CDC Admits Their COVID19 Numbers Are Off by Huge Amount

Well, you really can’t be surprised with the bumper car of numbers that we have seen with COVID-19 given by the government that they would admit once again that they estimated how many people have caught this. This time though the number is pretty darn high.

According to the Center for Disease Control, many more millions of Americans so far have caught the COVID-19 and they now say it could be as high as 1/3 of the country.

From the New York Post

The record surge in coronavirus cases across the US is likely far worse, with an estimated eight infections unreported for every one infection counted, according to a government report — which would put the true tally closer to 100 million.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calculated that by the end of September there had really been as many as 53 million Americans contract the deadly bug — just under eight times the confirmed cases reported at the time.

Of those, the CDC believes about 45 million were sick at some point and about 2.4 million were hospitalized.

That makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn’t it?

So, close to 100 million people have had it, close to 45 million have been sick by it and around 2.5 million people have been to the hospital for it. Now, these numbers are probably off just like all the other guesstimates we have been given since the Chinademic started and we have shut down the country based on guesses. This also makes me question how many deaths are actually from COVID-19 and not just someone who was 85 and in hospice caught it and was tested for it before they passed.

If there is any silver lining in this mess it is that this has shown we need to totally revamp the way the government handles these things.


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Comments (5)

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    Tom O


    It certainly is perplexing to see these incredulous numbers being bandied about for a nation that is supposed to have the best medical facilities in the world. 330 million strong in the population, and supposedly a great standard of living.

    And there is China, the poster child source of the virus with its nearly 2 billion population with 93,000 cases and 4700 deaths in contrast to the US “currently claimed over 13 million cases and 260,000 deaths. Makes you wonder if the US is counting “test results” instead of cases, and just flat lying about the number of deaths.

    I guess when there is nothing left to feel great about, reporting the worst possible health results at least can give the nation something to say “see, we still are the world’s leader!” And i have a right to be cynical since I am a US citizen and wondering where to hell my country went. It was here ,under my feet when I was a young, but now that I have grown older, I no longer have a clue where it is.

    I feel like Ronald Reagan when he was asked about having formally been a democrat. His response was he never left the democratic party, the party left him. I feel the same way about my country.

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    Charles Higley


    All of this is meaningless as the PCR test is 95–100% false positives, particularly as the test is not specific for any one virus, let alone Covid-19 which has never been isolated, cultured, or shown to cause disease. The crappy nonspecific test is now simply detecting the salad of viruses of the new flu season, which is why numbers are going up. Most people are going to have no symptoms, some sniffles, or a cold, but the test says they all have Covid-19. It’s a huge joke.

    At the very least the crappy PCR test has become even less specific and detects just about any flu season or cold virus. A crappy test that should be abandoned, it serves a POLITICAL PURPOSE as a weapon against the people. Wonderful.

    Get rid of the test, which is now a billion dollar industry, and this whole thing collapses, as we will be back to a normal flu season.

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    Charles Higley


    Also, pandemics and epidemics end. Where did we get so ignorant that we think pandemics and epidemics are essentially forever?

    Even the UK determined that their C-19 epidemic was over by the end of March 2020. Then, the politics kicked in and they did lockdowns and masking and hurting people AFTER the epidemic was over.

    Where in any world would a virus find a whole new population of victims to infect when it is the same population it infected just a few months ago? The political reply is that one does not gain immunity by fighting off a virus and you can get it over and over again. Yeah, rriiggghhhtttt.

    HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE? Actually we are very stupid to put up with this BS and not rebel.

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      Alan Stewart


      The few in power understand that the majority of the population are stupid. Hierarchical systems are geometrically triangular.

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