CDC Report – 3150 People Paralyzed After COVID-19 Vaccine
According to a new CDC report, almost 3,150 people who were administered the COVID-19 vaccine were paralyzed and were “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work and required care from doctor or health care professional.”
The details were released in a December 19, 2020 report (read below) by Thomas Clark, MD, MPH, titled “Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt.”
According to the CDC, as of December 18, 2020, 3,150 people who were vaccinated against COVID-19 became “unable to perform normal daily activities, are unable to work and required care from doctor or health care professional.”

The V-safe Active Surveillance for COVID-19 Vaccines describes it as Health Impact Events. As per CDC assessment, persons with anaphylaxis following COVID-19 vaccination should not receive additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
The CDC also recommended consultation with allergy/immunology experts to provide guidance on evaluation of persons following anaphylaxis to COVID-19 vaccine.
As GreatGameIndia reported, a group of researchers in the The Lancet medical journal has warned that Covid-19 vaccines currently in development could increase the risk of acquiring HIV potentially leading to an increase in infections.
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Joseph Olson
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Christmas Day on the battle lines during the Civil War, World War One and in a tiny cottage in the Hurtgen Forest during the Battle of the Bulge. Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men.
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That’s going to add up
Charles Higley
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That is 2.8% but this is even before the second dose which is the one that might present the worst effects.
K Kaiser
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Yes, and presumably, these were all front line workers in the medical field, like nurses and doctors, perhaps with a median age of 40 years — not folks in long-term care facilities and well above 70 years of age!
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That’s a lot higher than the death rate from COVID.
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But it’s not death. It’s not even paralysis. Do your research, don’t just read headlines If you read the article, you’ll see these 3,000 people weren’t literally paralyzed. They just couldn’t come in to work, and had to see a doctor. Could be as simple as feeling tired and having a cough. Vaccines can often cause mild symptoms that go away after a couple days. 2.3% of people feeling under the weather for a couple of days is NOT worse than 1% of people dying.
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I’m just correcting 2.3% to 2.8% for accuracy. My point still stands… A few people can feel icky for a few days if that means less people will literally die.
Carol Portis
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Vaccines have helped societies hugely. This is undisputed however we must encourage open discussion and be aware of the risks. The Swine flu vaccine was given to 6 million people and 1 in 52,000 was injured from Narolepsi or Cataplexy. That’s 180,000 people. Fact. The Financial damages were then paid out not from the manufacturer but from our tax funded government. It is concerning that this huge error in judgement, testing and science with Pandemrix is not widely known about? Informed consent is key when deciding on whether to take any vaccine and we must not be censored in such discussions.
Carol Portis
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Vin #
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What an idiot
janet abbey
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About 10 years ago I got the Shingles vac. About 3 years ago I got the double shot. The first was bad. When the 2nd came up I hesitated but did it. The day before I was running after a rescue dog that got away. After the shot I could hardly walk. I have not been able to run ever since and have been working out for 2 years to try to get back. I was afraid of getting Shingles. I am not afraid of Covid.
Brian James
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Predictable for those of us who have educated ourselves on the ingredients.
Dec 15, 2020 The Dude Who Created This Doesn’t Even Want To Take It!
In this video, we break down the Pfizer CEO and Donald Trump not doing something they’re advising everyone else to do.
Tom O
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I wonder how this is supposed to work on this new “variant” virus that is all the rage, so to speak, in the UK and EU? I even see Nigeria is reporting its own “variant.” As always, I have to ask “variant of what?” If you haven’t actually isolated the virus so you know what it truly is, how can you tell if something is a “variant” of it? Let me guess – with the “original, you turn your head to the right to cough, but with the variant, you turn your head to the left.”
No? Interestingly, the original was touted as being “highly contagious,” and this variant is being pushed as “spreads more easily.” Apparently, with the “variant,” you either only have to think about it to catch it or it has little rocket boosters on it so it can whisk from person to person.
I have the solution for preventing the spread of the new “variant,” then. Just line everyone up against the wall and machine gun them down. Lock downs failed to “stop the spread,” so it appears the only real solution would be to have no one for it to spread to in the first place. And of course, this sarcastic comment is about as realistic as playing the latest stupid lock down “game from the drones.”
So this year’s “variant” of the flu is going to show us how easily we can be duped into doing what ever they decide. I can hear it now, “Drop the drawers, bend over the table and spread your cheeks. This is only for your own good, we get no true pleasure out of of this.”
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They could have this bug gone if they’d just give everyone Ivermectin. It works prophylactically – and it works a lot better than the stinking vaccine – which doesn’t stop the spread.
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Meanwhile, in Canada, the question is — is there enough vaccines to do all the LTC (Long Term Care) physicians … (just check the “CBC”) — on the one hand we all know what are the problems with this very ‘experimental’ vaccine, on the other hand is consideration who would, if anyone, kinda “deserve” this stuff — I’d say: all those covid-1984 Karens!
Mark Tapley
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The medical personnel know covid is a fraud but are afraid to lose their jobs. If enough of them stood up this whole virus fraud would fall apart. Since they won’t they should be the first ones in line.
Lorraine L
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Having read the report it refers to anaphylaxis not paralysis. There is no mention of anyone being paralysed after having the vaccine in this report by Thomas Clark
Kitty Clarke
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Think I’ll take my chances with the virus. Sars was not nice for a few weeks, but it didn’t leave me paralysed. Funny thing is, I used have asthma, after SARS I haven’t had any asthma. Maybe the body is self healing, maybe Big Pharma makes us more and more sick.
Kathleen Tietsort
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I’m with you on that, Kitty Clark, and I think you are right about big pharma!
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This vaccine was created by evil men one of which was Bill Gates he’s all about depopulation. Check out all the damage he has Caused in past.Theres patent on virus and vaccine. He makes alot of money plus depopulates also.why would people put this in there body not knowing whats in it.I know there’s aborted fetus cells .also RDNA .vaccine changes your God given DNA.