fires, and the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed into itself, due to “office fires.”

Mr. Howard and his colleagues feared the public would see through the official narrative and rise up against the government, demanding to be told the truth.

There were so many loose ends, so much evidence left behind. We thought the public would be all over it. We thought there would be a public uprising that the media couldn’t ignore. They’d be funding investigations and demanding to know why they were being lied to. We thought they’d find chemical composites in the area that would prove Building 7 was blown up. 

“We thought there would be a revolution. It would go all the way to the top, to President Bush. He’d be dragged out of the White House.

“But none of that happened. Almost nobody questioned anything. The media shot down anyone who dared question anything they were told.”

Follow the money

Mr. Howard claims he has “no direct knowledge” about the destruction of North and South Towers of the World Trade Center, explaining that “CIA operations are very specific” and that it is common to be working on a larger project while only understanding a small piece of the puzzle.

[9/11: Larry Silverstein Designed New WTC-7 One Year Before Attacks]

But he has advice for investigators seeking to understand the entire puzzle and work out who was behind the most devastating attack on American soil in history.

Follow the money.”

When you want to find out who is behind something, just follow the money. Look at the trades made just before 9/11. These are the guys that knew what was coming. The sons of CIA agents, government officials. Close relatives of the most powerful men in America. Cheney, Rumsfeld. They all got rich. It wasn’t just the contracts awarded to their friends in the construction business and the wars and the kickbacks.”

“It was insider trading.”

Many countries including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Monaco launched insider trading investigations in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, believing that if they could prove Al-Qaeda operatives profited on the stock market then they could prove the terror organization was behind the attacks.

And all the evidence pointed to heavy insider trading around 9/11.

Italy’s foreign minister, Antonio Martino, said: “I think that there are terrorist states and organizations behind speculation on the international markets.” German central bank president, Ernst Welteke, said his researchers had found “almost irrefutable proof of insider trading.”

Even CNN reported that regulators were seeing “ever-clearer signs” that someone “manipulated financial markets ahead of the terror attack in the hope of profiting from it.

Mr. Howard says that a serious study of who profited on the stock market from 9/11 would “tear the heart out of the oligarchy in America.

There is only one organization that spans the entire world, and let me tell you now, it isn’t and it never was al-Qaeda.

It’s the CIA.

There could never be a real investigation. The entire shadow government, as you call them now, are implicated.”

The 79-year-old, spending his final weeks at home, said he doesn’t expect to be taken into custody following his confession because “then they’d have to go after everyone else. They will just use the media to attack me. They are all on the payroll to suppress everything around 9/11.”

Comments (84)

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    The included video is no longer available!

    Course it was brought down. They all were.

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      the materials used in W-7 many were purchased from Russia. I see the D. Boss is CIA misinformation they seem to band together to quell information on themselves. You better believe that they wont matter anymore if they are removed from the face of the Earth for with the death of UK control, as the queen is now dead. they have a life of their own and America will not be truly free until that agency is destroyed as well as the other 3 lettered agencies…………….

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    D. Boss


    C’mon people. How gullible are you? The CIA specializes in MISinformation! What better way to neutralize perceived enemies by getting them to believe and spout off nonsense conspiracy theories and hence sound like raving lunatics?

    Normal thermite only deflagrates, it does not detonate. Nano thermite reacts much faster, so could potentially detonate… HOWEVER as of 2002 research papers indicate that quantities of only a few grams are produced and perhaps 100 kg /year might be in some form of production at that time….

    Not only that, it is HIGHLY unstable and subject to electrostatic ignition at very low levels of static charge. To believe spooks loaded their offices with thousands of pounds for almost a decade with this stuff that was only being made in gram or kilogram quantities by 2002, which wants to ignite when you look at it the wrong way – is beyond idiotic!

    Furthermore, Occam’s Razor applies – steel softens at roughly 1,000 to 1,100 deg F. Uncontrolled fires burning on lower floors for 5-7 hours can certainly cause critical structural members to weaken, deform and ultimately collapse.

    For one of my many lawful occupations, I took a structural firefighting course. Part of that course involved a scenario in a burn building, where a typical home or office interior was set up, and a simple candle set beside a couch to impinge on the fabric.

    We all watched as this demonstration proceeded – and startlingly, a mere 45 seconds after the couch ignited, the room was fully involved, and temperatures of the conflagration reached 1,500 F. (note the couch did not ignite immediately, it smouldered for some ten minutes, releasing flammable gases with poor combustion, then when it did ignite – whoosh and everything went up in rapid succession – it was a dramatic, realistic and alarming demonstration on how dangerous “mere fires” can be)

    Needless to say I will not allow candles in my home, ever, for any reason! (nor will I buy dumbassed conspiracy theories that dismiss the capricious nature of mere fires)

    Here’s a better conspiracy theory: Some retired Spook finds he has a few weeks to live, and his handler approaches him and says “how would you like a $10 million insurance policy for your loved ones? All you have to do is make this death bed utterance on so and so conspiracy to sow disinformation….” Would the dying chap say no?

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      “All you have to do is make this death bed utterance on so and so conspiracy to sow disinformation….”
      Just another theory, same as mine.

