CDC Data Shows Vaccine Related Deaths Skyrocketing

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Image: Reuters

There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 3 months than there were the entire past decade. The number of deaths related to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed.  According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 in less than 3 months, we have already seen over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.

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The Death Of Science And ‘Scientific American’

Written by climatechangedispatch

The great legacy publication, Scientific American, is dead. It’s still in print, but it is no longer either scientific or American. In an article described by a friend as, “a hailstorm of impenetrable academic verbiage, dictated by a Ph.D. trying to out-preen the race and climate-change virtue signalers,” the publication has stepped through the woke looking-glass and emerged as self-parody.

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Fulvic Acid Shown As Beneficial in Chronic Inflammatory illnesses

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Chronic inflammatory diseases like diabetes are on a rise in the Western world. Based on the tsunami of new cases every year, new therapeutic measures must be considered. A promising avenue might involve the attenuation of underlying inflammation through natural health products (NHPs). This is because most NHPs have a rich history in traditional medicine and might be considered safer under appropriate doses and conditions.

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Zambia, nuclear power and Edwin Simfukwe’s story

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Image: Zambia Daily Mail

This newsletter is intended for students, teachers, parents, people in many industries, and leaders in business and government. It is sent to people in 124 countries. We discuss energy, energy by-products, the environment, people who use energy and politicians who make energy decisions. The Newsletter Supplement focuses on a single subject, the story of Edwin Simfukwe and the develoment of nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and nuclear medicine in Zambia.

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Virus Origins: Cecil Rhodes and Henry (Rothschild) de Worms

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Cecil Rhodes. Image: The Commentator

HISTORICAL COLD CASE REOPENED: Oxford University has just been discovered to have whitewashed Cecil Rhodes’ biography. This omission hides Crown, Privy Council, Rothschild, Wellcome & Rhodes duplicity in (1) Wellcome Trust, Gates Foundation, U.S. DARPA, UK, WHO, EU Coronavirus bio-warfare & (2) 2nd Boer War concentration camps that killed over 60,000 people, incl. 14,000 children, between 1899-1902 to create a De Beers / British monopoly over South African diamonds and gold.

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First lawsuit against COVID-19 vaccine mandate filed in US

Written by lifesitenews-com

March 26, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Legal challenges to COVID-19 vaccine mandates have begun in the U.S., with the first lawsuit against compulsory coronavirus vaccination filed late last month in New Mexico. Corrections officer Isaac Legaretta sued his supervisors and local officials on February 28, after New Mexico’s Doña Ana County mandated COVID-19 vaccine injections for all first responders.

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