Censorship is the Last Bastion of Those Without an Argument

“Know what a king fears by that which he will not allow his subjects to speak aloud…” So what does the king fear today? Seemingly everything. They want once more to sell you a lack of liberty as safety, but its not truly your safety they care about. It is their own. Consider this censorious shillery masquarading as an online safety bill in the UK.

It’s the usual suspects saying the usual things: you cannot be allowed to debate us. You must take our word as truth and stop arguing, because “safety.” We lost the debate last time so we must be sure there is no debate next time. It’s epidemic everywhere. these fonts of fallacy and bastions of bad advice would like to keep their monopoly on speech because they know full well that a free market has no place for them. The ejaculatory histrionics of misframing from former news potato Brian Stelter really say it all, don’t they?

Free speech is literally murder! I can certainly see how it would feel that way to the class of mendacious mupperty that has so disgraced itself lo these many decades and especially of late. What tatters of credibility they retained have gone and they stand naked in baleful glare of the public repudiation of what was once a mighty edifice of expertdom and media. The sham endured for ages, but it’s just over.

No one trusts channels or papers or journals anymore. It’s all gone to seed. The reputation economy is rooted in truth telling. This is, interestingly enough, not the same as being correct. Being correct is important and many of us strive hard for it, but no one bats 1000 and people know that. When you’re wrong and you say you were wrong and you explain what changed your mind, people trust you more, not less. It means you’re trying to tell the truth and as long as your batting average is good, it means you are useful. I don’t agree with everything Tucker says. The man has got some cojones on him. and he WILL tell truths that you are not supposed to.

His impending launch on twitter has set many folks aflame because you’re not supposed to say that stuff and it’s clear he’s going to thrive. This is a compelling video:

No one gets all the facts or all the perspective much less communicates them all, but in an interactive community with free and fair interaction. You’d be amazed how much comes out if you take the time to read it. His point about “we all know what we’re not supposed to say and we do not/cannot say it because if we do, they’ll fire us and take your microphone away” rings very true, but microphones are not what they once were. It’s clear his audience is going with him.

They follow the teller, not the station, and the age of the individual standing up outside large-co access gating is upon us. All the good ones are on their own now. No one needs these platforms to attract an audience. If you do, it’s proof you’re not really any good. “Nothing but platform” is the new “the clothes have no emperor.” The panic of those about whom truth may be told is palpable.

“Just a free for all?” No, just free for us to question and disagree with you. They complain and vilify because there is no way they can withstand it. They are so decrepit, corrupt, and dependent after decades of being allowed to play “guardians of the narrative” that they cannot possibly live on a free and fair field of discourse. Perhaps the reason they keep framing all these issues in terms of existential threat is that is is one. to them, but not to us. For us, it’s rebirth and a reassertion of we the people as suzerains of the public square.

“What we are NOT allowed to say”

This odious omerta has rendered watching “the news” an exercise in looking for holes in the story, the gaps of the “unspeakable therefore unspoken” from which one may infer actual truth. “Did the article mention the shooter’s race?” has become the manner by which to discern the race of the shooter. it went from being about twice as likely to being six times as likely to be mentioned if the shooter is white.

We can argue about why, but in the end, it’s just a fact of media and that fact has strong predictive power. It’s distortion, but it’s also signal. People are not stupid, they see the pattern. you cannot fool them for long with this sort of saturation reporting or slant. It’s not what they want. Google is notably censorious and slanted, but it looks like bing is just as bad.

Media solutions company AllSides conducted a new analysis over a two-week period (March 9-22, 2023) finding that a whopping 83 percent of the news articles displayed on Bing News’ homepage “were from media outlets on the left.”

These folks are positively panicked at the idea of not being able to exclude half the country from debates. They are losing it over AI not for fear it will lie but in horror that it might reveal to us how many lies we’ve been told. How will we live without fact checkers? How indeed!

These are the people who would “check facts” for you.

The report notes that Cariens wrote to former CIA official Kristin Wood at 10:35 am on October 19, 2020, “Yes, I want to sign.”

The email came eight minutes after Wood had sent a mass distribution email soliciting signatures.

The PCRB had been in possession of the statement since 6:34 am on October 19, 2020, when former CIA acting director Mike Morell, who drafted the letter along with retired CIA employee Marc Polymeropoulos, sent the letter to the PCRB.

Take a “proper gander” at that…

One would need to be a silly goose indeed to fall for this claptrap. That was a full IC disinfo op run on the US during an election. do not for a moment underestimate what that means (or trust that it will change).

Do not for a minute believe any of it any more. The age of this is dying.

It has all just gotten WAY too obvious. The thumb on the scale got too heavy and the leaks around the edges too vast. Too much has been seen by too many. The fleecing grew too brash and illusions have been shorn instead.

We’ve all learned to triangulate, and new webs of trust are emerging to bring us back to simple truths. The truths of a free people.

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    Doesn’t this sound like the period when bibles were in Latin and the church did not want them translated so that we could read them for ourselves? It was done to ensure that the church had control over us. We must prevent the government extending the control that it already has.


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