      I’ll concede that the towers may, have fallen within themselves in domino fashion due to the tubular construction used, but I’m not fully convinced at this moment in time. Such construction isn’t attributable to the 7 building as far as I know so where’s the truth in that one? I also wasn’t aware one of the towers partly fell sideways at the upper levels, which cast further muddying on what I knew. Even the experts are still split, and though willful intent will not figure, the explanation, must be a forced conclusion rather than solid fact..

      One thing is for certain, current happenings show that tampering to achieve a goal, even at such loss of life is not beyond the bounds of reason. I guess I’m sitting on the fence then.

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      Just a couple points will totally debunk D. Boss PSYOP denial of facts. 1) The building WTC7 was brought down by demolition period. Nobody with an IQ > 50 thinks a building can just collapse at freefall speed from a fire and this fact alone proves 911 was an inside job. 2) He tries to debunk the explosives named by CIA insider Malcom Howard by attacking the thermite as not having explosive properties. He hopes you are dumb enough not to know the difference between a thermite cutting charge, which is not explosive and a Military grade Thermite Composite Explosive Charge, which combines nano thermite mixed with RDX. Here are the patents for both, so you can see for yourself.

      Malcom Howard specifically says they used a classic demolition method with EXPLOSVIVES, which he describes as military grade NANOTHERMITE COMPOSITE.

      “It was a classic controlled demolition with explosives. We used super-fine military grade nanothermite composite materials as explosives.

      End of Story, Malcom Howard only confirms what we free thinkers already knew that 911 was a TREASONOUS INSIDE JOB.

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        @Mikez1r, another shill on the “free-fall, nano-thermite” bandwagon. See my reply below and click the links to have your nonsense completely destroyed.

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      Phillis Stein


      You can attempt to apologise for these criminals all you like, and you are entitled to your opinion and your free speech, but your arguments don’t convince me. I KNOW what I saw.

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      A gate keepers answer if ever I have read one.

      “Furthermore, Occam’s Razor applies – steel softens at roughly 1,000 to 1,100 deg F. Uncontrolled fires burning on lower floors for 5-7 hours can certainly cause critical structural members to weaken, deform and ultimately collapse.”
      This statement has no connection to the collapse sequence we have all seen of WTC7.

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      Just like you @D.Boss, I’m tired of the “Building 7 smoking gun” conspiracy theory invented by “truthers” and children in mummy’s basements everywhere.

      Building 7 was hit by burning aircraft parts and firefighters were unable to put it out since after the towers collapsed, the water lines under the pavement were crushed. The building was also of long-girder construction like WTC1 and 2. All it takes is some 600 degrees to soften and expand the girders so they buckle, lose strength and snap off their mountings. There was also a diesel generator inside feeding the flames.

      People heard victims who jumped slam into roofs below and the WTC1 and 2 floors pancaking into each other, mistaking them for “explosions” and the “Twoofer” movement jumped on this bandwagon, also pushing the idea that the buildings collapsed “free-fall”, nano-thermite et al. However it’s obvious that they collapsed slower than ejected debris that WAS actually in free-fall, and there’s no way NOBODY could notice all the buildings being loaded with thousands of tons of fanciful nano-thermite or other explosives.

      I even had one idiot years ago showing me footage of NO PLANE hitting WTC2. He edited the plane out to “support” his moronic idea that satellites fired lasers at the buildings. Plenty of retards out there looking for clickbucks.

      RKOwens4 on YouTube has an extensive video collection and breakdown of 9/11:

      Another one here by YouTuber JOE:

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        Herb Rose


        Hi Revolution,
        To me it makes perfect sense that the CIA would rig bldg 7 (not the twin towers) with demolition charges, if it was their offices. After the fiasco in Iran and Saigon, where they were scrambling (and unable) to destroy sensitive materials, it would seem obvious that there needed to be a way to destroy all materials if they ever loss control of the building and all their work became vulnerable. The terrorist attack on the towers, where the building needed to be evacuated immediately, is a perfect example of the need for them to be able to protect their work by destroying every thing. As occupants of the building they would have no trouble bringing in and rigging the needed explosives.

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        I’d be curious know how you’d explain the British Bullshit Corporation “reporting” the building7 coming down long before it actually did?

        Or lucky Larry saying: “so we just pulled it”

        Idiots like you and dboss please go and troll somewhere

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          You have a source to back your dubious assertion?

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    yeah, yeah it was planned – all i want to know is did this 79 year old retired CIA agent have the jab?

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      I agree.

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      itsme, what a great line. Tanks for the laugh ! Actually, he was a double agent for the Cheka, GPU, NKVD, KGB.

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    I spent my from 16 years on till I was 50 working with explosives and all these fake stories Like nukes and planes and now D. Boss who does not Know shit. They were blown down with a mix of conventional explosives and maybe some thermite I never used the latter but that would explain the molten metal . Well placed small charges with with detonating relays no radio circuits just good old fashioned know how

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      Really Robert? How did NOBODY notice all the buildings being loaded with thousands of tons of fanciful nano-thermite or other explosives? It’s an idiotic theory. Sure, grabbermint might have allowed or made 9/11 happen, but “controlled demolition” is purely ridiculous.

