Volkswagen is mired in deep crisis. This flagship of the German automobile industry and symbol of our postwar economic miracle is awash in debt, battered by unrelentingly high labour and energy prices
Instances of censorship are growing to the point of normalization. Despite ongoing litigation and more public attention, mainstream social media censorship has been more ferocious in recent months than ever before
New research provides evidence that chemicals used in farming may be more harmful to insects than previously thought, contributing to worldwide declines in important species.
Using U.S. taxpayer dollars, researchers at two universities are identifying older people behind on their recommended vaccines and testing personalized “nudges” to coax them into getting more shots.
Under the new status, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its employees are exempt from legal action for acts performed in Kenya as part of their official foundation duties
A story in Blacklock’s Reporter brings the grim news that “Barely one percent of road vehicles in Canada are battery-powered electrics, Statistics Canada said yesterday.” Not very many, is it?
The recent floods in Valencia, Spain, have nothing to do with ‘climate change’ and everything to do with ignored infrastructure needs and poor urban planning
I have noticed in my practice that nearly all of those with serious COVID-19 vaccine syndromes including myocarditis, blood clots, and other live-threatening problems received their first shots either in December 2020 or early 2021.
Whenever discussing renewables subsidies on the internet, there is a form of Godwin’s Law that means it is inevitable that someone will come along and say:
Over the last decade as offshore wind farms proliferated around the U.K., there has been a disturbing rise in coastline strandings of whales, dolphins and porpoises.