Censorship, Personal Attacks & De-platforming of Skeptics
Nils-Axel Mörner is the retired head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics at Stockholm University, and was a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
When Mörner tried to warn the IPCC that it was publishing false information that would inevitably be discredited, he says they simply ignored him.
And so, dismayed, he resigned in disgust in February this year, and decided to blow the whistle.
Dr Mörner is the latest in a long line of former IPCC scientists and other government-funded institutions who have resigned after they could no longer be associated with organisations that deliberately falsify data to promote a political agenda, and which are aimed squarely at provoking an emotional response from the public.
Links to articles explaining their resignations are below:-
Chris Landsea resigns from National Hurricane Centre and IPCC in 2005
Professor Hal Lewis resigns from American Physical Society October 2010
Professor Ivar Giaever resigns from American Physical Society September 2011
Professor Judith Curry resigns from Georgia Tech January 2017
On 18th June this year, Sky News Australia posted a video to Youtube of an interview with Nils-Axel Morner where he said the current solar minimum we are entering will soon produce a cooling effect on our climate.
Morner stated:
“the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is misleading humanity about climate change and sea levels, and that in fact a new solar-driven cooling period is not far off.”
The video can be seen here:-
With the cold start to the year, the delayed crop planting, the record cold recorded across the world and the lower-than-average summer temperatures, it seems the effects of the solar minimum are starting to be seen, but you’d be hard-pressed to see any of this reported in the mainstream media, as it doesn’t fit in with human-caused catastrophic warming.
Shortly after the Youtube video began to be shared across social media sites such as Facebook, a ‘related article’ notification appeared under the post from a website called ‘Climate Feedback’ that said ‘Independent fact-checkers’ had deemed that what Mörner said in the video was incorrect.
They were effectively saying he was deliberately lying.
This is the website article:-
Note both ‘reviewers’ are alarmists, and all the sources quoted are either other alarmists or the IPCC. The key parts of the article are as follows:-
Scientists have established that observed climate change and sea level rise are clearly caused by human activities, primarily the emission of carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuels. Solar activity cannot explain recent warming, and even the occurrence of low solar activity in the near future would have an insignificant effect on human-caused warming.
These claims contradict all the available data and published research on these topics. There is no support in the scientific literature for the claim that solar activity could significantly cool the climate in the decades to come.
Note the words ‘significantly cool’. A carefully-worded admission that cooling will in fact occur?
Careful analysis that attempts to take into account all major factors and their evolution in time indicates that anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gasses account for more than 100% of the observed warming on the century timescale.
More than 100%. How can you have more than 100%?
Note also that the sentence reads ‘indicates’ not ‘proves’. An indication is a suggestion not proof.
There is at least one other ‘fact-checker’ that appears on Facebook in sceptical climate groups under posts by certain individuals or organisations, notably attached to posts from the Natural News website, townhall.com, and video presentations by Tony Heller where he talks about data tampering, but not a single time have these fact-checker notifications appeared under posts either by alarmists or in alarmist groups.
When these ‘fact-checker’ posts appear, they say that if groups continue to post material they deem to be false (emphasis added), Facebook may ‘take action’ against the groups, which may include pushing the ‘offending’ article down the page so it cannot be immediately seen, preventing new members joining, or even for ‘repeat offenders’, shutting the group down.
So there we have it, proof positive that these so-called ‘independent fact-checkers’ are anything but independent, and as Facebook, probably the most-used social media site, has allowed them to say an increasing number of skeptical posts are false, Facebook has obviously firmly set itself in the alarmist camp.
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Andrew Johnson
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A lot of this climate change nonsense is driven by a hatred of coal usage for Thermal Power generation. A lot of the anti coal brigade have a thing about coal, maybe their mothers made them carry coal in to the family open hearth fire?
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It would be good for humanity to have these eminent scientists band together to become a high level opposition group. Add in Tim Ball, Svensmark, the two Russian climate heroes… Abdussamatov and Zharkova… and others of similar great repute, and the basis is formed for moving politicians off of their tragic belief that man and CO2 are causing a catastrophe, and alerting them to the fact that extreme, deadly cooling is dawning upon us, and that if national leaders don’t get real very soon, then massive freezing, starvation, disease, war and revolution are that frightful train coming down the tracks at us.
Tom O
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Sadly, Rod, this still has nothing to do with “science.” This has been, from the beginning, a political agenda to draw the world into selecting the UN as an overriding government, capable of forcing any nation to do its bidding. This might be a “good thing,” but it won’t be. An unelected government will always become more radical about its beliefs and the way it will enforce them.
Recognize also, that one of the political positions of the UN is population. They want the power to control everything and use the populous, low tech countries to help drive their agenda. BUT, their position on population is the same as the elitists – a reduced human population through birth control and selection of “breeding pairs.” This is not a science issue, never has been, and never will be. It is about population reduction and selection of “who” will be allowed to propagate their genes, and who won’t.
Andy Rowlands
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That just about sums it up perfectly Tom.
Chris Marcil
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The politicians pushing the alarms do not believe in it. They are trying to cause mass starvation, war, disease, etc.
Andy Rowlands
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Yes Chris, I’m led to believe the eventual aim of the UN is a massive worldwide reduction of the human population, under a single world Socialist government, with tight regulation over every aspect of the lives of those who remain, which would be something akin to George Orwell’s 1984.
Alan Stewart
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Three words: Climate Industrial Complex
Andy Rowlands
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Yep, exactly what Eisenhower warned about all those years ago.