Improvements to chemical sensing chip aims to quickly and accurately identify drugs and other trace chemicals.
New handheld device detects unwanted trace chemicals
Written by Cory Nealon, University of Buffalo
Written by Cory Nealon, University of Buffalo
Improvements to chemical sensing chip aims to quickly and accurately identify drugs and other trace chemicals.
Written by PSI Senior Scientist
A careful statistical analysis of the UK’s National Office for Statistics (ONS) excess death rates from 1999 to the end of 2020 reveals that five of those years showed higher rates of mortality than the so-called deadly pandemic year of 2020.
Written by Kester Disability Rights
A disabled woman assisted by Kester Disability Rights has been paid £7,000 in compensation by a service provider who refused her access to a service because she was unable to wear a face mask.
The pay-out was achieved through negotiation as there was no dispute that access had been denied, or that the Claimant had a disability exemption. The only thing to be agreed was the amount of compensation, not whether it was due or not.
Written by Tom Woods
In the fight for COVID sanity we have many good and highly credentialed scholars on our side. In general, though, they tend to have the quiet disposition of the academic rather than the fiery, attack-dog style that those of us outside of academia (I left 14 years ago and have never been happier) sometimes display.
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The Covid-19 test is said to be another form of the Mark of the Beast as it is said it can change and corrupt our DNA. Did you wonder why the Covid 19 test has to go all the way to your brainstem?
Written by John O'Sullivan
In case you thought the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention couldn’t get any crazier, look at this page from their official website and be prepared for puzzlement.
Yes, this is real. The CDC now boasts it is readying America to tackle a wave of braindead, malcontents bent on biting your bits (but we don’t think they mean BLM or Antifa).
Written by Matthew Ehret
Under the Keynesian takeover of Bretton Woods Trans-Atlantic nations became increasingly dominated by bloated bureaucratic systems while plans for genuine development were undermined, Matthew Ehret writes.
Written by Bill Sardi
Thymus Gland Hormone Demonstrably Raises T-Cell Counts, Slashes Deaths by 272 percent Among Severely-Ill COVID-19 Patients Without Side Effects; Also Could Be Cancer Cure; Can Be Mimicked With Zinc Pills.
Written by James Delingpole
Great news, Americans! You lost your jobs, your businesses collapsed, your children were denied an education, your freedoms were stolen, you were imprisoned in your own home, you were forced to wear a mask, you couldn’t travel – but it was all worth it because guess what? In 2020, thanks to the Chinese Coronavirus, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions fell by ten whole percent last year.
Written by Sons of Liberty
An Indiana woman’s video went viral this month when she received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. The alleged adverse effects on her appear to show tremors in her body. Take a look at this, along with the FDA and CDC’s own claims on this vaccine, plus lots more.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Below we provide the latest update from key COVID-19 lawsuits from around the world being pursued by international lawyers, including the highly-successful German attorney, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.
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During a Tuesday press briefing CDC chief Robert Redfield issued another warning about virus transmission, saying many areas in the US are on the verge of exponential growth. Redfield also stated that most instances of transmission occur within households.
Written by Eran Bendavid, Christopher Oh, et al.
An international study of lockdowns by Stanford University experts shows NO clear, significant beneficial effect of tougher lockdowns on the spread of Covid versus voluntary measures to cut infections.
Written by John O'Sullivan
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are making a recruitment drive for an army of armed enforcers of lockdown restrictions. Recently posted online is the job header: ‘Coronavirus Quarantine Enforcement Officers Needed United States.’
Written by Tyler Durden
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published new regulations last week that streamline the US’ supersonic flight testing process.
“Today’s action is a significant step toward reintroducing civil supersonic flight and demonstrates the Department’s commitment to safe innovation,” said Elaine L. Chao, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary, on Wednesday.
Written by Kenneth Richard
A new analysis of global sea-level rise rates concludes the rising trend was 1.56 mm/yr−¹ from 1900-2018.
This is the same rate as for 1958-2014 (1.5 mm/yr−¹), indicating there has not been a long-term distinctive change in sea-level rise rates in the last 120 years. In 2018, Frederikse et al. assessed the contributing factors to long-term sea-level rise from 1958 to 2014.