How Foreign Malthusians Brainwashed America: Part 1

Written by Matthew Ehret


The creation of false opposites has been a long-standing obstacle to human progress.

From the ancient pleasure-seeking Epicureans who argued against the logic-heavy Stoics of ancient Rome to the war of “salvation through faith vs works” that schismed western Christianity.

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Letter to the New York Times on Vaccine Misinformation & Censorship

Written by Elizabeth Hart

Below is an open letter the Editor of The New York Times complaining about a biased and poorly informed opinion piece i.e. Vaccines are safe, no matter what Robert Kennedy Jr. says.
Elizabeth Hart’s letter typifies the growing concerns among independent analysts that questioning the science and merits of vaccination is now prohibited in the media and most mainstream platforms.

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A Colder World Than in the Past

Written by Jack Dini

Undisputed temperature reconstructions from around the world show the planet was much warmer over most of the Holocene (past 10,000 years) than it is today. (1)

The Alps were ice-free 6000 years ago, when CO2 was much lower than today’s levels. (2)

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Insurance Corporation ‘Climate Disasters’ Claims Exposed as False

Written by H Sterling Burnett

Large insurance corporations stand to make huge profits by using the excuse of climate change risks to raise rates, regardless of whether the climate fears actually materialize.

Despite this financial self-interest in inflating climate fears, the mainstream media are trumpeting new and misleading claims by insurance giant Munich Re that climate change caused record disasters in 2020.

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Child Abuse at Epidemic Levels During Lockdown, Says BMJ

Written by British Medical Journal

Surge in domestic child abuse during pandemic, reports specialist UK children’s hospital. A rise of 1493 percent in one month compared with same period in previous three years

There has been a surge in domestic child abuse during the coronavirus pandemic, suggests the experience of one specialist UK children’s hospital, reported in Archives of Disease in Childhood.

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COVID Tests Gone Wild Has World in PCR Prison

Written by John Hunt, MD

In the setting of COVID-19, almost every country in the world closed its borders, locked down its citizens, and forced businesses to close. Today, most governments still restrict travel, economic activity, and social gatherings.

The justification for these unprecedented measures has been a growing number of COVID-19 cases. This has unleashed an epidemic of COVID testing—with PCR and rapid antigen tests as the means of identifying positive COVID cases.

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Sea-Level Rise? Hundreds Of Pacific Islands Getting Bigger

Written by Marian Faa

New research says hundreds of islands in the Pacific are growing in land size, even as climate change-related sea-level rises threaten the region.

Scientists at the University of Auckland found atolls in the Pacific nations of the Marshall Islands and Kiribati, as well as the Maldives archipelago in the Indian Ocean, have grown up to 8 percent in size over the past six decades despite sea-level rise.

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Why Carbon Dioxide Is Natural And Essential

Written by Brad Bird

The mantra to build a “green economy” is actually code to kill the oil and natural gas industry and replace it with solar and wind power, battery-powered cars, and the like.

Others have revealed the naivety of this canard and the true unfeasibility and cost of it, and it is not my purpose here to rehash their findings. I do, however, have things to add.

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NY Governor, Andrew Cuomo: ‘We Must Re-open Economy!’

Written by Tom Woods

Well, how about this. The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, just released the following Tweet:

“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open. We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely.”

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New studies show acquired natural immunity outperforms vaccines

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New studies suggest people who have recovered from coronavirus have a stronger protection against the disease than those who take the vaccine.

On The Pat Kenny Show , Trinity Professor Luke O’Neill (photo, above) referenced three studies with hopeful findings for those who already caught the virus.

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Ptolemy’s Epicycles solve Climate Change

Written by Joseph E Postma

In this video we will learn how the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy can be used to solve climate change, by demonstrating that modern climate theory is based on a completely false conception of reality with the Sun NOT at the center of the solar system or the climate.

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