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        The team that set the explosives were the same crew hired to do the core sampling for the insurance company policy renewal. It was easy to pull off, their photos performing the job were up on the internet for many years. It is said the company did core sampling and demolition, which would make sense, as who would know building construction and where to core the concrete to check for structural rigidity better than a demolition company. The insurance policy was cancelled on Sept 10th. They are still fighting this in court to this day.

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    What on Earth


    To read the words of a dying CIA Commie, turns my stomach! As far as I’m concerned, go ahead and tell your truths, but let death become you for what you participated in. To celebrate with booze and cigars, and your biggest worry was people figuring it out! I figured it out when I watched that day, I knew!
    You were doing your “patriotic duty”, sickening. Not sorry your sick, again, let death become you.

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      What on Earth, and he had absolutely no remorse for the murder of 4,ooo of his fellow Americans. Satan, is awaiting his arrival.

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        Herb Rose


        Hi Hans,
        No-one died in the collapse of building 7. It had been evacuated after the planes crashed into the twin towers. This leads credence to the claim that it was deliberately demolished to destroy all the sensitive materials it contained.

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        Popular Mechanics? Ha Ha Ha! You’re either completely brainwashed or on the mass murderers payroll.

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      Very little truth come out from VeteransToday. A far left-wing crackpot
      organization, engaging in lies and distortions.

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        Zero truth comes out of crackpot’s “Hans”

        (That is the best you can do? better to focus on the topic instead)

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    D. Boss is a brainwashed sheeple or PSYOP master, I will let you decide on that after I debunk him. Just a couple points totally debunk his long winded BS. 1) The building WTC7 was brought down by demolition period. Nobody with an IQ > 50 thinks a building can just collapse at freefall speed from a fire and this fact alone proves 911 was an inside job. 2) He tries to debunk the explosives named by CIA insider Malcom Howard by attacking the thermite as not having explosive properties. He hopes you are dumb enough not to know the difference between a thermite cutting charge, which is not explosive and a Military grade Thermite Composite Explosive Charge, which combines nano thermite mixed with RDX. Here are the patents for both, so you can see for yourself.

    Malcom Howard specifically says they used a classic demolition method with EXPLOSVIVES, which he describes as military grade NANOTHERMITE COMPOSITE.

    “It was a classic controlled demolition with explosives. We used super-fine military grade nanothermite composite materials as explosives.

    End of Story, Malcom Howard only confirms what we free thinkers already knew that 911 was a TREASONOUS INSIDE JOB.

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    Shawn Marshall


    Would anyone working for the CIA truly be dumb enough to do what this guy claims? Trusting that they were doing it ‘for the good’ ? That is ludicrous beyond belief. More likely he is just an attack dog against the Republican Party. Bush’s face when informed of the attacks exhibited fear, confusion and timidity… hard to believe he knew anything. Cheney and his lizard daughter are such war mongers that he could be suspected of such an intrigue but how could he have the chops to involve so many people at CIA in such a stupid plot. The FBI suppressed intelligence on the Saudi illegals getting flight training… evidence provided by their own field office. Did our government agencies deliberately let these malefactors run loose in our country? We do realize since the Trump administration that the FBI and CIA are thoroughly corrupt but to think so many employees of those agencies would cooperate in the 9-11 plot is a bridge too far for me.

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    B S .

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    T. C. Clark


    Before he croaked, did he reveal that the moon landings were fake?…..and the proof of a flat earth?….Who really shot JFK?

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      Allan Shelton


      Maybe he did. He may have been the second gun on the grassy knoll??? ;^D

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        Most everyday people have no clue of how deep the evil is within the United States Goverment. I for one believe that our government is NOT our friend. It is uglier than you can imagine. So, do I believe that this could have happened you bet. That was a controlled demolition, 100%.
        Follow the money is right! Oh, and the Bushes, are as corrupt as you could imagine.

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      LOL, Mr Clark. BTW, his medical doctor is Bigfoot.

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      Climate Heretic


      Secret service agent George Hickey? “JFK: The Smoking Gun” made the claim that George Hickey, a Secret Service agent riding in the car behind Kennedy, accidentally shot the president on Nov. 22, 1963.

      Climate Heretic

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        A little detail re JFK murder...


        This short video goes deeper into the JFK murder mystery than most people can imagine. Yes, there is an evil that is so ugly, most have no idea of. When it all is exposed, they will be shocked. Research the subject now so you will be able to help the public when it all comes out. Kerth Barker wrote 7 books about his training by “The Cult”. His books are full of information that help connect the dots between what we think is “normal American life” and the Luciferian world that lies just below the surface, It’s all coming out… their lease is up.

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    What was the purpose in destroying a 47-floor building ?????
    If there was an explosion, why was no one kilt ???
    Why would anyone work in a building which is wired with explosives ???
    There was a missive fire within the structure, due to the proximity of the
    Twin Towers.

    This deathbed confession is complete balderdash.

    BTW, former mayor Rudy Giuliani had an office in 7. I suspect the mob used
    this opportunity to kill him. :<))

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        Howy Duty, hear is the quote: Following an extensive four-year study at the University of Alaska, using four extremely complex computer models, Dr. Leroy Hulsey, Dr. Zhili Quan, and Professor Feng Xiao found the “fire did not cause the collapse”.

