CDC Admits COVID-19 ‘positive test’ is caused by the ‘common cold’
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention now admits that a positive COVID-19 test result merely shows that the testee was once infected with the common cold and nothing more.
Intellihub founder and editor-in-chief Shepard Ambellas Tweeted out the details on Tuesday which ultimately unveils the plan that’s currently afoot in regards to unconstitutional closures, shutdowns, lockdowns, forced testing, contact tracing, and the complete dismantlement of society as we know it. (i.e. the invisible enemy a.k.a. COVID-19)
“@cdc admits #COVID_19 tests only test for the “common cold.” Y’all motherfuckers have been duped. @realDonaldTrump is in bed with Dr. Fauci and @BillGates! They will track and eventually vaccinate you! You are sheep if you allow it! #TheResistance“
“A positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold.”
“You may test positive for antibodies even if you have never had symptoms of COVID-19. This can happen if you had an infection without symptoms, which is called an asymptomatic infection.”

Keep in mind, President Donald Trump signed an $8.3 billion coronavirus bill on Mar 4, 2020, and a lot of large businesses benefited. Not to mention, members of Congress and the Senate got a raise that has been shamelessly written into the bill by the proverbial vultures in Washington.
Shockingly, according to Forbes, “$2.2 billion” went “to the Centers for Disease Control, which has been at the forefront of the U.S. response to the virus, but has come under criticism for errors that limited how many people can get tested for Covid-19.”
Additionally, $7 billion in business loans were dived out along with millions of dollars in vaccine development and research aid.
Send this to all of your local state and national representative immediately.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Its discussing the ANTIBODY test which is already known to be very unreliable. It is not referring to the virus test used to diagnose Covid-19.
Andy Rowlands
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The article says otherwise.
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Andy Rowlands
J is correct. The article discusses the antibody test.
I will link you to the direct source so you can understand this better.
The claim is that the common cold virus also produces similar antibodies (the proteins) as does the Covid virus.
NO they are not talking about the virus test which is different. It looks at genetic markers specific to only the Covid virus to help identify it. A totally different test.
The two tests are not apples to apples. The article is directly distorting the nature of the actual CDC point.
The false narrative by a fanatic ““@cdc admits #COVID_19 tests only test for the “common cold.” Y’all motherfuckers have been duped.”
That is NOT at all what the CDC says. They state a positive test for antibodies could be caused by the cold virus nothing more. It has no bearing at all on the viral test that is used to determine active Covid cases.
Finn McCool
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When you say ‘viral test’, are you referring to a RT-qPCR test?
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Finn McCool
Yes that would be the one.
For anyone interested here is how it works.
Richard (Dick) Smacky
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Yes, however, if you look at the “explosion” of cases being reported by the media, you have to take this into account. The tests that they are doing in Florida right now ARE antibody tests. So a portion of these positives are false. The question is how many are false?
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Richard (DicK) Smacky
You make a good point. At this time they have not released how many tests are the viral RT-PCR vs antibody tests (that a positive might come from other coronaviruses like the common cold).
“But, the state has not disclosed how many of the new cases are based on antigen versus PCR test results.”
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And they count these as new cases. This is the so called spike. The common cold. There is no pandemic.
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Yes cases – not deaths!
And double counting!
And after the supposed identification, isolation and characterisation of this so called pathogenic virus months ago! it is now suddenly claimed by the who to be airbourne!
Social distancing can’t have been of any use if it was airbourne, and now masks are an imperative.
So the identification of this so called virus is not accurate since the characteristics are not consistent. The horse has left the stall.
Either the goal posts keep changing or we have a very intelligent inanimate pathogenic particles on our hands.
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Have you considered the possibility that it is a novel virus that it took some time to figure out how it worked? Months ago they had the genome sequenced but they did not have all the properties figured out, that came with time like any science does. Initially you make an educated guess on how it works and then as you gather evidence you hone and expand your knowledge. So you think as soon as they were able to take EM images of the virus that means they would know everything about it? Scientists are not God but they do want to learn the truth. Truth takes time to get correct.
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That’s a lot of blah-blah, Norman.
The simpler explanation is that the institutions you so strongly believe in don’t know what the crap they’re doing.
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I can’t honestly say I missed any posts from you. You have a doppelganger on Roy Spencer that goes by ClintR. He posts just like you did.
The reality is the institutions know much more than you and 90% plus of what you post is crap and worthless opinions.
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The reality is that you have an obsession with dominating blogs. You pound on your keyboard, hurling insults, and promoting pseudoscience, in long rambling comments.
Nothing new.
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You confirmed it. I most definitely do not miss your comments to me. No value content. Same few words you use over an over.
What do you have a set of dice with words instead of numbers that you roll and use for comments?
Let’s see, how many times have you used “Nothing new” hundreds maybe? Pseudoscience (even though you have no clue what it means, even after I linked you to the actual definition). “Pound on your keyboard” At least a couple hundred times. “hurling insults” numerous.
Does you dice rolling hand get tired. Maybe you need to add a few more words to your limited vocabulary. It would be a little less boring then.
Gary Swaney
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Wow man these band wagon lovers just want so badly to be part of some big exposure. We have never figured out how to cure a virus right away. These things take time . Wow people have really fallen of the deep end. I mean it’s nice to see people thinking outside of the box. But tone it down. People get in these conspiracies rabbit holes and and fall all the way to the bottom.
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Without consitency, proof of isolation is questionable and by extension rt-PCR useless.
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Marjorie and I have a couple of questions. Are we correct in interpreting the above comments to mean that the viral test is taken by the swab from either the nose or mouth. But the antibody test is taken from a blood sample therefore will be conducted in either a hospital or a health clinic.. If this is the case then the swab test will be from the general population who are predominantly healthy. Whereas the antibody test will be taken from people who are probably feeling unwell because they have gone to either a hospital or health clinic. Therefore the swab test taken from the general population may only show that that person has had a cold at sometime in their life, as addressed in the article. Therefore the figures from the swab test might be vastly inflated.