It is a universal fact that prescriptions, by suppressing or enhancing certain biological pathways, induce unnatural effects in the body.
When Prescriptions Harm You
Written by Health 1+1 and Marina Zhang
Written by Health 1+1 and Marina Zhang
It is a universal fact that prescriptions, by suppressing or enhancing certain biological pathways, induce unnatural effects in the body.
Written by Meryl Nass MD
Many older vaccines are already approved for this coming flu season, while many others remain in development.
Written by Roman Balmakov and PSI Editor
In part two of this interview with Dr. Robert Malone, he describes a recent study, conducted in the Netherlands, showing a pattern of increased all-cause mortality deaths one week after an increased push in vaccination rates.
Written by Joel Smalley
Adriana Midori Takara, a healthy, 38 year-old woman from NSW was reported to have died from COVID-19, close to the start of Australia’s manic vaccination drive and her death was used to promote it.
Written by Dr Paul Alexander
Removing data describing the gravest medical crisis in known history has some consequences
Written by The Conservative Treehouse
McDonalds has announced they are dropping their program testing plant-based meats because people didn’t like it.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
An article in the Billings Gazette claims that severe flooding in Yellowstone National Park will become more common and frequent due to climate change. This claim is false.
Written by Joel Smalley
Rates of heart failure were substantially lower in spring 2020, but are now substantially higher since January 2021 when Covid ‘vaccines’ were rolled out
Written by Tom Woods
I spent two years reviewing the dreary results that any fool had to expect from the lockdowns and all the madness.
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
If you or someone you love still does not understand the risks of the COVID jab, watch the video “mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff,”
Written by Claes Johnson
Computational BlackBody Radiation offers a new proof of the Planck-Stefan-Boltzmann Law PSB.
Written by Claes Johnson
The discussion with Will Happer recorded in the previous post concerns the question what pyrgeometers and bolometers primarily measure: (a) temperature or (b) radiative heat energy flux. Will says (b) and I say (a).
Written by John Dee
Today I am going to use the methodology developed for parts 1 and 2 of this series to look at daily certified death across England for the next slice, this being the period Sep 2020 – May 2021 which saw the second and third wave of cases, viral variants and vaccination roll-out (among other things).
Written by Senator Malcolm Roberts
Climate alarmists have continually claimed that the Great Barrier Reef is dying because of Climate Change. Unfortunately for them, record coral cover and growth over the last two years is shooting a hole in that narrative.
Written by John O'Sullivan
August 07, 2022 – Hi and welcome to another episode of Sky Dragon Slaying where we bring you the truth on science and current affairs the mainstream would rather you didn’t know.
Written by PSI Editor
A new video discusses the creation of the first synthetic cell in which the active DNA was made by a computer. By taking a simple bacteria cell, researchers then remove the genetic material. They then inserted the new DNA created from four bottles of chemicals into the empty cell.