        Yes, indeed, computer models are never, never wong; just
        axe the global warming scientests.

        ” Led by Lawrence Wien, an owner of the Empire State Building, the Committee for a Reasonable World Trade Center joined a growing number of critics arguing that the twin towers would be unstable at such a massive height—and unsafe in the case of an airplane collision or fire. In 1968, Wien even took out a nearly full-page newspaper ad with an artist’s rendition of a commercial airplane about to fly straight into the upper stories of the North Tower.”

        I have never read this before, however, it is quite shocking
        “Traditional skyscrapers owed their stability to a system of large vertical columns running through each floor at intervals of 15-30 feet, with the exterior walls providing little support on their own. But in order to open up the vast swaths of office space called for in the planned twin towers, engineers put the bulk of the buildings’ strength outside, essentially creating stiff tubes of heavy steel. The innovative design allowed for minimal columns inside, most of them clustered at the building’s center so as to maximize the amount of open space on each floor.”

        “In addition to the elevators, the decision to place the building’s staircases in the center of each tower was also designed to maximize open office space. At the time the World Trade Center was built, city building codes required six staircases for buildings of the towers’ height. But as an interstate agency, the Port Authority was exempt from such codes. It chose to follow a newer building code that required only three staircases, a decision that would have devastating consequences on 9/11. ”

        I shall always maintain, that if these two building were of standard design, they may have survived.

        “Ronald O. Hamburger, a structural engineer who was investigating the 9/11 disaster, described the vulnerabilities of the buildings during a lecture at Stanford in December 2001.

        “These buildings were incredibly strong, especially with respect to resisting dead loads and wind loads, but they also had a number of vulnerabilities,” he said.

        Mr Hamburger was a member of the engineer team hired to assess the performance of the World Trade Centre following the disaster.

        “The floor trusses were relatively flimsy. As the tower collapsed, the trusses just fell apart,” he said.”

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          Howy duty?… OK Hans, knees and bumps a daisy.

          Yes, I already know all that, I said as much when I said tubular construction near the top comments.
          My post was to illustrate the vagueness of relying on MSM articles since they print whatever gets clicks/views..

          The alternative is:
          This one also attributes the aircraft collisions as possibilities on account the building was not designed to cope with that.
          As I said earlier, the conclusion is a forced one rather than solid fact because nobody knows for certain.

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            Hans - Knees & bumps a daisy


            Howdy, an excellent link and good reading.
            “As I said earlier, the conclusion is a forced one rather than solid fact because nobody knows for certain.”
            Sorry, the conclusion does not require an engineering degree, but rather just to witness the collapse. There is nothing complex about the destruction of the Twin Towers.

            This is what one of the designers said of the structure:
            “Aaron Swirsky, one of the 14 architects on the WTC design team led by Yamasaki, stated in an interview with CNN the day following the attacks that he believed a plane would never have been able to bring the buildings down. At the time when the buildings were being built, the largest commercial planes held only 100 passengers and had small fuel capacities. According to Swirsky, the Twin Towers were designed so that if either of the buildings were hit, the aircraft would travel straight through the structure and only cause damage to the floors it crashed into [5]. In agreement, a press release from the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations after the attack included a statement from Leslie E. Robertson, a member of the structural design team, that the towers were designed to survive the impact of a Boeing 707.”

            Even that jetliner would have damaged the structure beyond repair.

            What has never been reveled, is what was the weight of each floor.

            Even without the fires, the damage to the super structure was so severe, that they were doomed.

            You will notice, that WTC 2,
            was the first to collapse, despite it was the second one struck. The impact on the 60th floor was almost one half of the 110 floors.
            I would opine that even without fires, the weight of the floors above, would have forced the collapse. Whether, in hours, days or weeks, a total collapse was in the offering.

            Aaron Swirsky,, was also wong about his assessment of the 707. Passenger capacity was 132, to as much as 189.
            Wingspan was 132′ to 145′ and fuel capacity was 17,ooo
            to 23,ooo US gallons.

            He could not have design the building without the aid of structural engineers.

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            They also don’t realize the amount of KINETIC energy the large aircraft going over 400 mph had when it hit a tall heavy standing building that absorbed huge amounts of energy which can be catastrophic to the materials and with a lot of available Jet Fuel is between 99 to 130 octane which is a lot of energy.

            The Jet planes has enough fuel and Kinetic energy to destroy the buildings all by itself.

            An asteroid just 150 feet across can greatly devastate a large region of earth known as the Barringer Crater in Arizona

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            “Sorry, the conclusion does not require an engineering degree, but rather just to witness the collapse”
            That leads to conjecture, which even the experts use because they don’t know.

            I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree, Hans?

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            Sunsettommy, Jet fuel is paraffin/kerosene, not High octane petrol.

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            I am talking about OCTANE ratings of Aviation Gas

            “What is the octane level of aviation gas?

            They Have Different Octane Ratings The most common avgas is 100 octane, which is a measure of the fuel’s ability to resist premature detonation or “knock.” Avgas is also available at other octanes such as 87 and 130, but they are rare today. At the pump, you’ll find gas ranging from 87 to 93 octane for automotive use.”


