Belgium should keep an open mind about extending the life-span of its remaining nuclear power plants, the country’s Green energy minister said on Monday, in a shift of position prompted by the conflict in Ukraine.
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Belgium should keep an open mind about extending the life-span of its remaining nuclear power plants, the country’s Green energy minister said on Monday, in a shift of position prompted by the conflict in Ukraine.
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There are indications the World Health Organisation is preparing to instigate a grab for world dominance on May 1st, 2022.
Written by National Institutes for Health
An important new paper from the US National Library of Medicine suggests there may be a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications, including 5G.
Written by The Daily Mail
Did flawed PCR tests convince us Covid was worse than it really was? Britain’s entire response was based on results – but one scientist says they should have been axed a year ago
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After receiving an initial dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Li Jun’s 4-year-old daughter developed a fever and began coughing, which quickly subsided following intravenous therapy at a hospital.
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Most people think of our DNA as solely a molecular structure that chemically codes for making the components of our body.
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Doppler radar can be divided into several different categories according to the wavelength of the radar. The different bands are L,S,C,X,K. The names of the radars originate from the days of WWII.
Written by Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D.
Dear Lord – forgive us and help us save from the humiliation we are about to face.
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Sensitive biolabs documents deleted by US Embassy and published by GreatGameIndia expose that it was former US President Barack Obama himself who authorized the construction of biolabs in Ukraine for creating dangerous pathogens.
Written by The Daily Mail
It may bear more of a resemblance to a giant pram, but this bizarre looking lunar rover is actually a new prototype to carry astronauts across the moon’s surface in the coming decades.
Written by PSI Editor
Written by Thomas Richard
Todd Callender, Dr. Pete Chambers, Nick Winters, John Wilcox join the SGT Report for this lengthy discussion about the experimental jab technology and 5G smartphones, which are all linked as it pertains to the eugenicists’ kill grid.
In it, they discuss how 5G is related to the pandemic, and how the 5G grid is a much bigger issue than most people realize given the type of microwaves used and the smartphone technology. (Video after the jump)
Written by John O'Sullivan
Last year a Principia Scientific International (PSI) article told of my two-year (unpaid) trial taking CBD supplements. We have published several articles on the proven scientific benefits (see below). For our UK readers, we post this further endorsement of the product I used, with a timely 10 percent discount on your purchase. I’m delighted with the results – so, what have you got to lose?
Written by Dr Tess Lawrie
In October 2020 Dr Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organisation on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.
Written by The Dr. David Gortler Interview
When a former Yale University professor and former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Medical Officer appointed by the White House is dismissed by an incoming president, and all of his non-partisan, ongoing public health projects are abruptly terminated, alarm bells should start to ring. Dr. David Gortler (pictured above, inset) was forced to resign from his senior executive leadership position at the FDA in 2019 after serving Americans for a little over one year.
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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to pile further pressure on chip manufacturing as a squeeze on the supply of rare gases critical to the production process adds to pandemic-related disruptions.