Principia Scientific International is a UK registered non-profit and avoids making party political comments. But we do want to share a message from an impeccable source for all you ‘digital soldiers‘ working so hard to spread truth and expose falsity in science and medicine.
A recent article published by the Environmental News Network (ENN) states that “…A serious drought has flared up across half of the United States—a familiar story for the past two decades” ().
A map corroborating their claim does, indeed, show an area of severe drought in the southwest corner of the conterminous U.S., with less severe conditions radiating out from the core (see Figure 1).
CIVIL society is at a standstill; with what John Milton called ‘the known rules of ancient liberty’ smothered, perhaps for ever. Countless businesses have sunk beneath the waves and multitudes of workers have been laid off. Children have lost nearly a year of proper school.
We have been lied to that pharmaceutical companies have provided a safe vaccine to combat COVID-19. ‘Vaccine’ is a legal term, what is being rolled out the public FAILS that legal definition. The potions being pushed on us are a pathogenic delivery system that may cause autoimmune diseases and cancer.
During a recent roundtable discussion entitled Focus On Fauci, Robert Kennedy Jr., Dr. Judy A Mikovitis, PhD, Rocco Galati, Sacha Stone, and Dr. David Martin delved into the long criminal history of the grossly unqualified “America’s Doctor,” Anthony Fauci.
In an effort to combat Big Pharma Corporate Media and Big Tech censorship, doctors around the world are frantically trying to warn the masses of the devastating effects of the experimental COVID vaccines about to be mass injected into the unsuspecting public assisted by military forces around the world.
Do you find it suspicious that in this ‘pandemic’ English flu cases plunged over 95percent? Experts are crediting “lockdowns and new health habits,” after UK flu numbers dropped to what is a 130-year low.
“Out of 3.9 million patients at 385 GP practices across England last week, only 35 had the flu,” Sky News writes.
My old friend Tom Elliott, who produced the Peter Schiff Show back when it was on terrestrial radio, recently summarized Dr. Fauci’s instructions on masks:
The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants” — Albert Camus
As Britain hurtles headlong towards neo-feudalist governance with heightened surveillance, micro-management of society and an uptick in fascistic policing of the draconian measures imposed to combat the “threat” of Covid–19, it is perhaps time to analyse the real forces behind this “new normal”.
Three of the evilest entities on the planet were charged in a Peruvian court the other day of conspiring to create the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) for world domination.
Despite the thousands of scientific publications refuting alarmist climate change scenarios, governments, activists and the IPCC continue to insist that we’re headed for climate catastrophe when we clearly are not.
Thanks to Kenneth Richard’s Herculean efforts and the Google Medieval Warm Period Map, we have these publications readily available.
Climate scientists love to reference and ask for peer-reviewed papers…which of course they control and disallow any alternative and rational science from being published within.
The trillion-dollar man-made climate fraud goes back to the late 1970’s and early ‘80’s when a small clique of Malthusian zealots wanted to find a scare story to help trigger global population control.
The creation of the myth that higher human emissions of carbon dioxide to trigger a runaway greenhouse gas effect was built around the musings of Syukuro “Suki” Manabe, a meteorologist who used and abused computers to simulate global climate change and natural climate variations.
The 37th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from any vitamin. Supporting data is in Table 22B, p 1508-1518, at the very end of the report published in Clinical Toxicology. [1] It is interesting that it is so quietly placed way back there where nary a news reporter is likely to see it.
Less than one week after advising Americans that wearing two or even three masks would be ‘more effective’ against the spread of coronavirus, Dr Fauci has done a complete 180 (again) and admitted that there is no data to suggest it will make any difference.