From COP26 to COVID19: Two Sides of the Same Lie

Written by Matthew Ehret

Too few among today’s citizens have come to the realization that the very same tactics used to spread fear of global warming and the demonization of a CO2 as the causal agency for climate change, is identical in principle to those techniques used to spread hysteria over a new pandemic.

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“Horrific” COVID Hospital Practices Exposed By New Medical Lawsuits

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Attorneys, medical doctors, and family members of COVID-19 victims have described and offered recordings of what the Truth for Health Foundation calls “horrific hospital violations of human rights,” including denial of intravenous fluids to patients, denial of access to patients by families, attorneys, and others, and the imposition of remdesivir on patients despite risks of kidney and liver damage from that drug and the availability of possibly safer alternatives, such as ivermectin.

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Newest Climate Change Narrative Is a Clear and Present Danger

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Never has America witnessed a more narrative-driven phenomenon than the so-called “Energy Transition,” the popular term used to describe what Green New Deal politicians and the climate alarmist lobby hope will become a mass move to renewables in power generation and electric vehicles (EVs) in transportation in the coming years.

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Modern domestic horses’ homeland in southwestern Russia

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Much of human history was made astride, or beside, a horse. The animal’s stolid speed and strength powered massive migrations of people, pulled plows that transformed agriculture and revolutionized warfare. Now, researchers have pinpointed where and when horse and human history became intertwined.

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