IEA report claims All Fossil Fuels Should Stay in the Ground

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Image: Wall Street Journal

To avoid the most catastrophic effects of the climate emergency, countries around the world must immediately transition from extracting and burning fossil fuels to utilizing renewable sources like solar and wind, the International Energy Agency said Tuesday in a landmark report detailing what governments need to do to achieve a net-zero energy system by 2050.

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Toxicologist To CDC: COVID Vaccines May ‘Sterilize An Entire Generation’

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Lifesitenews is reporting that renowned toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D, warned a meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) — which had convened last month to discuss blood disorders linked to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine — that these vaccines “must be halted immediately” over the permanent damage they cause to women’s reproductive health:

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The last COVID-hysteric argument against us exploded

Written by Tom Woods

Image: Die Welt

Yesterday I released my COVID charts quiz, whose point was to show that it’s impossible to figure out which places ruined people’s lives over COVID and which didn’t. One person wrote to say: my friend is complaining that the quiz doesn’t take population density into account (even though the quiz often compares places that are right next to each other).So let’s take this opportunity to dispense with this objection once and for all

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