Chemical Expert: Possible US Complicity in Skripal Poisoning
Dr Busby says a few words about the Russian Nerve Agent issue. He speaks as an expert in this area.
Chris worked for several years at the famous Wellcome Research laboratories in Beckenham, London as a Senior Scientist in the Department of Physical Chemistry. His job, at the basic level, was to help determine the structure and origin of pharmaceutical compounds. So, he is an expert in this area.
He also carried out similar work at Queen Mary College London for his first PhD and synthesised complex organic chemicals.
From that, he relates that the synthesis of a specific small organic chemical like the supposed Novichoks is not very difficult. Most synthetic organic chemists could knock up small quantities of the 234 compound, given the structure.
Mainly, there is no way that the compound that was detected in the Skripal attack could be traced to a Russian laboratory (or any laboratory) by any lab unless the lab already had a sample known to come from the Russian laboratory (or the source laboratory).
The determination and identification methods mainly depend on mass spectrometric fragmentation patterns, and include the spectrum of stray molecular fragments from impurities associated with the synthesis route. This is how Wellcome located Patent jumping, and took this evidence (from Busby and colleagues) into the courts. All chemists know this, and that is why the Porton head said what he said, as any chemist would have been able to raise this issue and show that he was lying, if he said anything else. It is basic physical chemistry.
So, the new headline in the Times, about a secret Russian laboratory is also bogus.
What is also clear is that the mass spectrum of the A234 compound was put on the NIST database in 1998 by a worker from the USA chemical warfare laboratory.
Chris therefore concludes that this whole affair is a tissue of lies and misdirection, rather like the WMD Iraq scenario and is aimed at creating a war with Russia that no one can win and where all life will lose.
[the above article from veterans today website]
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Joseph Olson
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It’s all theater, darling….really BAD theater….
“RiceARomney….that must have Zombie Treat” > a satire at FauxScienceSlayer(.)com > written as Ron Paul delegates circled the Bain Bandit RNC coronation in 2012, based on actual history of a century of POTUS puppet shows, written and directed by demonic warlords, funded by hapless sheeple and serfs. End feudalism now.