The consultation seeked views on the Scottish Government’s proposals for delivering ‘‘Anne’s Law’’ in primary legislation.
NEW:Exclusive|Anne’s Law consultation responses
Written by Biologyphenom
Written by Biologyphenom
The consultation seeked views on the Scottish Government’s proposals for delivering ‘‘Anne’s Law’’ in primary legislation.
Written by Martin Neil and Norman Fenton
Before we go into vaccine case control studies the bias issue at hand is pretty easy to understand and it might surprise you to learn that you have probably already encountered it in everyday life, from dating and when forming friendships
Written by George Bunn
A woman has won a “landmark” case against a council arguing she was kept awake by streetlights
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
The late great P.J. O’Rourke once wrote, in The Atlantic in April 2002, that: “Beyond a certain point complexity is fraud…. when someone creates a system in which you can’t tell whether or not you’re being fooled, you’re being fooled.”
Written by Frank Bergman
An explosive study has sent shockwaves through the medical and scientific communities after finding that Covid mRNA shots are “directly” linked to 74% of all recorded deaths.
Written by Richard Eldred
When the Washington Post set out to map 485 million years of global temperatures, it uncovered an inconvenient truth in the ‘climate change’ story: Earth’s been on a 50-million-year cool-down
Written by Jo Nova
Written by Michelle Starr
The most powerful solar telescope on Earth has just given us a key to help unlock the magnetic mysteries of the Sun.
Written by Hannes Sarv
In 2020, Dr. Matthew Wielicki, then still an Associate Professor in the Department of Geology at the University of Alabama, noticed a great deal of anxiety in his students.
Written by Phillip.Altman
From the very beginning, the Australian government and so-called “health experts” said the COVID-19 “vaccines” were “safe”. Period. The public believed them.
Written by Marc Cheong & Wonsun Shin
When it comes to our experience of the internet, “the times, they are a-changin’“, as Bob Dylan would say
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
The latest, greatest exercise in absurd climate-modeling hubris is the frankly preposterous project to create “Digital Twins of the Earth” inside the models, to overcome their hopelessly limited power to simulate the actual climate by, um, PR or something
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
Scientific American’s recent endorsement of Kamala Harris brought me back to Nature’s endorsement of Joe Biden in 2020, both of which signal a stark departure from the traditionally apolitical stance science journals have historically taken
Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola
What if the masterminds behind your favorite snacks aren’t food scientists but tobacco executives?
Written by Will Jones
Being vaccinated against Covid sharply increased the risk heart attack patients would die or suffer heart failure after heart attacks, a major new peer-reviewed study in leading journal Vaccine shows.
Written by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D
A paper published Thursday by leading proponents of the “zoonotic” theory of the origin of COVID-19 doubles down on the theory .