Censorship of Public Health Science
Since my PhD on the Control of Infectious Diseases in Australia was published in January 2016 my research has been ridiculed, denigrated and censored by the mainstream media. The Australian government and medical-industry representatives have contributed to this denigration and there has been no public debate of this scientific information.
A democracy requires scientific debate of all the academic literature for public health policy yet in 2020 we are seeing thousands of doctors, scientists and researchers being censored and dismissed on the simple claim by the media or ‘fact-checkers’ that the science they are presenting is ‘misinformation’.
Here is a small sample of the strategies that have been used to censor my public health research on the control of infectious diseases in Australia. Please ask yourselves why this science is not being publicly debated?
Censorship of my Public Health Research:
I am an academic who has been teaching and researching the vaccination debate from 2004 – 2020. My PhD was published in January 2016 on the University of Wollongong website. I was forced to set up my own website and global newsletter in 2012 to promote my own research because I have been defamed, ridiculed and humiliated in the mainstream media with false and misleading information since 2010.
In the 10 years that I have attempted to debate this topic in Australia journalists have never presented the scientific arguments that I presented in my PhD that describe how infectious diseases have been controlled for centuries. Journalists always present my PhD research as “a conspiracy theory” and “anti-vaccination” and I have never been given a voice in the mainstream media to correct this information.
In this article titled ‘The Medical Tyranny in Australia’ I have described some of the corruption in Australian institutions that has resulted in the censorship of the academic debate on vaccination in Australia. This has also prevented politicians viewing my research with credibility and consequently it is not used in policy decisions.
In 2004 I enrolled to do my PhD in the School of Public Health (Faculty of Health) but the University of Wollongong would not provide supervisors. They moved my research to the Faculty of Arts (Social Sciences) and this was used by the media to remove credibility from my health research when describing it to the public and to politicians.
In the article attached I have described some of the strategies that have been used to suppress the academic debate on the control of infectious diseases in Australia. For example:
- A medical doctor, Dr. John Cunningham, a known leader of an industry-lobby group fabricated allegations of academic misconduct in November 2014 and these allegations were leaked anonymously to the mainstream media and I was defamed with these false allegations.
Whilst the university investigated these allegations in 2015 the Australian government tabled and approved the No Jab No Pay policy – hence my academic submissions to this inquiry were ignored. The allegations of misconduct were dismissed and found to be unwarranted in May 2015 and I received an apology from the University (published on my website) + financial compensation but the mainstream media would not put out a public statement to correct the public record on my vaccination research or to clear my name from the defamatory allegations.
When I complained to the medical regulatory board (AHPRA) about this doctor’s behaviour his conduct was supported by AHPRA.
- Coercive vaccination was implemented in Australia in January 2016 and my PhD thesis was published on the University website in January 2016 with a whole week of derogatory articles about my research in the mainstream media with false and misleading information.
In 2018 when I was involved in a court case on vaccination as an expert witness my affidavit was leaked to the mainstream media at the same time as Peter McIntyre, government vaccine advisor for 23 years, was brought into this case. My reputation was defamed in this media article with false information and the case did not go to court. This is a federal crime and I was advised to report this to the Australian Federal Police (AFP). I did this in January 2019 but I did not receive a response from the AFP.
The only official critique of my academic research that had been published in a peer-reviewed journal by January 2019 was authored by the directors of Australia’s vaccination program for 23 years – Margaret Burgess and Peter McIntyre. They have a significant conflict of interest in denigrating my research and I have provided a response on my website that shows the false and misleading information they have used to critique my PhD thesis.
This has resulted in the complete defamation, ridicule and humiliation of myself over the last decade and it has allowed the government to promote lies about vaccines to the public unchallenged. It also prevents the public from quoting my research as evidence.
Due to my own efforts in publishing my research through my newsletter from 2012 – 2020 my PhD thesis has been downloaded 29,200+ times globally. On 8 October 2020 I sent Newsletter 270 and Mailchimp has now disabled my account for “breaching their conditions” – no explanation provided and now there is no access to any of the 270 newsletters on my website.
At the same time Principia Scientific International published my Newsletter 270 on their website and they have now provided me with a regular blog to publish my newsletters.
When I give talks in Australia on my academic research we have to keep the venue secret until the day of the event so that lobby groups do not target the owners with threats to their reputation and now, since 2017, there is government legislation that allows the council (or an authorised person) to decide at their discretion “whether to hire or refuse to hire a venue” (Local Government Act 1995, City of Cockburn Local Laws 2000, Consolidated Local Law 7.5 Discretion).
These experiences demonstrate that academic integrity, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are no longer values that exist in Australia – a country that promotes itself as protecting human rights.
Read more at www.vaccinationdecisions.net
About the author: Dr Judy Wilyman is a Senior Fellow at Principia Scientific International and specialist on vaccine science and has worked professionally as a science teacher for 20 years. She obtained her PhD from the University of Wollongong (UOW) where she also completed a Master of Science degree (Population Health) in the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences in 2007. The book based on her PhD research titled “Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom” is now available to buy.
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Tom O
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It appears the “crash dummy” country for the NWO has again shown it’s true colors, as it moves “back to the past” in its search to be the prison colony. of the NWO. “We don’t want no stinking freedom!”
Stephane Blouin
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A lot of people need to lose their PHDs and need to be exposed as frauds.
We need a truly Scientific Coalition that will expose fake, fraudulent science and fake scientists in all fields of research.
Herb Rose
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Hi Stephanie,
You want to do to them the same thing they are doing because you believe they are wrong and you are right.
Tom O
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Actually, no, no one needs to “lose” their PhDs, The issue isn’t the degree they have, it is the manner in which they are “revered.” The degree is not at fault, but we need to recognize that “degrees” doesn’t automatically mean “educated in the field that they are commenting or that they are intelligent.” The idea of taking something away from people that paid for it makes no sense to me at all. Do they need to be exposed as frauds? I can accept that.
Judy Wilyman
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The answer is not to remove people’s properly attained degrees but to ensure open scrutiny and debate of the science by all stake holders in the issue. This is a fundamental step in validating evidence-based science but industry funding of research has removed this criteria and ensured that “trade secrets” prevents the scrutiny of the science. This results in crimes being committed against the population due to non-transparent science. Look up Merton’s laws for validating scientific method.
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This prescient 2012 video never felt so relevant as it does today, from Stefan Molyneux it’s called ‘The Story of Your Enslavement’ https://youtu.be/eq3jjzI8Gdo
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We’re behind you Judy. Thank you for all you do.