Whatever You Do, Don’t Think of the Children

Written by dailysceptic.org

There follows a guest post by Dr. David McGrogan, a Professor at Northumbria Law School and Daily Sceptic regular. He has just been notified of another round of utterly pointless restrictions on what children and their parents are able to do in the coming weeks and months because of the super-scary moronic omicron variant.

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Surprised? Pfizer, BioNTech Say Jab for New ‘Omicron’ Strain Ready in 100 days

Written by bizpacreview.com

The discovery of yet another COVID variant could be a boon to pharmaceutical companies which have already cashed in on vaccines and are moving with lightning fast speed to produce yet another “jab” to protect against the omicron strain, the latest in a potentially endless string of mutations that could fuel the industry for years to come.

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The silly science of climate alarmism

Written by cfact.org

You may think that climate science is complicated and that the scientists who are alarmed about climate change know what they are doing. Well, yes and no. The climate is complicated but scientists have bought into some very silly science.

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Worldometer Italian Covid death figure 97% too high

Written by Andy Rowlands

In November, we carried an article by globalresearch that said the Italian Higher Institute of Health had drastically reduced the country’s official COVID death toll number by over 97 per cent after changing the definition of a fatality to someone who died from COVID rather than with COVID.

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