Evidence-based medicine has been corrupted by corporate interests, failed regulation and commercialisation of academia, which act to suppress negative trial results, conceal adverse events and withhold raw data from the academic research community, according to a peer-reviewed article in the British Medical Journal by Jon Jureidini of the University of Adelaide and Leemon B. McHenry of California State University.
A new report from National Geographic indicates that scientists are now working on “self-spreading vaccines” that can jump from vaccinated to unvaccinated populations.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the U.S. government’s major operating components, an agency under the Department of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Danny Altmann, Professor of Immunology at Imperial College London, has admitted that the emergence of the highly immune-evasive SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron came as a surprise to most experts in the field.
They are now coming out with the announcement that they want to continue with, yes, nano-chips in medicines. In this case tablets. Of course, we already found out that nanochips with a tracking device are in those Covid shots. So what else is in them?
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If you are even a semi-regular reader of this blog, you know about the energy storage problem that is inherent in the effort to eliminate dispatchable ‘fossil fuels’ from the electricity generation system and replace them with wind and solar.