Health care workers who cannot take a COVID-19 vaccine due to medical, religious, or ethical objections are being fired from hospitals that mandated the shots for their staff members.
In the last few days, the media has been reporting Austria and Germany have reinstated draconian lockdowns, but this apparently only applies to the unvaxxed.
Amidst the constant barrage of modern apocalyptic fear porn masquerading behind a pseudo-scientific veneer, we are told day in and day out that the world is racing to an ecological disaster that will undoubtedly destroy all life under floods and heat caused by human activity.
Various climate skeptical publications have summed up the COP26 summit, and the ‘consensus’ seems to be it should be renamed FLOP26, as it essentially (and thankfully) achieved nothing.
Some people, not all of them liberals, think that electric vehicles are the wave of the future, part of an inevitable “green” revolution. But the facts suggest otherwise.
As the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow wraps up, the oil and gas industries are once again the villains of the piece (coal of course is already beyond the pale).
A handful of local governments in Maine have begun halting construction of solar panel arrays as the installations slowly become the norm in the state.
Norway faces hard choices over the future of two major wind farms stripped of their licences for jeopardising the way of life of Sami reindeer herders, but it remains unclear whether they should be dismantled, the energy minister said.