Christian professor says ‘we cannot give in’ to gender ideology

A tenured evangelical Christian professor who recently won a $400K lawsuit with the help of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) over forced pronoun usage said that Christians should not yield to gender ideology.

“We cannot give in,” Professor Nicholas Meriwether told CBN News. “Scriptures were extremely helpful, the Psalms — even the book of Revelation — teaches very, very clearly we must resist in a kind way, a humble way, a reasonable way,” Meriwether said, explaining how he endured through a multi-year battle with Shawnee State University in January 2018.

The public Ohio university tried to require Meriwether to use a student’s preferred pronouns and threatened him with firing if he did not. According to ADF, it also placed a “written warning” in his file due to his refusal to use the gender-confused man’s pronouns of choice.

Meriwether offered to use the student’s chosen first name, but the complaining student rejected the compromise.

“A male student approached me after class and demanded that I use female titles and pronouns, and I explained to him that I would not be able to do that,” Meriwether recounted.

“I was going to be punished, not for something that I was doing, but for something that I would not do, and that was to affirm the gender identity ideology … I would not affirm the ideology,” he told CBN News. “It was really about compelling me to speak in a way that conflicted with my beliefs as a Christian and a philosopher.”

“I thought it was an egregious violation of free speech,” Meriwether said. “I would not stand for it. I simply would not go along with it.”

Meriwether said he wants to move past the ordeal and hopes to find healing from the contentious situation.

“Christians are commanded by our Lord to forgive our enemies. The New Testament is extremely clear: We will have a lot of opposition, and we have to be loving, kind, and humble to those who oppose us, especially when they oppose us for our faith,” Meriwether said. “We can meet that challenge if we are humble and reasonable and rational and kind and generous, the very virtues that the New Testament compels us to adopt.”

“Shawnee State University made an economic decision to settle the Meriwether case,” a statement on its website says. “Though we have decided to settle, we adamantly deny that anyone at Shawnee State deprived Dr. Meriwether of his free speech rights or his rights to freely exercise his religion.”

“Over the course of this lawsuit, it became clear that the case was being used to advance divisive social and political agendas at a cost to the university and its students,” the public university stated. “That cost is better spent on fulfilling Shawnee State’s mission of service to our students, families and community.”

See more here:

Editor’s note: Perhaps Shawnee University should have thought about the potential costs before trying to force Merriweather to adhere to their own divisive political ideology.

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Comments (8)

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    Mark Tapley


    This incident is another case where academia and education in general is under attack by the Frankfurt (all Jew) School cultural Marxism intended to demoralize and destabilize the western countries. This practice actually began in the U.S. in the mid 1800’s with Horace Mann and the mandate for “public” education. By the late 1800’s this subversion of education was supercharged by Rockefeller shill and “father of Amer. Education” John Dewey in the drive to water down critical thinking and real academics in order to instigate Dewey’s program of molding :cogs in the socialist system.” This is all explained in N.Y. state teacher of the year John Taylor Gatto’s book “The Underground History of American Education.”

    This same Rockefeller Foundation led by Abraham and Simon Flexnor, at about the same time funded the allopathic germ theory that took over the medical industry, launched big Pharma and the massive campaign for “vaccination” powered by the propaganda from their controlled media about danger of the non existent viruses.


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      I think you are right about this. The problems that we have today go back further than most people think and that is why they now appear to be so entrenched.


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    Geraint HUghes


    The 37 genders nonsense isnt even idealogy, its just plain old fashioned lies and stupidity.


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    “Over the course of this lawsuit, it became clear that the case was being used to advance divisive social and political agendas at a cost to the university and its students,”

    I must admit I am impressed by the use of language by cultural Marxists, this one simple sentence flips the argument to imply they were the victims of an agenda. Admittedly that is somewhat easier if you control the narrative.


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    What most people fail to realize is that the last say 25 ish years have been a full court press by the system that enslaves humanity to turn everything upside down. Gender dysphoria, sexual orientation, CRT, and other nonsense is a deliberate agenda that is pushed on humanity by a centralized cabal of Satanic psychopaths that own and control the world. It’s all spelled out in excruciating detail in the 24 Protocols of Zion. That’s what’s up. They want to destroy the family. To destroy morality. To destroy faith in God.
    Same players are behind the Plandemic, all fake shootings, wars, so called terrorism, racism, unexplained fires and weather, big Pharma, the corrupt medical, legal and political systems. They own it all.
    People must stop being sheeple. Just look at what is happening over in Shanghai, China. That is what happens when obedient sheep allow tyranny to grow out of control. Only way to stop it is for people to wake up and stop participating in this upside down world. People must take these clowns to task. Anything else is doomed to failure and ever increasing misery at the hands of the International Jew.


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