This is a multicenter study, which is aimed to investigate the efficacy of the Ivermectine drug in high risk COVID-19 patients.
Ivermectin Treatment Efficacy in Covid-19 High Risk Patients (I-TECH)
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This is a multicenter study, which is aimed to investigate the efficacy of the Ivermectine drug in high risk COVID-19 patients.
Written by Pfizer Clinical Trials
Clinical trials help us learn more about ways to prevent or treat medical conditions. Research must show a study medicine is safe and effective before it can be approved for use.
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Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine.
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CDC Director Rochelle Walensky says the federal health agency is working quickly on a COVID-19 vaccine for younger children between the ages of 5 and 11.
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Authorities in the United Kingdom are so desperate to vaccinate children that they decided to disregard the decision made by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation to not recommend children are given the jab and tasked the Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty with making the decision instead, and he has now decided that the experimental treatment should be rolled out to children with immediate effect.
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) threatens vulnerable patient populations, resulting in immense pressures at the local, regional, national, and international levels to contain the virus. Laboratory-based studies demonstrate that masks may offer benefit in reducing the spread of droplet-based illnesses, but few data are available to assess mask effects via executive order on a population basis.
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An international group of vaccine experts, including officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and World Health Organization (WHO), says there’s no evidence to suggest that the general population needs COVID-19 vaccine booster shots.
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Lara Logan notes how Joe Biden is using the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as the compliance mechanism to enforce mandatory COVID vaccination as a requirement for continued employment; and contrasts Biden’s announcement against the earlier press release from OSHA in May of this year. We wrote about it HERE.
Written by John Droz, jr.
Written by The Guardian
Western lowland gorillas are believed to have caught the virus from a zookeeper claim ‘zoo officials’.
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An electrical device that “gives DNA vaccines the boost they need to work in humans” receives $71M from the U.S. Dept of Defense.
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The Omega Brief is a consolidation of evidence of criminal activity provided by national and international expert witnesses, revealing bad actors who are responsible for the coronavirus pandemic.
Written by BBC
Plans to introduce vaccine passports for access into nightclubs and large events in England will NOT go ahead, the health secretary has said.
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National File has obtained a recording of a Zoom video conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a group of 20 hospitals, clinics, and offices that treat patients in North Carolina and South Carolina.
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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed in a new report that the average temperature during this summer for the contiguous U.S. was hotter than the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.
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Spot the dog? No, we couldn’t either because Spot is a robot employed by United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. Plans to send remote devices to work at 70-year-old decommissioned nuclear power station may not be so barking.