One word that should have been uttered quite a bit during last week’s Democratic National Convention — “climate,” a top issue for much of the party’s base — was pretty much missing in action. [emphasis, links added]
Climate policy in the Western world has not delivered what it promised. Certainly to hear the alarmists tell it, there has not been an improvement in the weather, instead we’re in hell or some such place
We’ve noticed over the last couple of decades a repeating cycle in which finger-wagging scolds tell us that we need to drop some of the conveniences of modernity as sacrifices to Gaia, our Mother Earth
Antidepressants have helped millions of people worldwide since the 1950s. But have you ever wondered what happens to these drugs once they leave our bodies?
There are several key pillars to Western governments’ climate policies, including wind and solar power and ‘carbon’ pricing. But a major one everywhere is forcing people to “choose” electric vehicles
The government and so-called “health experts”, who are masters of misinformation and disinformation, are grabbing at any excuse to explain the continued rise in unexplained Non-Covid Excess deaths following the rollout of the Covid shots
Human Progressexcerpted a paywalled article from Bloomberg discussing the fact that major crops are expected to continue to set records in the 2024/2025 crop year
ViroLIEgy 101 is a series of articles meant to provide relatively short (by my standards) and concise explanations of key concepts regarding both germ “theory” and virology.
The mainstream climate discourse often insists that the increase in atmospheric CO2 is almost entirely driven by human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels.
The mainstream narrative surrounding sea level rise has long been dominated by statements from organizations like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and mainstream media (MSM) outlets