Cheap Lipid-lowering Drug Helps COVID Patients in Israeli Trial

The Times of Israel reports $1.50-a-day lipid-lowering drug helps COVID patients in small Israeli trial.

A $1.50-a-day generic drug appears to have strong COVID-fighting ability, Israeli researchers say, after inflammation levels “fell like a rock” among coronavirus patients in a small clinical trial.

A research team from Hebrew University of Jerusalem proposed early in the pandemic that fenofibrate, a generic fat-lowering medication and one of America’s most prescribed medicines, could help COVID-19 patients.

It saw the drug effectively fight the coronavirus in-vitro a year ago, and has conducted data studies since. Now, the team has given the drug to 15 serious COVID-19 patients at Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon. All were receiving oxygen, yet all were discharged during the course of the 10-day trial.

The comparison data suggested that 80% to 90% of patients would experience a cytokine storm, the immune overreaction which often causes COVID deterioration. None of the 15 patients in the new study had an observable cytokine storm.

The medicine [Fenofibrate], which is sold under a number of brand names, is America’s 73rd most prescribed drug. It is designed to reduce lipids known as triglycerides, the most common type of fat.

The trial was conducted before the Delta variant arrived in Israel, but Nahmias voiced confidence that the drug would work on different variants.

What About Hydroxychloroquine?

Also consider Penn Study Uncovers Possible COVID-19 Drugs — Including Several That Are Already FDA-Approved.

The team, whose findings were published in Cell Reports, screened thousands of existing drugs and drug-like molecules for their ability to inhibit the replication of the COVID-19-causing coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. In contrast to many prior studies, the screens tested the molecules for anti-coronaviral activity in a variety of cell types, including human airway-lining cells that are similar to the ones principally affected in COVID-19.

Of the nine drugs found to reduce SARS-CoV-2 replication in respiratory cells, three already have FDA approval: the transplant-rejection drug cyclosporine, the cancer drug dacomitinib, and the antibiotic salinomycin. These could be rapidly tested in human volunteers and COVID-19 patients.

For their screening project, Cherry and colleagues assembled a library of 3,059 compounds, including about 1,000 FDA-approved drugs and more than 2,000 drug-like molecules that have shown activity against defined biological targets. They then tested all of these for their ability to significantly inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in infected cells, without causing much toxicity.

Since SARS-CoV-2 is mainly a respiratory virus and is thought to initiate infections via airway-lining cells, the researchers sought a respiratory cell type that they could infect experimentally with the virus. They eventually identified a suitable cell line, Calu-3, that is derived from human airway-lining cells. They used these respiratory-derived cells to test the antiviral compounds identified through the human liver cell screen, and found that only nine had activity in the new cells.

By identifying different sets of drugs that work in different cell types, the researchers also shed light on the mechanisms SARS-CoV-2 uses to gain entry to cells. The findings suggest that in kidney and liver cells, the virus uses a mechanism that can be disrupted, for example, by hydroxychloroquine; yet the virus appears to use a different mechanism in respiratory cells, thus explaining hydroxychloroquine’s lack of success in those cells — and in COVID-19 clinical trials.

That last paragraph likely explains conflicting reports on the success or lack thereof of hydroxychloroquine.

UK Study On Fenofibrate

Clinical Trials Arena says Study Finds Fenofibrate’s Ability to Reduce Covid-19 Infection.

A research team led by the University of Birmingham and Keele University in the UK has found that a licensed oral drug, fenofibrate, and its active form, fenofibric acid, can substantially reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection in human cells in the laboratory.

Approved in various countries, fenofibrate is being used for the treatment of conditions such as increased cholesterol and fatty substance levels in the blood.

Fenofibrate decreased Covid-19 infection by up to 70% at concentrations that are safe and attainable with its standard clinical dose, the University of Birmingham noted.

Additional unpublished findings showed that the drug worked against the newly emergent SARS-CoV-2 variants such as the Alpha and Beta variants. The university added that further research is underway to analyse the drug’s efficacy against the Delta variant.

The US’ Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel are currently progressing two trials of the drug in hospitalised subjects with Covid-19.

Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Tested at Penn Medicine to Help Fight COVID-19

Let’s now return to the University of Pennsylvania article with this report: Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Tested at Penn Medicine to Help Fight COVID-19.

Can a drug used to treat high cholesterol also treat COVID-19? It’s a question researchers at Penn Medicine, in Philadelphia, are trying to answer.

Two different studies in laboratories found the drug Fenofibrate reduced COVID-19 infection by up to 70%. Doctors say if this works in actual patients, it could have a major impact by helping to slow the spread of the virus and save lives.

Cardiologist Dr. Julio Chirinos is leading the trial at Penn Medicine, testing to see if the drug commonly known as Tricor [Tricor is a brand name for the generic Fenofibrate].  Lab studies show it blocks the virus’s ability to bind to cells and replicate, which means it could prevent an infection from getting worse and spreading.

