Hello readers, we have returned with more fun and sharing of grounded 101 principles in the fields of energy and power generation for your reading pleasure.
Two newstudies underscore the urgency of research on microplastics, reporting that potential health and environmental risks from “leave-on” cosmetic and personal care products are largely ignored by researchers and regulators.
According to a new study, weather station data has been shown to non-climatically and erroneously record warmer-than-actual temperatures due to the steady and perpetual aging process almost universally observed in temperature gauges.
In a recent piece in the New York Times, Dr. Rachel Bedard – who specialises in “medicine and criminal justice” – said the world needs to move on from the whole Covid catastrophe, the pandemic response, the wholesale destruction of liberties.
The BBC Weather app incorrectly forecast winds of 15,000mph in Oxford Circus and temperatures of 404°C in Nottingham amid a countrywide software failure. The Telegraph has the story.
Low natural gas prices, hotter summer weather, and new generation capacity sent U.S. natural gas-fired power generation to a new all-time high this summer, on some days of which gas-fired electricity made up nearly half of total power output
The covid gene-vaccines cause cancer. UK Oncology Professor Angus Dalgleish and US critical care doctor Paul Marik (pictured) on tour for AMPS have sound advice to minimise risk
It is now, or should be, common knowledge that electric vehicles—cars, trucks, buses, bikes, scooters—under conditions of even low humidity or water damage, are prone to catching fire, owing to the unstable nature of the lithium-ion battery
Climate racketeers have incentivized the media to blare the talking point that human-induced ‘climate change’ has made Atlantic tropical storms more powerful than they were in the past
stress, take off, landing, stress during flight! it is the cause…you have to prove it is not…we need his vaccine history for the deadly Malone et al. mRNA vaccine and booster history! When was the last one?