Pfizer in COVID Vaccine Retreat After India Demands More Data

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Pfizer says it has withdrawn a request to have its Covid-19 vaccine authorized for use in India. The company has promised to resubmit the application once it gathers more data.

The US-based drug-maker said that the decision was taken after a meeting with an expert panel from India’s state regulator on Wednesday.

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Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Golf on the Moon

Written by BBC

Fifty years ago this week, Alan Shepard famously hit two golf balls on the Moon. The first he shanked into a crater. The second he claimed to have smashed “miles and miles and miles”.

Now, while all golfers are prone to hyperbole, Shepard, who was commander of Nasa’s Apollo 14 mission, could well have hit his ball that far on 6 February 1971 – despite only using a makeshift six iron that he had fashioned out of a collapsible tool designed to scoop lunar rock samples, and which he had sneaked aboard in a sock.

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The Foundations & Flaws of Viral Theory – Dr Tom Cowan

Written by Jim Fetzer

Tom Cowan demolishes current virology theory, showing it to be an emperor with no clothes. With characteristic logic, humor and subtle sarcasm he explains in common terms how we’re all being sold a ridiculous paradigm in the name of “science.” HIGHLY recommended!!!

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Why Planck’s Law is Wrong

Written by Herb Rose


Light is an electromagnetic wave. This was shown by the Young experiment where when light passes through two closely spaced thin slits it produces an interference pattern. The light, like moving water, flows around objects changing the direction of flow causing the waves to cancel out it some areas and reinforce in other areas.

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Zero Emissions – A Baited Hook?

Written by Viv Forbes

“Zero emissions” requires no diesel, petrol or gas-fuelled cars, trucks, tractors or dozers and no burning of coal or gas for electricity generation. But without nuclear power or a massive increase in hydro-electricity, green energy will not support metal refining or manufacturing, and domestic electricity usage will be rationed.

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Global Warming Alarmists Still Pushing Sea Level Hysteria

Written by Dr Jay Lehr and Terigi Ciccone

Politicians, actors, and “climate activists” warn us regularly that meltwater from massive ice sheets in the Antarctic and the Arctic will soon drown our coastal towns and cities, and the process will become “irreversible.”

Graphic photoshopped pictures of New York skyscrapers show water reaching many upper floors. Miami is shown vanishing under the sea. (pictured)

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Covid: The woeful case for asymptomatic transmission

Written by Clare Craig and Jonathan Engler


Dr Clare Craig, a pathologist, and her colleague Dr Jonathan Engler have examined the research evidence behind the claim that Covid-19 can be transmitted by asymptomatic individuals. They have written an important paper on the subject which was first published in Lockdown Sceptics. The first part of this article is the writers’ summary of their findings. It is followed by the full paper.

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