            “Can you run aviation fuel in a car?
            Jet fuel can actually be used in cars, but only in diesel engines. Kerosene jet fuel and diesel are actually similar enough to allow for cross-functionality and would provide a similar performance. Both are derived from crude oil, and both run their respective engines on combustion.”

            You should have read the link I posted.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Sunsettommy,
            The octane rating of diesel fuel at the pump is 40. If you raise the octane the diesel engine will refuse to run. Octane has to do with ignition point from compression not the energy in the fuel.

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            “I am talking about OCTANE ratings of Aviation Gas”
            Irrelevant. Aviation gasoline was not the fuel used that you claim was a factor in the twin tower destruction. It was paraffin.

            “You should have read the link I posted.”
            I did. Knock is related to piston engines, not jets.
            Paraffin in a diesel engine will destroy the injection components necessary for pressure and spray injection. The fact compression ignition engines run on both fuels because they come from crude is irrelevant. Diesels also run on cooking oil, and any similar substance that can be atomized and ignited under the available heat of compression, indeed, early compression ignition ran on coal.

            You should have done more research.

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      The Securities and Exchange Commission had investigative offices in WTC-7. The destruction of evidence with collapse of the building brought to a halt then-ongoing investigations of the enormous Enron and Global Crossing stock scams, probably others.

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    I knew badge and gun carriers in the Ground Zero Area. To rant and rave that somehow all those explosives were planted with NO LEOS noticing is pure fantasy. And no, there was not any grand conspiracy. The only “conspiracy” was the FBI trying to hide the fact they ignored warnings from one of their own Agents about the Arabs taking pilot training. The guy on his deathbed was under the influence of drugs and psychosis.

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      Lord Lloyd, excellent points indeed !

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      Sure whatever…

      Not that I really care but how do you explain that buildings like WTC 1, 2 and 7 never,ever before or since just fell into their own footprint?..

      I’m sure Hans-stein and dboss can explain it tho.LOL.

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        They are at least trying you just sneer and insult a poor way to argue.

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        Checkmate, it collapsed because of the same structural design as the Twin Towers. It is the “community conspiracy”
        which seeks to advance varies hypothesis, in order to suggest other events were at play.

        Your only real argument can bee that it was a bomb which cause the destruction of WTC 7 and it was done because varies governmental units were housed there.

        The question to the bomb theorists, why did “they” wait for the Twin Towers to come down ?

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    I’m a conspiracy believer.
    As a general rule the world works by conspiracy… Democrats against Republicans, school boards against teachers, Vikings against the Packers, Ford against Chevy, Twitter and Facebook against the truth… it’s all conspiracy.

    Yes, following the money can often reap the reward of knowledge. And tied in with that is following the result. As a preliminary, we know that Bush and Cheney wanted to get involved militarily in Iraq and Afghanistan from before 9/11. Iraq had proven oil reserves of from 112 billion to 300 billion barrels of crude, several hundred times that country’s annual need. And we know that China has comparatively limited domestic reserves and was seeking to “move” into the Middle East. Keeping China from getting the oil would certainly rank high.

    So how to justify a wholesale incursion?
    Well, you can blame Saddam Husein for actively seeking nuclear weapons (he wasn’t), and you can also claim that we were invading his country in order to free Moslem women from the tyranny of their religious overlords, but neither of those rationales are sufficient for D-Day, March 2003. What is needed is an attack upon our sovereignty.

    Hitler did it at Eger, Chechoslovakia, when his puppet, Konrad Henlein, under orders from Berlin, caused a sniper attack to occur against locals that was put down forcefully. This reaction by the local police was the phony justification for Hitler to move in militarily.

    The Roosevelt Administration, well recognized as wanting to get us into war in Europe (or perhaps simply the Navy Department in this particular instance), ordered future Commander In Chief of Pacific Forces (CINCPAC in the 1960s) Admiral U.S. Grant Sharp, into Japanese held waters before December 7, 1941, skippering a small surface vessel, armed with only his sidearm. He stated in an article I read that the goal was to provoke an incident that would lead to war.

    Please, countries try to fool their citizenry all the time, and have always done so. Robert Novak said it so well: “Always love your country; never trust your government.”

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      Yougottoloveme orlooseme, you are right about one thing, there are hundred of thousands of conspiracy on a daily basis, however, most of them are criminal in nature.

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        Hans, I disagree. Taking the definition of “conspiracy” to be : “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful”, it is intuitively obvious that most conspiracies are legal. When a group plans to create a state of existence that another individual or group doesn’t wish for itself… a “harmful” outcome… then it is clear that conspiracy has occurred. Whether or not it is carried out or successful is immaterial.

        If two siblings or two unrelated children get together to cause their parents to make a decision that the parents wouldn’t normally make, such as staying up late during the week, or letting them go to a party, or going out with unsavory characters, then that is conspiracy. It’s legal, per se, but since it has harmed the parent’s sensibilities by not complying with parental wishes, the parent’s state of existence by way of their expectations, it is firmly within the definition of conspiracy.

        Thankfully there are many more legal conspiracies than illegal, however there certainly are enough illegal ones.

