Retired Australian geophysicist and long-term follower of the climate debate; Bevan Dockery, explains in his concise essay why the ‘science’ behind climate alarm is premised on little more than unproven assumptions about how ‘greenhouse gases’ operate in our open atmosphere
Much fanfare has been lavished on the concept of Artificial Intelligence in the past five years to the point that its primacy is treated in the media as a forgone conclusion
MIT SMR Connections, an “independent content creation unit within MIT Sloan Management Review,” recently published an AI “strategy guide” commissioned by Anthology, Inc
When Henrietta Simoes’ healthy, flourishing 34-year-old son Victor died suddenly on May 6, 2021, 16 days after his first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, she began seeking answers.
Most discussions of India’s annual budget are being dominated by the increased taxation of the middle class. But many media entities—both in India and the West—overlooked the country’s decision to increase its coal consumption
In February 2022 the green billionaire-funded Carbon Brief reported that a rise of 0.3ºC in the current global temperature would kill off 99.8% of coral with the rest going as a result of another 0.5ºC of warming.
Wooden remains of two Roman wells – one of which had collapsed before it could even be used – have revealed “a failure of Roman engineering on an industrial scale”
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