The Fauci Dossier

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Dr. Douglas Gabriel writes: “This is enough to put Fauci and Obama in jail for the rest of their lives. No fluff, just indictable evidence that is conclusive. Dr. Martin is one of the most recognized experts in biomedical patents, bioweapon proliferation, and the laws that govern such illegal activities in America. He has testified before the U. S. Congress numerous times and is the spokesperson for an organization that does this type of work professionally.

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Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

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There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field.

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Mystery US Bird-killing Plague Has Got A Lot Worse

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Large numbers of birds are dropping dead from a “mystery disease” throughout much of the eastern half of the country, and scientists still have absolutely no idea why this is happening.  They have tested the dead birds for a whole host of known illnesses, but those tests have not revealed the cause of this plague.

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Medical Industry WhistleBlower: ‘They’re Not Offering Informed Consent’

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Last week, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) came to speak in Kansas City, Missouri. AFLDS founder Dr. Simone Gold brought her message that COVID-19 is nothing to fear and that there are treatments available. At the start of the pandemic, she was fired after speaking out in support of anti-malaria medication hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

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A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction

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The world’s richest medical research foundation, the Wellcome Trust, has teamed up with a pair of former DARPA directors who built Silicon Valley’s skunkworks to usher in an age of nightmarish surveillance, including for babies as young as three months old. Their agenda can only advance if we allow it.

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Elite Wonder Weapon: enjoy your Faucist voodoo jabs

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The Masks being used and currently marketed contain Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles. The Swabs used in both PCR and Antigen tests also contained Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles (GOnPs). COVID ‘vaccines’ in all their Variants: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of GOnPs.

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Let’s Stop Talking Fossil Fuels And Talk “Tech Maps” – What?

Written by Dr. Jay Lehr

Most people are familiar with the idea of six degrees of separation—that everyone on the planet is separated by only six relationships. I want to introduce you to the idea of “70 degrees of connection”. In today’s world we all desire a comfortable temperature of about 70 degrees most of the time. People talk about climate change, but the desire for a 70-degree personal space—safely separated from the elements that endanger us—is a dominant force in our lives.

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