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          Love me tender, quotes “it is intuitively obvious that most conspiracies are legal.”

          n. pl. con·spir·a·cies
          1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
          2. A group of conspirators.
          3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
          4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.

          A legal act or actions, requires no conspiracy[ies].

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            Okay Hans, I’ma help you out. Using the American Heritage Dictionary, perhaps the best single volume dictionary of English, you’ll read for the word “conspiracy”:

            An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful or subversive act. My child analogy describes subversion.
            (At law) An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action. The child analogy… within the context of family rules… brings forth an illegal purpose through an illegal action .
            A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design. A politician, any politician, who talks things over with a member of his staff about how to come up with dirt on his opponent, has certainly acted together in sinister design… even though the gathering of dirt is completely legal.

            I think you’ll agree that the examples of true conspiracy are endless.

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    Gary Ashe


    I followed the money with climate change, it led me right to the science.

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      U fetgit d /SARC

      IT’S d scientific consensus…YEPPER!

      Complete with manipulated historical data & jacked up computer models…

      The same shit as backed the screeching of Engrish university modeled predictions of MILLIONS of deaths from fake nuevo covid virus to the terrified global population. Oh right… AYE! Corona!!! sars-2 virus…another model, well & long patented.

      The bulk of humanity have been proven as described in the Talmud…

      No surprise these monstrous murderous bastards switched so facily between the 2 Hoaxes .

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      How much money did they pay you to come on board?

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    Phillis Stein


    All I can say is that the ONLY form of destruction I was quite taken with from a very young age were controlled demolitions. Why? Because I thought they were very clever to be able to bring a huge structure down into its own footprint. I was obsessed and loved watching them, and so I watched MANY such demolitions. So, when I watched this first on TV on my own in a hotel in Africa, where I was at the time – I KNEW exactly what I was looking at and all the apologists in the world could never convince me otherwise. What I found unbelievable was that everybody else didn’t see what I saw. The planes were probably CGI, because there’s just no way they would go into a building like that, especially when you watch the videos up close and on slow speed. Also, the way Bush received the news made it completely obvious he was awaiting that news.

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    Only two problems with this story.

    Why the controlled demolition of the building?
    Where was this traitor during the 9/11 hearings?

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      Controlled demolition was for several reasons, including being preplanned back in 1964 when two TRIPPING FOR THE FIRST TIME Rockefellers boasted to the queen of England over the telephone that the center of world finance was moving to New York, installed in two 1,000 foot tall buildings covered with shiny aluminum so she could see it 100 miles out to sea, and would did she think about that, ha ha ha. She offered up her Idaho state ARCO Nuclear Testing Reservation to do all the structural engineering study in a HUGE no-fly zone for secrecy, AND the Kellogg Corporation could vaporize the structure when they were done so no steel recycling back to Seattle would be necessary, saving about $10 million. The deal was cut, but the Rockefellers were not to prosper on this one with many considerable legal offenses, including MASSIVE Building Code violations. The Kellogg system included painting all of the steel in the upper floors with low level radioactive isotopes which were sent super-critical by neutron flux generators. Low noise, detuned nuke demolition using technology used by the Russians to zap out canals in solid granite all over Siberia before WTC application, without incident would be the method. Old “ALCHEMY” scam books were the DEMANDED BY CONTRACT method for corrosion elimination between the exterior steel and the aluminum siding. “IMPOSSIBLE!” you say. Having that alchemy crap used and hoping for it to work was doable but succeeding was impossible, and Kaiser failed as predicted by all except the Rockefellers and British royalty.Both losers if they have no armies and air forces ad navies. This stupidity of construction technique is the biggest indicator that the WTC towers were, indeed, built to blow up later, facilitating the theft of TONS UPON TONS of gold and laundering BILLIONS of dollars in counterfeit government bonds by the Bush Skull and Bones crowd. $400 billion, I recall.

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    I disagree with the assertion that the CIA being “only one organization that spans the entire world,” The CIA is a wholly owned subsidiary of MOSSAD.

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    Herb Rose


    If you were in the CIA and in charge of an office where extensive secret and sensitive materials were located, would you make a contingency plan to cover a scenario where those materials were, for some reason, were left unprotected and exposed? If explosives were planted in the office where you and your colleagues worked, would you make sure that they would not go off accidentally but in the the right situation all that material you worked on would be destroyed? Does this make you a part of some nefarious and traitorous plot or someone who is concerned about your responsibilities?

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      “If you were in the CIA and in charge of an office where extensive secret and sensitive materials were located, would you make a contingency plan to cover a scenario where those materials were, for some reason, were left unprotected and exposed? If explosives were planted in the office-”

      Would that not be an OSHA violation ?

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    Yes, we know.