Chirinos says the research is promising, but still very early. “If it’s highly effective, it could have a major impact. We certainly hope so, but we don’t have that information yet,” he said.

It would have a major impact because the drug is easy to take. It’s a cheap and widely available oral medication used to help lower cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood.

Pieces All Fit

  • Obesity is a huge risk factor for high cholesterol.
  • Obesity is a huge risk factor for Covid complications.
  • Hydroxychloroquine has mixed success because Covid appears to use a different mechanism in respiratory cells than kidney and liver cells.
  • Fenofibrate appears to work on  respiratory cells, kidney cells, and liver cells.

At $1.50 a day, Fenofibrate shows immense promise and it has few side complications including cytokine storms associated with other drugs.

As an amazing side benefit, it helps lower cholesterol.

See more here:

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Comments (12)

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    Herb [email protected]


    What is needed is not a method of treating the disease, which is a minor threat, to something that will fix the effects of the vaccine, which are major threats.


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      T. C. Clark


      There is Herbphysics….and now Herbmedicine?…”herb” medicine is real…I have a little fresh basil almost every day not necessarily for medical reasons but I understand it can help. The vaccine may be the lesser of two evils…the no. one evil being the CCP virus which has killed millions….and I note that most people who dismiss the virus will not willingly expose themselves to it…to prove their belief. Ivermectin and some other drugs are not being made available probably because little money compared to the vaccines and people who would take Ivermectin are not likely to seek a vaccine.


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        Herb Rose


        Still a Wikipidiot.
        If you go to the doctor and he finds you have Covid, if you have no complicating conditions, he will tell you to go home and stay there until you are over it. In other words let your immune system take care of it. Doesn’t sound like a deadly disease to me.
        If you get the “vaccines” your cells will start producing spike proteins which your immune system will recognize as foreign. This will produce an immune response directed at that one protein, unlike your natural immune response which will react to all the proteins of the pathogen. When a pathogen with a slightly different spike protein invades, your immune system will still be directed at the protein your cells are producing and the new pathogen will infect you (ADE). This is why during animal tests of mRNA “vaccines” they all survived the first exposure to the disease but then died from the second exposure.
        Your T-cells will be looking for cells in your body that are infected and contain foreign proteins. They will attack and kill these cells including the ones contaminated by the mRNA “vaccine” Your immune system will attack your organs and vessels causing autoimmune disease
        Getting the disease will strengthen your immune system. Getting the “vaccine” will destroy it and you.
        You should go get a booster shot.


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          Wrong on so many accounts.

          Getting a disease doesn’t strengthen your “immune system” (which is an abstract construct derived from your bodily status), as getting the disease requires worsening your bodily status with toxicity and deficiencies, implicitly, weakening your “immune system”.


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          T.C. Clark


          Doesn’t “sound” like a deadly disease? What does a deadly one sound like? It is the virus from hell via Wuhan China partly thanks to our own Doctor Fauci funding the lab. The virus and its latest variant, the Mu Variant, are not deadly to everyone…are you feelin’ lucky? BTW, I am not aware of Reagan having anything to do with the Space Shuttle disaster….the cold weather was frustrating the people in charge and they made a bad decision.


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            Herb Rose


            A deadly disease sounds like your doctor telling you he’s checked you into the hospital and treatments begin that night. There are some new experimental drug trials he will try to enroll you in. I t doesn’t sound like, go home and wait it out the survival rate is over 98%.
            When the experts who made the o-rings tell you it’s not safe and to delay the launch, while those who know nothing but provide the money tell you to do the launch it isn’t a “bad decision” on your part, it is beyond oops and becomes negligent homicide.

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          T. C. Clark


          If the virus is so harmless, why do the CCP Chinese continue to shut down in Wuhan and other cities 2 years after this thing first appeared? The CCP with Fauci’s help have F’d up the world….including China. Reagan did not order the launch…he was not that interested in talking to the school teacher in orbit…lots of conversations are arranged for a Prez..champion .sports team visit the White House for publicity….it is just routine stuff. The rubber O-ring did not warm up as fast as the air temp that morning…duuuuh…..oooops.


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        What a load of drivel.

        “the no. one evil being the CCP virus which has killed millions….and I note that most people who dismiss the virus will not willingly expose themselves to it…to prove their belief. ”

        How do you note that, when they’re protesting without masks and not giving a shit about imaginary garbage?

        That would include american and other govts, btw.

        And it’s not the CCP virus. It’s the pharma, govt constructed religious deathcult belief.


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          Excuse me, switched the last two sentences there.


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      It’s been mentioned before.

      Firstly, don’t get the vaccines (aka unnecessary toxic shit that can only degenerate and in no way even potentially protect against disease).

      Avoid excessive additional toxicity.
      Address nutritional, essential deficiencies.
      Specifically, for dealing with toxicity, antioxidants, chelators and mitochondrial support factors. You have many options. Some are fundamentally essential, those should be priority.


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        And that includes things like spending time in the sun on the beach, with some associated physical activity. Not wearing masks, etc.


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