For three decades, climate campaigners have fought to make fossil fuels so expensive that people would be forced to abandon them. But now there is a “mad scramble” across Europe to return to coal and gas after a “drought in wind” occurred last summer.
There has been some discussion online about whether the UN’s article entitled “The Benefits Of Hunger” was satire. The UN Chronicle is now claiming — after being online for 14 years — that the essay is “satire.”
In Austria, the Minister of Health acknowledges the problems with the vaccines, so he throws the Austrian docs under the bus. Why? Because denial is no longer working and you have to blame someone!
Researchers from the University of South Australia are urging renewable energy companies in the state to come up with an end-of-life plan for their ageing wind turbines.
World Health Organization (WHO) Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reportedly admitted to a senior European politician that the virus that causes COVID-19 most likely came out of a Wuhan lab.
Vaccine myocarditis—deemed a vastly exaggerated risk used to promote anti-vaccine hysteria—has been demonstrated in a multitude of studies to be an alarming population-level risk in men under the age of 40.
Because of Dr. Nath’s epic failure to find a link between the COVID vaccines and your vaccine injury, you’ve been thrown under the bus. Is he inept or corrupt? I’ll tell you what I really think.
Geologist Ian Plimer argues Australia is already at net zero because the nation’s wealth of vegetation sequesters more carbon dioxide than the output of the population.
Agent provocateurs were caught on camera infiltrating the Netherlands’ anti-green agenda protests. Are they trying to pull stunts to make the genuine demonstrators look bad?
We share the truth about what happened there, expose the mainstream media lies, share our thoughts on the Federal Government freezing Canadian bank accounts, and touch on the ‘new’ government initiative, the Digital ID program. We feel it is important to share our thoughts on this event from the youth’s perspective.
The house of the Rothschild bankers reluctantly confirms the undeniable. Greta Thunberg is a blood relative of the notorious Rothschild chain of nation-buyers. It explains much about the precocious adolescent’s celebrity status drooled over by presidents and prime ministers – and, of course, the slobbering ‘on-message’ media barons of the Western swamps.