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    This is your wakeup call


    9/11 was an event that was planned, executed and then covered up by the very same International Cabal that completely owns and controls all nations of this realm. The USA “government” is simply middle management for this system. There is not even a single congressman, Senator, Governor, Judge or Executive level puppet that even questions the events of that day. (At least not in public) Same goes for the Covid scamdemic. That should make it abundantly clear that we are ruled over by a sleazy gaggle of sub-human garbage that pretends to be human.
    It’s not just the 2 towers that somehow, miraculously fell into their own footprint at free-fall speed. But building 7 as well. Then there is the Pentagon. No footage has been released of a plane despite hundreds of security cameras installed. The damage does not equate to a 757 slamming into it. Nor is there any significant evidence of plane wreckage at Shanksville, PA.
    But as the sheeple say……sure was a bunch of hard to explain events that day.
    Good thing Silverstein doubled down on the insurance that day. But I guess that is just one more hard to explain event amongst so many.

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    Ebenezer Tandoh


    So how come Osama Bin Laden took responsibility for it? This could be a conspiracy theory.

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    Pat K


    Not that I doubt the possibility of the CIA doing something like this, but this story was circulating in July 2017 and this article give the impression (to me, at least) that it is new.
    One source of the 2017 story:

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    Carlton Newman


    We need to put things into perspective and take a broader view of events over the past
    160+ years, The 9/11 False Flag event was not an isolated event. It was one of many going back to the COUP that occurred with the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. The sinking of the Lusitania got us into WW!.

    The economy was taken over by a cabal of international bankers, headed by Rothschild, with the creation of the private bank called The Federal Reserve Bank, Inc. It is no more federal than Federal Express. The Internal Revenue Service was created to collect the interest on the debt created by the circulation of Federal Reserve Notes. So far, the FED has destroyed over 97% of the value of the dollar. The FED is the SOLE cause of inflation.

    The Japanese Code had been broken and so our government was well aware of their planned attack on Pearl Harbor. They ordered the corralling of the Pacific Fleet in that small harbor and ordered the canceling of all Shore Leave to maximize casualties.

    The Korean War was controlled by a Soviet General who headed the United Nations forces. All plans of attack had to be cleared by him beforehand.

    The Gulf of Tonkin Incident that got us into the Viet Nam War never happened.

    And then came the 9/11 False Flag. WTC 7 was the smoking gun because no plane hit it and yet it collapsed at free fall (demolition) speed. The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, numbering over 3,000 professionals, all agreed that it had to be controlled demolitions that brought it down. No steel frame building has ever collapsed due to fires, no matter how intense.

    Investigative Reporter Christopher Bolyn wrote three books on the theme Solving 9/11 Solves the War on Terror. He toured the country several times giving his 2 hour lecture on the Neo-Con/Israeli connection. Mossad demolition experts, posing as art students, lived in the Twin Towers about a year with unrestricted 24/7 access while they planted their military grade nanothermite charges. They were so bold that they even took pictures of themselves with stacks of BB18 connectors used to connect and control the timing of demolitions. When they were captured by the police after the detonations, Chertoff had them released. They were welcomed back in Israel as heroes. The drone planes that hit the Towers struck in two different Computer Centers where large amounts of nanothermite were stored thus setting off the initial tremendous explosions. Bolyn explains how the Twin Towers came under the ownership of Larry Silverstein when it was a public building, formerly owned by the Port Authority. That was quite a slight of hand.

    Watch the video of Bolyn’s lecture here

    “Retired Major General Albert N. Stubblebine became the biggest name to disagree with the official version of events a few years ago.” The General “who was US Army’s Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984, went on the record to say that he believed his country’s government was lying.”

    “Major General Stubblebine said that after investigation – including measuring the impact site with the size of the jet – it couldn’t have been a plane that hit.

    Instead, he concluded it was a missile that smashed in the landmark, citing “evidence” that the remnants of a turbine from a rocket were left in the impact zone.

    He said in the same interview that images that allegedly back up his incredible claims were swiftly removed from the internet and replaced with doctored pictures.

    Since he went public with his theory, he added that he supported the much-debated idea that the Twin Towers were brought down in a controlled demolition.”

    The Cruise Missile hit the Pentagon at the exact room where auditors were looking for the $2.3 Trillion that Secretary Rumsfeld had announced was missing on September 10, 2001. Coincidence?

    A Wharthog was seen circling the area where the supposed plane hit the ground in Pennsylvania. The hole was not large enough for a plane. No plane debris was found and no black box was found. There were no body fragments or luggage debris. Another hole caused by a missile?

    Dick Cheney sat in the White House Command Center directing events and giving orders with top Pentagon Brass while a simulated War Game was being conducted on the very day and using the very theme of planes hitting the Twin Towers. Every security camera, but one, was turned off at the Pentagon that day.

    Besides the financial gains obtained by insider trading, the Military-Industrial Complex, that Eisenhower warned us about, made out like bandits. But the REAL GOAL of 9/11 was to further the COUP of America that occurred with the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, and then of President John F, Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy. The Patriot Act severely eroded Constitutional Rights and Protections while centralizing power and control of several agencies, CIA, FBI, FEMA, etc., under the Department of Homeland Security. The TSA was established to conduct “unreasonable searches and seizures” to get people used to being manhandled and intimidated by government agents.

    The 2020 Election was another piece of the ongoing COUP. The DeSousa Documentary ‘2,000 Mules” and Mike Lindell’s productions showing the real time cyber warfare used to switch votes show the evidence that has, so far, not been allowed to presented in our corrupted court system.

    The recent “Covid-19 Pandemic” was a weaponization of PHARMA. The Covid Vaccine is a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION disguised as a prophylactic. People young and old are having strokes and are dying of heart attacks. Morticians are finding strange growths, some as much as six feet long, clogging the arteries of victims. This weaponization of pharma and the health industry, AMA, etc., started when JD Rockefeller forced his petrochemical pharmaceuticals on an unsuspecting public. He bribed Congress, Medical Schools and used his control of the Media to get favored status for his new monopoly. When it was found that his drugs were causing cancer, he created the American Cancer Society to cover it up with their never ending Search For A Cure.. The 1986 Child Vaccine Injury Act gave Pharma freedom from liability for any harm done by their vaccines. They can put whatever they want into them; cause injuries and death; and they cannot be prosecuted.

    The DEEP STATE that has been in control of America since the assassination of Lincoln is getting sloppy. They are being exposed BIGLY. Their hatred of Donald Trump has blinded them and has awakened the SILENT MAJORITY of Americans who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

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    Teresa Carmichael


    The BBC announced that this building had collapsed, they had a ‘live feed’ at the time, those that knew could see this building in the background of the announcer, still intact. It collapsed later, laughable.

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      Your opinion isn’t convincing me at all.

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        Not convincing me neither. All of these charges are fake and have been proven so: Yet the theorists continue to remanufacture, what are truly silly counterpoints, which only hearsay and sheer speculation.

        The bombs of the Twin Towers, where two jetliners.
        Plenty of eyewitnesses. The attack on the Pentagon, was not a missile, but a commercial aircraft. Abundant of eyewitnesses, corpses and a debris field
        of airliner components.

        I will say, however, that 911 truthers would make excellent science fiction writers. It is always much easier to advance a conspiracy than to seek the truth.

        I would wager a princely sum, that conspiracy thinkers
        generally believe in UFOs and Bigfoot. They axe few questions. They are completely unrestricted in their thoughts and hypothesis, yet provide few if any sorted details. Theories are promulgated at the drop of a hat, with little facts or evidence, but a smorgasbord
        of childless conjecture. Objectivity is driven to the back of the bus, as the vehicle drives an erratic course.

        One can indeed remain doubtful of the official summary and not become dubious, nevertheless,
        conspiracists must provide at least of form of legitimacy by providing factual points. Lacking those, they simply become opinions which become neglected.

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    Harry Wynne


    The WTC7 building owner, Larry Silverstein, said on public television: “After the fire started in WT7 that morning, we decided to pull it.”
    Two things to note, (1) “pull it” is a demolition industry term for controlled demolition. Hence, he admits the the building was destroyed by demolition, and not as a consequence of the fire. (2) What is not so obvious is that it takes weeks if not months to plan, place explosives, and wire the detonation circuits in the building. It is impossible for someone to decide to “pull” a building in the morning, and have it happen that afternoon, Impossible. You conspiracy deniers, go figure.

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      Harry, thank you for providing an array of supporting documentation.
      Whom in their right minds would work in a building stuffed with explosives ?
      What good did it do to implode the structure?
      There were dozens of film crews with camera rolling and not a single
      large explosion was recorded by any of the crews, which is in a canyon of tall buildings, would not have been missed.

      I am sorry to have exploded your premise. :<))

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        Herb Rose


        Hi Hans,
        The building 7 was offices for the CIA and they rigged it with demolition charges. They needed to be able to destroy all the classified documents in a hurry if they lost control of the building, as happened in Saigon and Tehran. The whole area had been evacuated so there were no camera crews running around and the collapse of the towers and mass confusion provided cover and excuse for the demolition.

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          Hola Herbert:
          There was mask confusion, but the camera crews were evacuated? Even if you are correctoe, a blast within six blocks
          or a mile would have been heard and recorded.
          “The building 7 was offices for the CIA and they rigged it with demolition charges. They needed to be able to destroy all the classified documents in a hurry if they lost control of the building”

          Herbert, this means every security organ, with hundreds of buildings, is fitted with explosives. Even if this is true, a detonation hardly destroys all materials. It would have been more effective to allow combustion to consume all relevant materials, including excessive sick days cards. This explains why Rotham did not blow up her 30,ooo+ emales.

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    marv sannes


    ‘Men believe what they wish to be true.”

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      “Fools believe ————-.

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    Mussa Pie



    I don’t believe anything…..


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    Each tower had 5oo,ooo tons of weight. If one deducts 1/3 for the base
    foundation, the upper 110 floors would wait 33o,ooo tons. Thus, each floor
    had approximately 3,ooo tons of weight or 6 million pounds.

    One tower was struck on the 60th floor. This meant that the critically damaged
    super structure was holding up 150,ooo tons or 300 millions pounds. The Titanic had a weight of 52,ooo tons. This afflicted tower was in effect holding up three Titanics.

    Under any circumstances, it was a moral blow to the building. The fact it stood for nearly one hour, is a testimonial to the great engineering which saved 1000s of countless lives.

    God bless America !

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    We were in Italy on 911. The town we were living in was 90% inside job. Everyone knew it was demolitions. And a lot of folks knew bin ladden was sick and not at all capable of such operations…… But of coarse all the TV news was direct feed from US. Corps propaganda….

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